Whiplashes are a race of serpentine demons, who were cybernetically modified by Union Aerospace Corporation cultists during the invasion of Earth. Like Mancubi and Cyberdemons, none have been seen without cybernetics.
While Whiplashes have only been sighted with extensive cybernetics, it is known that their natural bodies are serpentine beings with a humanoid torso and snake-like lower half, bearing thin arms and a somewhat emaciated frame. Their upper backs appear to be bulging out in what appears to be a rounded, armored, protruding spine. Their heads have what appears to be an exposed brain, hair-like tendrils, a skeletal face with a fanged jaw, and two large horns curving backwards. Notably, they have two retractable bladed whips within their forearms, capable of striking at great distances and giving this demon its name. The traits of being serpentine and bearing whip-like weapons were noted in a UAC report as being traits of the fully organic Whiplashes, so it is very likely that their cybernetic enhancements are near-exact replicas of their original bodies, although it is unknown if their remaining organic parts are still identical to what they were before the enhancements, potentially being discolored like Hell Knights converted to Dread Knights. As cyborgs, Whiplashes have a fully cybernetic tail with components extending up to their torsos, partially exposing their ribcages, cybernetic arms with enhanced whips capable of launching energy waves, and a speaker-like cybernetic in their chests that serves an unknown function. They are also known for their great speed and agility, both with and without cybernetics, often slithering with their entire body flat on the ground. Also notably, all Whiplashes used by the UAC have been female, making them one of four demons to have confirmed female members, the other three species being Vagaries, the Mother of All Demons' species, and Spiderdemons. It is unknown if male Whiplashes exist, or what differences they would have from females. A subspecies of Whiplashes are known as Whiplash Spectres, being invisible like Pinky Spectres through unknown means, possibly through the same modifications.
Whiplashes arose in Hell at an unknown time, inhabiting the black deserts of the Sanctum Wastelands, being quite elusive due to their high speed, and very dangerous due to their natural whips. A subspecies of Whiplashes, Whiplash Spectres, came into existence at another unknown time. At some point in the 22nd century before 2150, possibly during the operation of the Lazarus Project, Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) Hell expeditionary teams, presumably made up of demonic cultists, came across Whiplashes, and desired to use them as assets in the incoming invasion. While initial attempts to capture the Whiplashes were incredibly dangerous, they eventually managed to secure specimens, and began to cybernetically modify them into something deadlier. The first known usage of Whiplashes on the field was during the Maykr-led invasion of Earth, where they fought alongside demonic forces against the Armored Response Coalition (ARC), eventually pushing the ARC to the brink of collapse. However, the Doom Slayer then returned to Earth in a Sentinel space station, seeking out the Hell Priests commanding the ground forces to eliminate them, first killing Deag Nilox. Whiplashes first attacked the Doom Slayer in the artic base of Deag Ranak, the second Hell Priest, but were unable to stop the Slayer from reaching and killing Deag Ranak. Whiplashes continued to fight the Slayer across Earth, Hell, Mars, and Urdak, being among the demons that invaded Urdak after the Icon of Sin broke the holy seal around the dimension, but were slaughtered by the Slayer. After the Icon of Sin was killed, Whiplashes remaining on Earth, along with remaining demonic forces, were pushed back and slowly depleted by a renewed Human resistance. Whiplashes continued to fight the Slayer as he retrieved the Life Sphere of the Dark Lord Davoth, now joined by Whiplash Spectres, but could not stand against him. When the Slayer chased the revived Davoth to the Hell city of Immora, Whiplashes were used to defend the city alongside Jekkadian Demonic Troopers, but were unable to stop the Slayer and the Night Sentinel army with him from breaching the city. All Whiplashes outside of Hell were destroyed when Davoth was killed.
- Doom Eternal (2020)
- Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 1 (2020)
- Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 (2021)