The Zudjari, also known as Outsiders, are a militaristic species governed by a hive mind known as Mosaic. The Zudjari are responsible for an attempted invasion of Earth in 1962, prompting the initial establishment of the XCOM initiative.
The Zudjari are a humanoid species with grey skin, bald and slanted heads and a vertical mouth. They are responsible for the conquest of other planets and civilisations before invading Earth. Their technology includes laser and plasma weaponry, teleportation, heavily armed and armoured starships and even mind control capabilities.
The Zudjari are united and controlled by a collective intelligence known as Mosaic, enthralling them to the will of their leader, Origin. However, when a Zudjari infiltrator was captured by XCOM, a neural implant was removed during interrogation, severing the infiltrator from Mosaic. The Zudjari in question immediately became far more cooperative with his Human captors and willingly provided intel to aid in their war effort, expressing a desire to free the rest of his people from Mosaic.
In addition to their own soldiers during the Earth invasion, the Zudjari also made use of other species as auxiliary units. Silacoids were created to be used as bioweapons, Sectoids as slaves and cannon fodder, and even Muton mercenaries to provide heavy support.
At an unknown point in their history, a Zudjari scientist known as Origin came into contact with an Ethereal known as Shamash. Lacking a physical form, Shamash bonded with Origin, providing him with psionic power as well as influencing his mind. Under Shamash's guidance, Origin created a telepathic communications network known as Mosaic, using it to unite the Zudjari race. However, despite her intention of guiding the Zudjari to prosperity, Shamash was betrayed by Origin, who severed their bond and imprisoned her within the core of the Mosaic to serve as its power source. Origin proceeded to use Mosaic to seize control over the minds of the rest of the Zudjari, turning his own species into an army of subservient thralls. Some time later, the Zudjari left their dying homeworld in search of a new home.
In 1962, the Zudjari launched a full-scale invasion of Earth, employing the use of Sectoid slaves and Muton mercenaries as auxiliary forces. In preparation for their invasion, the Zudjari also introduced a mind-altering pathogen into the Earth's water supplies, turning Humans into mind-controlled puppets known as Sleepwalkers. This invasion resulted in the activation of the XCOM project, a secret organisation dedicated to defending Earth from extra-terrestrial threats. Over the course of their war with Humanity, the Zudjari constructed numerous facilities within the cities they conquered for various purposes, including the transportation of Sleepwalker slaves to their homeworld. They also deployed an Infiltrator to sabotage XCOM from within, but he was captured and interrogated by the Humans. During this time, the Infiltrator's connection to Mosaic was severed, allowing him to think for himself. Realising his kind were all slaves to Origin, the Infiltrator cooperated with XCOM and provided them with valuable information regarding Mosaic and Origin in the hope the potential destruction of Mosaic would free the rest of the Zudjari from Origin's influence.
Thanks to the efforts of XCOM operative William Carter, XCOM achieved multiple key victories against the Zudjari, including the assassination of the Zudjari general known as Axis and acquiring the means to assault the Zudjari homeworld. During this incursion, Carter discovered the core of Mosaic and retrieved Shamash before detonating an Elerium-enhanced nuclear bomb at the site, seemingly destroying the Mosaic and killing Origin.
Despite his death, Origin's consciousness was preserved within Mosaic, allowing him to maintain limited control over the Zudjari, although their invasion army was left in chaos. Many Zudjari simply went berserk or catatonic, some even surrendering to XCOM. However, the Humans lost the advantage when the captured Infiltrator agreed to reconnect to Mosaic to locate the new core of the network. Despite acquiring the information they needed, XCOM all but collapsed when the Infiltrator's reconnection exposed the location of their base to Origin. During the assault on XCOM HQ, William Carter had discovered he had been the host of another Ethereal known as Asaru since the war started. Despite Asaru's ignorance of its true nature and desire to protect Humanity, Carter rejected their bond and killed Shamash, threatening to destroy XCOM with another bomb unless Asaru separated from him. Recognising the need for the Ethereal in stopping the Zudjari, other XCOM personnel apprehended Carter and saved Asaru, allowing him to bond with another voluntary host.
To save Earth from a renewed Zudjari invasion, Asaru proposed an assault on Origin's command ship, purging him from Mosaic and using the network to force the remaining Zudjari into surrendering. Despite the overwhelming enemy force and internal conflict from Carter's interference of the mission, Asaru's host reached the Mosaic core once more. Origin was erased entirely and Asaru assumed control of Mosaic, commanding the Zudjari to stand down. Depending on who Asaru chose as his new host, the Zudjari were either eradicated entirely or employed by XCOM to restore Earth before they were permitted to leave Earth in search of a new homeworld, now freed from Origin's influence.