Alien Species

The WarGarm are the elite warriors of the Garm swarm.


WarGarm are described to be nightmarish amalgamations of the lesser broods. They stood easily three meters in height, covered in armor like that of the gorehounds. WarGarm sported scythe appendages like the ripper drones, and carried ferocious projectile weapons in their hands. These projectile weapons emitted a high pitched keening noise and coughed up several twelve inch projectiles similar to quills that can puncture armor and contain horrific toxins.

Unlike the other broods that fought in groups, the WarGarm stalked the battlefields alone, fighting to support the greater actions of their more numerous kin. The Garm on the battlefield would always follow the biggest and the baddest bug in the area and that usually meant the WarGarm.


  • Extinction Fleet 1: Space Marine Ajax by Sean Michael Argo