Tiabo is a humanoid alien hermit who lived alone for at least two centuries on the planet Gamma VI, with only his avian pet for company.
When the Jupiter 2 crew crashed on the planet, just a few days after escaping from Priplanus, Tiabo refused to believe that they were simple castaways. Feeling threatened by their presence, he created an elaborate deception to try to force them to leave, disguising himself as a general and an army officer, and claiming that his people would retaliate against the Jupiter 2 for their preemptive "attack" on the planet (which actually resulted from a missile launched by the Automated Planet against the Jupiter 2, which thanks to John Robinson's clever maneuvering ended up reaching Gamma VI instead).
Tiabo feared that the Robinsons represented the first of a wave of colonists soon to arrive, and hated the idea of big cities, noise and modernity being introduced to ruin the natural peace of "his" planet. After finding out about his scam, Will Robinson managed to convince Tiabo that they really were harmless castaways, and that the planet was big enough for them all. Tiabo acted more friendly afterwards, even providing Dr. Smith with a cure for the explosive liquid he had accidentally ingested earlier. However, he still showed no desire for neighbors and decided to move away to the planet's other hemisphere instead.
- Lost in Space, s02e04, "Forbidden World" (1966)
- Despite being a hermit, Tiabo does have access to some advanced technology. Presumably, it was brought along when he left his homeworld 200 years earlier.