Alien Species

The Wolfen were a lupine race from the Phase 1 Dimension.


Wolfen are known a barbaric species divided in warring tribes. Their constant infighting and their insistance on clinging to barbaric warrior wars, held them back for centuries. However, in the last few decades the wolfen tribes have united and have quickly grown into a well organized, disciplines and orderly society. They still hold to the ways of the warrior, but have developed into a sophisticated military machine, extremely reminiscent of the ancient Romans of Earth. Although the humans and many other races on their home planet see the wolfen as barbaric, children eating monsters, it is not true. The wolfen are as intelligent, compassionate and civilized as the humans of the same era. This belief is perpetuated out of the humans' own ignorance, hatred, bloody confrontations of the past, and same sense of superiority that led to the demise of the elves and dwarves as the dominant life forms. As humans began to settle the northern portions of the continent they encountered the territorial wolfen. As a warrior people, the wolfen reacted to these settlers and explorers as invaders, and killed them in fair combat. Many are the stories of bloody and gruesome battles and wolfen atrocities, including wolfen warriors tearing out their victim's heart and eating it, decapitation, impalement, and eating babies and children. Only the latter is pure fiction. As a political manuever, the wolfen have been painted as totally inhuman monsters and an enemy of humankind. After all, if the wolfen are horrid monsters, it is okay to invade their lands and slaughter their people in the name of peace and self-defense. Unfortunately, the unified wolfen, with their superior size and strength, are becoming a powerful military force. If the animosityt and agression continues on the part of both humans and wolfen, a terrible war is inevitable. Indeed, a bloody conflict between these two may be unavoidable as they both vie to dominate the land. Only time will tell.
