Alien Species

The Typhon are a genus of amorphous creatures which underwent intensive study from Humans seeking to harness their powers, only to escape captivity and overrun the Talos 1 space station.


The Typhon possess an extremely unusual anatomy between its various types. They appear to be comprised of a black-grey substance exhibiting solid, liquid and gaseous properties simultaneously. In addition to allowing for considerable durability to physical damage, this property also enables them to contort and alter their shape at will. Typhons exist in a variety of forms, from small arachnid-shaped creatures, to large humanoids and floating orb-like masses.

Depending on the species, a Typhon may exhibit a wide range of abilities including shape-shifting, telekinesis, phasing, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, mind control and even mitosis. Typhon mimics are capable of self-replication after feeding, while Typhon Weavers are responsible for the creation of new Typhon. Interestingly, despite their immense biological and neural complexity, Typhon exhibit a lack of mirror neurons. As a result, they are unable to recognize other lifeforms as anything other than prey or enemies, nor are they capable of empathy for their victims.


  • This genus is named after the Greek god "Typhon", the father of monsters in Greek mythology.