Alien Species

The Vine are an alien species from the world of Loam.


The Vine are humanoid arachnids, possessing six eyes and mandibles. They are a telepathic race, able to shared their minds through a mental plane called the Gatherings.


Millennia ago the Vine were a primitive race living on the lush jungle planet of Loam.  When a strange alien creature arrived on the world of Loam a tribe of Vine bore witness to her final transformation. When the tribe came out to investigate the Armor, the artifact attempted to merge with a Vine tribesman, but due to Vine physiology being incompatible caused the temporary host to die. Before dying the Vine screamed out the name Shanhara.

At one point in the past, the Vine were visited again from the stars by the Torment. According to the oral histories of the Vine the Torment enslaved and ravaged the Vine homeworld. In the legends a Vine managed to become one with the Amor driving away the Torment. This notion is later to be proven as an exaggeration as Vine biology is wholly incompatible in bonding with a Armor. In addition from the various accounts of other races, the Torment always left on their own accord after they finish observing a new world.

The Vine continued to worship the Armor as a god, with Shanhara they development a civilization on Loam creating a vast star empire.

In the year 402 AD the Vine visited the planet Earth in what is modern day Romania. There they planted the very first seedlings and abducted many humans including Aric of Dacia.


The Vine civilization is centered on the worship of the Sacred Armor of Shanhara. After the trauma with the Torment a race of giants that ravaged their world, the Vine took to themselves to preserve their civilization. After advancing as a space faring race, the Vine took measures to safeguard their species. They sent ships out into space looking for worlds that contain life. Should there be sentient life in theses world, the Vine seed plantlings, Vine offspring that can mimic the physiology of any species. The plantling ensure the survival of the species should a Vine civilization is wiped out. The plantling are raised by the natives, unware of their true origins. Plantlings connect with their brethren through the Gatherings. A mental mindscape that allows the Vine share and allow them to communicate through real time. Through the Gatherings Vine shared their experiences and is considered a sacred moment in which no Vine should interpret in the physical world.

The Vine explorers on occasion abduct a few alien specimens as slaves for their gardens. These garden have no agricultural purposes other than worship. Plants from all across the universe are gathered for the sole purpose of adulation and appreciation. 
