The Vulgars is a species of Demon involved in the Maledict's second invasion of Mars.
Resembling a more insectoid version of Imps, Vulgars differed in their use of plasma projectiles rather than fireballs, notably weaker than the blasts of Imps and skeletal Hell Knights. They also demonstrated greater speed than Imps, but were quite vulnerable to their own projectiles if caught and thrown back with a kinetic grabber. Additional features include a somewhat humanoid skeletal appearance for their faces, aside from an insectoid lower jaw, small insectoid limbs on their bellies, glowing orange eyes, and a short tail.
Vulgars were used extensively by the Maledict during its second invasion of Mars. Numerous Vulgars were killed by the unnamed Marine who found the artefact the Maledict sought and fought his way through the facility before killing the Maledict itself. Vulgars were never seen before or since this incident, and it is unknown if the Doom Slayer ever fought them. Any Vulgars outside of Hell by the time the Dark Lord Davoth was killed would have been destroyed upon his death, and the rest sealed within Hell.
- Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (2005)