Yuggothians are an extinct species of sapient creatures which inhabited Yuggoth (a.k.a. the dwarf planet Pluto), long before it was colonized by the Mi-Go in the Mesozoic Era.
- The Whisperer in Darkness, by H. P. Lovecraft (1931) (Mentioned only)
- The name of this species is conjectural, based on the name of their homeworld, Yuggoth. Since "Yuggoth" is a Mi-Go word, it's unlikely that this species called themselves Yuggothians.
- In "Out of the Aeons", by H. P. Lovecraft and Hazel Heald, there is mention of a species called "Yuggoth-spawn", which might refer either to this species or the Mi-Go. In the similarly-titled "Out of the Ages", by Lin Carter, the "Yuggoth-spawn" and the "Abominable Mi-Go" are listed separately, suggesting that the former refer to the native Yuggothians.