Alien Species

Xenos is a tentative name for an unknown species native to the planet Hrouska.


These creatures are great in size. Three meters long by two meters wide with an enormous mouth filled with teeth and twelve limb-like tentacles that can stretch to five meters apiece. And can easily tear through metal.

Their bodies suggests that they use their tentacles for mobility but are able to roll for speed. A robust species they can survive in the vacuum of space, handle the energy produced by explosive rounds; they can even tolerate plasma blasts.

The species appears to have the ability to absorb information by consuming the brain, allowing instant access to skills and information.


The xenos homeworld came under attack by crew of the Dorso a warship belonging to the United Exploratory Coalition. As Earth at the time was facing ecological disaster and humanity needing a new world, the humans decided to claim Hrouska in the name of the UEC. The humans landed dropships containing Mechs to establish a landing zone however the xenos overwhelmed the human landing party, slaughtering them. After the surviving members of the party pleaded for assistance the commander destroyed the landing site to wipe out the aliens and then called for reinforcements from UEC.

However the aliens are managed to capture some of the dropships and after consuming the brains of their human victims gained insight on how to pilot one of the craft and invade the Dorso, they killed the crew forcing the surviving engineers to one of the escape craft. The xenos though proceeded to pillage the ship, taking all advanced technologies.

As for the humans that escaped to the planet, they were eventually found and eaten. Later the Jethro was sent to investigate a week after the Dorso sent the distress call. However the aliens left on the vessel were waiting for their soldiers. But after some difficulty were eliminated.

They found that the aliens had adapted to using their technology, arming their warriors with carbines and even armoring themselves in crude armor and creating versions of their own Mechs.

The crew of the Jethro, despite slowly growing aware that they were dealing with an intelligent species, still were determined to claim Hrouskafor themselves. They were all made up of degenerates and outcasts from the UEC who disdained authority and believed that they fought for freedom though it was a crass version of greed no different from the people they were seceding.

The xenos were brutally wiped out after the humans exploded bombs beneath the Earth using the high rich oxygen environment to their advantage, claiming their ill-gotten world in the name of the Freedom Faction.


The species appears to be highly aggressive, though could be understandable given their world was being invaded by an unknown species. They were technologically adept as they were able to replicate the technology and skills of humanity's advanced technology.

They built their cities underground and numbers in the millions prior to their encounter with humanity.


  • Mech Corps by Jake Bible