Vykkers are an Industrialist power from the continent of Mudos on the planet Oddworld.
The Vykkers have a fairly grotesque appearance, even by Industrialist standards, they are permanently hunched over with a skinny body with the exception of a protruding stomach area, they have four arms with tridactyl claws on each hand for the manipulation of their environment, and they have three legs, standing in a tripodal fashion, their heads are large and melon-like, with a mouth full of misshapen teeth with two very beady eyes.
Originally, the Vykkers were arboreal in lifestyle, but at some point in their development, they grew a natural sadism towards creatures weaker than themselves, it is unknown why this is, but due to their own low pain tolerance, it may just be a way of making themselves feel big.
It is unknown which family they belong to, but it is known that they share a family with their slaves, the Interns.
Culture and Society[]
The Vykkers run the highly successful, and aptly named, Vykkers Conglomerate, a highly profitable organisation (even though the Vykkers simply see Moolah as a means by which they can continue their sadistic practices), the most notable member of which of the Conglomerate is Vykkers Labs, a scientific organisation which is mainly just used by Vykkers to let out their sadistic tendencies on the imprisoned creatures (usually Fuzzles) which they capture for these experiments, though mind you, their professional training is quite lacking, as most Vykker scientists are self taught using chemistry sets they purchase from the backs of comic books, but in spite of this, they still have a brimming catalogue of products including Lungbuster Cigarettes, Gum-rot, Babychow, Chillpill, Butt-Flo, and one kind of shampoo which had to be recalled due to several cases of customers having holes burned into their heads.
Though it is usually frowned upon in the corporate world, the Vykkers have collaborated with the Glukkon Magog Cartel, by assisting The Brewmaster with the development of Soulstorm Brew, a highly addictive drink given the the Glukkons' Mudokon slaves, similarly to the Glukkons, the Vykkers have enslaved a cousin race of theirs, the Interns, who like the Glukkons to the Mudokons, they show very little respect.