Alien Species


Xenoborgs were created by Livermore Evanston a mad-man who planned to control the galaxy. He set up a cybernetics organisation on the planet Blior or "hunters planet". He created them by combining genetic modification with cybernetic enhancement. He planned to create a army of Xenoborgs and then use them to take over the universe, crushing any resistance.

When Evanstons plot was discovered a alliance of Human mercenaries and Yautja invaded the bio-factory where the xenoborgs were created. The newly made xenoborgs were called into action. However when being controled by Evanston they were inefectual. They were slow and uncoordinated. However when Evanston lost control the xenomorphs natural instincts took over. They fled, killing anything that got in their way.

The main cybernetic changes to the xenomorphs were that they could be radio controlled and the addition of armour and weapons. The controing equipment was housed in their heads, and allowed someone to control them from a distance via a contol panel, although the range of this control is unknown. The weapons and aromour differed from creature to creature. Quote:"Bigger than normal bugs, they towered over the Predators, armoured and outfitted with with cyborg exoskeletons and extensions, with several arms, all holding weapons of various kinds, from blasters to spears and knives. Nor where they all indentical. Some leaned more toward Qeenhood, drool dripping from their razor-sharp fags, claws curiously tagled with weapns in akward grips.

The quote above also gives a good idea of the weaponry they were armed with. The genetic chenges were mainly focused on the xenoborgs ability to hold guns and other weapons, although they were also fitted with eyes and the book hints at some enhancement of their intelligence. When contol over the xenoborgs failed they reverted to their basic instincts. When this happened the xenoborgs became much more deadly. After their release they moved "With a speed that Machico had never before witnessed". Quickly slaughtering annything that got in their way, they tried to escape and seek shelter however the Yautja killed them all.

Due to the radio control the xenoborgs are very slow and sluggish and can be taken down with relative ease by a agile opponent as their clumsy blows can be easily avoided.

The weapons give uncontroled xenoborgs a marked advantage when met initially but after this enemies expect them and they prove less effective. Never the less they are extreemly proficient in close combat, tearing apart humans with ease and giving Yautja a reasonable fight.

See Also:

Related Species

Xenomorph Castes
