Alien Species

Vagaries are a semi-humanoid race of feminine arachnoid demons, possibly related to trunked Mancubi.


Vagaries have humanoid torsos, bearing a thin, feminine form with visible breasts, and appear to have some visible exoskeleton-like segments on their skin, which is a sickly light brown color. While their faces are somewhat Human-like, more than most other demons, they have more exoskeleton plating on their scalps, and six black, round eyes, two of which are roughly in the same place as a Human. Their lower halves are fully arachnid, and black in color, with a clear arachnid abdomen. Strangely, Vagaries appear to be the true "mothers" of trunked Mancubi, as they have been seen carrying malformed Mancubus fetuses within their bodies. It is unknown how the Mancubi are born, as there are no orifices to release them, and they are fairly large, although it is likely their abdomen can open up to release the Mancubi. Despite carrying Mancubi, they appear related to Trites and Ticks, smaller demonic arachnids, which are presumably the spawn of the Vagaries as well, commonly accompanying Vagaries into battle. In terms of abilities, Vagaries have telekinesis, able to throw objects at high speeds at targets, and can spin webs to string up prey. Vagaries are fairly durable, able to survive barrages from energy and kinetic weaponry. The sapience of Vagaries is unknown, as they appear to telepathically whisper to Humans within proximity, able to speak fluent English.


Vagaries arose in Hell, spawning Ticks, Trites, and presumably trunked Mancubi. It is unknown if they were among the demonic armies that battled The Father and the Argenta. However, Vagaries were among a demonic invasion force summoned to a Mars base of the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) in the 22nd century by a Human cultist named Malcom Betruger, where they slaughtered and webbed up several Humans for food, spreading their spawn all over the base. However, an unnamed Human marine found and killed at least three Vagaries while trying to stop the invasion, and another Vagary was found in Hell by a marine from the UAC's Bravo Team, accompanied by several Cherubs, although this Vagary was also slain. No other Vagaries were seen again by Humans. Any Vagaries outside of Hell were destroyed with the death of the Dark Lord Davoth.


  • Doom 3 (2004)