Alien Species

This unnamed heat-generating species was brought to Earth by an alien scientist, and used by a group of criminals during a heist.


The plants somewhat resembles a small light orange tree, with small jagged appendages protruding from several places over its trunk, appearing to be leaves. Most notably, this plant radiates extreme heat, enough to melt through steel, but only in a certain area. Any sensory inputs or other stimuli that prompt the plants to do so are unknown. In Earth's soil, which they can survive in, they can grow at incredible speed, able to quickly uproot trees around them.


In the 1960s, an alien scientist brought seeds of this plant to Earth to test how well they grew in Earth' soil, finding that the plants grew extremely rapidly in the planet's atmosphere. However, a rapidly-growing tree-like plant struck him in the head and knocked him out, also giving him amnesia, allowing some nearby Human criminals to seize his plants and growing materials, including the seeds for the heat-generating plants. Figuring out how the plants worked, the criminals launched a heist using one of the heat-generating plants, planting it in the same pot as a small palm tree within a building containing a vault of valuables. As seen by a security guard, the plant quickly uprooted the palm tree with its growth, and its heat melted the steel vault's door off, allowing the criminals to take the money held within. They presumably took the plant away while making their escape, as the authorities were unable to secure it.


  • Batman Vol 1 #147 (1962)