Alien Species
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This is a full timeline comprised of all major events in interstellar pop-culture. From the Last Great Time War (Doctor Who) to the destruction of the Death Star (Star Wars). From man's first contact with extraterrestrials (Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Arrival, Contact) to the destruction of major planets (Titan A.E., Transformers, DC, Marvel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Star Wars, etc.).

Before time / Before the Universe[]

  • The Light and the Darkness competed in what the latter called a 'garden game'. They would create numerous forms of life, but disagreed over how it should be done. The Light was in favour of infinite forms of life evolving throughout creation, while the Darkness argued that there should only be one, immortal and perpetually prosperous. The two came to blows and their 'garden' was destroyed, establishing the foundation of what would become life in the universe. The Vex and Ahamkara are among the external patterns that entered the universe after its formation. (Destiny)
  • Before time itself, ancient beings of darkness and light ruled the void between universes. Darkness incarnate, known as The Beast, was a being of temptation, sorrow, anger, destruction and the death of hope who has fought against the Disciples of the Light. The Disciples managed to imprison The Beast in the center of a planet called Krop Tor orbiting around a black hole. The Disciples rigged the planet so that if The Beast were to escape Krop Tor, the planet will loose its gravitational orbit with the black hole and fall into the event horizon. Over time and after the Big Bang, the legend of the Beast lived on in the universe after the death of the Disciples which inspired the beliefs in religious figures across the universe such as Lucifer or Satan and many others. (Doctor Who)
  • The Kreeholo seed life throughout the multiverse, using the Summoning Key to access different dimensions. (Call of Duty: Zombies)
  • The Ixtl Empire forms in the universe predating our own. (The Voyage of the Space Beagle)
  • Out of nothingness, an egg appears that later in the creation of the universe Arceus would be born. (Pokémon)
  • Before time, there was nothing, and before nothing, there were monsters and in an agreement between them the multiverse arose. (Adventure Time)
  • A single sentient universe exists called the First Firmament. In its loneliness, it creates the first ever beings called Aspirants. However, a group of them rebel and begin calling themselves Celestials, whose war with the Aspirants causes the Firmament to shatter and create the 2nd Cosmos, a multiverse. 4 more iterations of the multiverse come and go for an unspecified amount of time before the current cosmos, the 7th, begins via Big Bang. (Marvel)
  • The spaceship Infinite was created. (Doctor Who)
  • Six singularities occurred before existence. (Marvel)
  • Taa's civilisation is wiped out during the big bang and the only survivor of this civilization (Galan) is reborn as Galactus in the new universe. (Marvel)
  • The Contemelia and Slime-Biots exist at this time. (Ben 10)

Events dating back and forth through time[]

  • At an unknown point in history, an ancient race of aliens called Time Lords fought in a brutal war with each other at different points in history and even used time as a weapon in their battles with time loops and temporal paradoxes. This was the first Time War. A second war broke out a generation after the rule of Rassilon and lasted for 30,000 years. Instead of each other, the Time Lords fought against other races developing time travel such as the Charon who the Time Lords had destroyed. Later, the Deindum War started as an attempt to erase the Deindum from existence before they develop into a war-like race. As another war between the Time Lords and the Daleks began, a single Time Lord known only as the Doctor decided to destroy the Time Lord home planet Gallifrey in an attempt to eradicate the Dalek race during the Last Great Time War. After an encounter with his future selves, his decision of committing genocide was averted and he and his future selves decided to keep Gallifrey alive by having it reside in a pocket universe trapped in time. In the midst of Gallifrey's transportation into the pocket universe, the Doctor escapes by stealing a Time Lord ship called a TARDIS and deciding to live out the lives of his future selves and travel throughout time and space. (Doctor Who)
  • In the second Time War, an unnamed species created the Reality Bomb and were later eliminated by the Time Lords. (Doctor Who)

20 billion years ago[]

  • The time of the Silastic Armourfiends of Striterax, who build a hyper-intelligent computer called Hactar, which is later pulverized after sabotaging what the Armorfiends intended to be the ultimate weapon. It remains operative as a cloud of interstellar dust and retains the ability to subtly influence minds and matter. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

13.7 billion years ago (the Creation of the Universe)[]

  • A big bang occurs (general scientific belief of the universe's creation), this big bang was caused by Azathoth. A giant amalgamation of limbs, eyes, and mouths floating through space who is a cosmic deity whose very existence caused the creation of the universe. Azathoth later brings three sons into existence: Nyarlathotep, the Nameless Mist, and the Darkness. As Azathoth continued creating and destroying many worlds in the universe, his sons created minions and devised a plan to put Azathoth in a sleep like state and put a halt to his chaos. They succeed and overtime, give existence to Outer Gods such as Cthulhu which have the same cosmic god-like status as Azathoth and his sons. These Outer Gods then bring life to various Great Old Ones who bring life to various alien lifeforms on other preexisting planets. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Within the first few milliseconds of the Universe's existence, the Nibblonians bore witness to the creation of their greatest adversaries, the Brain Spawn. (Futurama)
  • The remnants of the six singularities were forged by the Big Bang into six concentrated ingots which would become known as the Infinity Stones. (Marvel)
  • At the creation of the current universe, the Ixtl Empire is destroyed but at least one individual survives, drifting through space, feeding on the energy emanated by galaxies. (The Voyage of the Space Beagle)
  • The Weeping Angels appear in our universe. (Doctor Who)
  • The Harmony are created at the moment of the universe's birth. (Endless Space)
  • An ethereal species known as the Old Ones seed life throughout the Milky Way Galaxy, including the Eldar. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • A group of Kreeholo start experimenting with the Dark Aether, otherwise known as Hell (this is not likely to be connected to Jekkad, another dimension that would also be called Hell in another universe). These Kreeholo are corrupted by it and wage civil war with their uncorrupted brethren. The corrupted are defeated and banished to the Dark Aether, where they are corrupted even further and become the Apothicons. (Call of Duty: Zombies)
  • The Primeval being known as Davoth creates the multiverse, starting with the realms of Urdak and Jekkad. Designing Jekkad to be a perfect world, Davoth later created the Maykrs to aid him in achieving immortality and sharing it with the Jekkadians. However, the Maykrs recognise and fear the Jekkadians' obsession and unrestrained ambition. Upon achieving immortality themselves, the Maykrs seal Jekkad off from the rest of the multiverse. The Maykr known as the Father took credit for Davoth's creation of existence, while Jekkad was gradually warped and twisted into the dimension known as Hell, with the Jekkadians transforming into the first Demons and Davoth becoming the first Dark Lord, determined to destroy all he had created. (DOOM)

10 billion years ago[]

  • Influenced by Hactar, the Krikkiters evolve and achieve spaceflight. For two thousand years, the galaxy undergoes the most devastating conflict ever recorded, the Krikkit Wars, resulting in over two "grillion" casualties. After the war ends the Krikkiters' homeworld is imprisoned in a Slo-Time envelope. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
  • The Milky Way Galaxy is ruled by the Leviathans, who enthrall every other species they encounter. When their subservient races start creating synthetic lifeforms, which turn on them and destroy them. To ensure the survival of organic life, the Leviathans create an artificial intelligence known as the Catalyst, which begins to gather genetic information from the myriad of species throughout the cosmos. The Catalyst betrays the Leviathans and uses their genetic material to create a fleet of biomechanical machines known as Reapers. At the Catalyst's command, the Reapers eradicate all sapient life in the Milky Way galaxy and retreat to the empty space between galaxies, beginning the cycle of repeating this mass extermination of galactic civilisation every 50,000 years. They also create the Citadel and Mass Relay network to improve the efficiency of their cyclical harvests, as well as a means of dictating future advancement of other species to ensure their own technological superiority. (Mass Effect)
  • The Necrontyr discover the C'tan and attempt to enlist their aid in usurping the Old Ones. Instead, the C'tan takes over the Necrontyr civilisation and transforms them into mindless machines known as Necrons to serve them. The War in Heaven breaks out between the Old Ones, Eldar and Krorks (who would later become the Orks) against the C'tan and the Necrons. Eventually, the Silent King of the Necrons regains sapience and turns the Necrons against the C'tan, shattering them into shards, and the Necrons return to their tombs and enter a state of dormancy. The extreme death tolls and overuse of psychic powers destabilises the Realm of Souls, changing it into the Warp. The first Chaos Daemons manifest and eradicate the remaining Old Ones. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • The Demons invade other dimensions and convert those they conquer into extensions of Hell, with the native creatures becoming corrupted into new types of Demon. The Father is forced to intervene and confronts Davoth, destroying his body and containing his essence within a life sphere. Sometime later, the Father goes missing, depriving the Maykrs of their immortality. (DOOM)

7 billion years ago[]

  • The First Born evolve and achieve sapience. (Babylon 5)

4.5 billion years ago (the Beginning of the Earth)[]

  • A race of aliens that appear in our dimension as mice creates a massive supercomputer named "Deep Thought" to calculate the answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything. 7.5 million years later, Deep Thought comes up with the disappointing answer "42". But based on what Deep Thought has told them, the mice hire the Magratheans to build them an even larger, planet-sized computer with enough processing power to come up with a satisfying question to match this answer. This new supercomputer is called Earth. (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
  • As the Earth is being created, a Racnoss ship containing the Empress of Racnoss becomes buried within the center of the Earth. (Doctor Who)
  • As the Earth begins to cool down from its own creation, a Great Old One named Cthugha arrives on Earth with his legion of Fire Vampires. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • The Mala'kak arrive on Earth, where they leave one of their own to consume a black liquid that melts his body into Earth's primitive oceans. The DNA left behind by the Mala'kak is deconstructed and reconstructed in Earth's oceans where life on Earth was born. (Prometheus)

4 billion years ago (the Beginning of Life on Earth)[]

  • A Salaxalan ship explodes on the Earth's atmosphere, with the resulting energy released resulting in the formation of the first life forms from organic molecules scattered over the planet's primordial soups. (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency)
    • In an alternative account of the above, the ship was actually a Jagaroth ship. (Doctor Who)
  • Groudon, a colossal creature is born from the depths of planet Earth, Kyogre a gigantic abyssal being born from the pressure of the trenches of the ocean floor, Rayquaza, a serpentine dragon is born from the minerals of the ozone layer. Groudon had the power to create land wherever he goes, while Kyogre created water, each then decided to make Earth a place of complete water and the other of complete Earth but one day the two ended up meeting and started a war for world domination. Rayquaza who was resting was awakened by the war, and so was the battle, Groudon then retreats and falls asleep in a cave that is known as Earth Cave and Kyogre retreats to a place that will become known as the Marine Cave, the red and blue orbs are created, blue to suppress Kyogre's power, and red to suppress Groudon's power. (Pokémon)
  • The Mew population existed and was extremely abundant on Earth. (Pokémon)
  • The "Ancient Humanoids" seed the primordial soups of several inhabitable planets with DNA molecules "programmed" to evolve in certain paths, thus ensuring the future rise of several humanoid species throughout the galaxy. (Star Trek)
  • The Nestene arrive on Earth to make "deposits" by burying a billion of their kind on the ley lines to soon be released billions of years later where they will begin to conquer Earth. (Doctor Who)

3 billion years ago[]

  • The Martian Dwarf, Setissi and Martian Glider civilizations flourish on Mars. (Doctor Omega)
  • An intelligent non-humanoid race flourishes on Venus for about three million years, before climate alterations slowly begin to mark the end of their reign. The Sou(ou)shi attempt to prey on the Venusians, but are defeated by the Doctor and physically destroyed, surviving only as a disembodied intelligence which goes dormant on primitive Earth. (Doctor Who)

2 billion years ago[]

  • The galaxy is ruled by the Thrintum Empire. (Known Space)
  • The icy body known later by Humans as Phoebe entered the Solar System, carrying the Protomolecule created by the Ring Builders, and was then captured by Saturn's gravity, becoming a moon of the planet. (The Expanse)

1 billion years ago[]

  • A race of aliens known as the Elder Things arrive on Earth in the Antarctic continent and create a city within the ice. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • The hostile species known as the Hand is imprisoned in another dimension by the First Ones. (Babylon 5)
  • Formation of the Qu civilization which would war against and exterminate the Star People over a billion years later. (All Tomorrows)
  • Height of the Xunca civilization. (Humanx Commonwealth)

Neoproterozoic Era (1 billion - 541 million years ago)[]

  • 780,000,000 BC: The Chirpsithra visit the Earth and make contact with the then-dominant life form of the planet, the anaerobic lifeforms. (The Draco Tavern)
  • 600,000,000 BC: The Earth and "three other solar planets" are dominated by the mysterious Flying Polyps, a race originated from "distant universes". They would go on to fight terrible wars against the Yithian civilization which would inhabit the bodies of cone-shaped Earth creatures much later in the Mesozoic. Some would survive hidden even into the 20th century. (Cthulhu Mythos)

Paleozoic Era (541 - 251 million years ago)[]

  • 500,000,000 BC: The Krell civilization flourishes on Altair IV. (Forbidden Planet)
  • On Earth, the Elder Things fight against the Spawn of Cthulhu. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 362,103,441 BC: The planet Tralfamadore establishes a new government, described as a "hypnotic anarchy". (The Sirens of Titan)
  • 300,000,000 BC: The Mew population begins to decline mysteriously until it is almost extinct. A prehistoric species of Genesect appears on Earth, as does Kabuto and its Kabutops evolution. It is estimated that Omanyte and its evolution Omastar also appeared at this time. (Pokémon)

Mesozoic Era (251 - 66 million years ago)[]

  • The Great Race of Yith inhabits Earth and wars against the Flying Polyps. Meanwhile, the Elder Things are still active on the planet, now fighting against the Mi-Go as well as dealing with the first Shoggoth rebellions. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • The Silurians and Sea Devils flourish on Earth. (Doctor Who)
  • The intelligent dinosaurs known as the Voth evolve on Earth, but leave the planet en masse to escape a natural catastrophe. (Star Trek)
  • Earth is visited by aliens assuming the appearance of dinosaurs known as "Rainbow Faces" in order to blend in with the natives. (The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire)
  • A family of Spiders arrives on Earth during the Jurassic. (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  • "It" leaves the Macroverse and crash lands on what will eventually be Derry, Maine on Earth and becomes dormant for the next several million years. (It)
  • 200,000,000 - 150,000,000 BC: Venus is entirely populated by anaerobic microbes. (Lords of Creation)
  • 150,000,00 BC: The Lords of Creation terraform Venus in a geological instant, instituting an ecosystem based on Earth's native wildlife. They continue sending creatures from Earth to Venus in the following epochs. (Lords of Creation)
  • 140,000,000 BC: The Vardon-Kosnax War occurs and Xeriphas is caught in the cross-fire and devastated. The surviving Xeraphin take refuge on Earth. (Doctor Who)
  • 100,000,000 BC:
    • The Doctor has suggested this as the date when the moon started orbiting the Earth. Possibly the reason why the Silurians and Sea Devils entered hibernation. (Doctor Who)
    • The Thing crash lands on Earth in the Arctic where it became frozen in ice for millions of years. (The Thing)
  • An Elemental Wraith ship known as the World Spear crashes into Argent D'Nur, effectively impaling the planet. The Elemental Wraiths disembark and, through their "Wraithsong" create the Ancestrals and Argenta, the latter of which destroys the former and worships the Wraiths as gods. (DOOM)
  • The Xel'Naga seed the Milky Way Galaxy with life as part of their infinite cycle, hoping that a species possessing purity of form would meet another possessing purity of essence, becoming one and succeeding the Xel'Naga. (StarCraft)

Paleogene Period (66 to 23.03 million years ago)[]

  • 65,000,000 BC: The Ceph arrive on Earth and enter a state of dormancy. Their arrival is believed to have caused the mass extinction event of this time. (Crysis)
  • The Argenta become vassals of the Maykrs, turning their religious reverence from the Elemental Wraiths to the Khan Maykr and establishing a colony on Mars. (DOOM)
  • 60,000,000 BC: A Xylok ship crash-lands on Earth and the crystalline crew becomes trapped within the Earth's crust. (Doctor Who)
  • The Chimera colonise Earth, but are driven from the planet by an unidentified enemy. (Resistance)
  • The Argenta discover a critically injured but enhanced Human presumed to have emerged from another universe. He attempts to warn the Argenta and Maykrs about the Demons, whom he had been fighting for eons since they invaded Earth in his universe. Through demonstration of his skill in the arena of the capital city, the Human was accepted into the Argenta's elite warrior order known as the Night Sentinels. During this time, the Demons launch an invasion of Argent D'nur, and the Argenta find a way to extract the essence of the Demons, combine it with the power of the Elemental Wraiths to create Argent Energy and use it to empower themselves. The Human is empowered by Samur Maykr with the Divinity Machine and becomes a superhuman warrior known as the Doom Slayer. Leading the Night Sentinels to war against the Demons, the Slayer discovers that the Maykrs had established an agreement with the Demons. Hell would provide Urdak with all the Argent Energy the Maykrs needed to maintain their immortality, and the Maykrs would enable the Demons to conquer and corrupt every other world and species they had vassalised in exchange. This revelation lead to civil war among the Argenta, between those who remained loyal to the Maykrs and those who returned to the Elemental Wraiths. The corrupted Argenta eventually won the conflict due to the treachery of the Deag priests, who trapped the Night Sentinels in Hell, and Commander Valen, who aided the Demons in abducting the Elemental Wraiths in return for the resurrection of his son (in actuality, he was corrupted and transformed into a colossal Demon of immense power known as the Icon of Sin). Argent D'nur became partially subsumed by Hell, the Elemental Wraiths imprisoned and bound to power an Argent Energy source known as the Well, and the Night Sentinels, depending on their allegiance to the Wraiths or Maykrs, were slaughtered or corrupted into Marauders. The only survivors were Valen, who remained in Hell out of self-imposed exile, and the Doom Slayer, who continued to fight the Demons alone for ages. (DOOM)
  • A group of Xel'Naga, following one of their own known as Amon, become disillusioned with the infinite cycle and seek a means to break it. First, they uplift the Protoss of Aiur, creating a tribal species pure in form. Leaving the Protoss to fight each other throughout the Aeon of Strife and taking some of their number with them, the Protoss then travel to Zerus to create a species pure in essence. They uplift the Zerg, binding them to a collective intelligence known as the Overmind. (StarCraft)

Neogene Period (23.03 to 2.58 million years ago)[]

  • 20,000,000 BC:
    • A spaceship piloted by a mysterious species of shapeshifters crashes in Antarctica. One of the aliens survives frozen in the ice for the next 20 million years. (Who Goes There?)
    • The Voth settle on the Delta Quadrant and forget about their earlier history. Their descendants consider themselves native to the quadrant and refuse to believe that their ancestors could have been refugees. (Star Trek)
  • 12,000,000 BC: A member of the Fendahl species escapes its doomed homeworld and finds its way to Mars, provoking a mass extinction, before settling on Earth where it influences the development of primitive Humans. (Doctor Who)
  • 10,000,000 BC: The Forerunner - Precursor war happens rendering the Precursors almost extinct and The Forerunners take the mantle of responsibility by force. (Halo)
  • 6,000,000 BC: A creature from an outer moon of Jupiter has its mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Circa 5,000,000 BC: Tripedal insectoid Martians colonize Earth and influence the development of a new ape species, which would eventually evolve into mankind. (Quatermass)

Pleistocene Epoch (2.588 million to 11,700 years ago)[]

  • Circa 2,500,000 BC: A Pak expedition arrives on Earth. (Known Space)
  • 2,400,000 BC: The alien Atlanteans arrive to colonize Earth. (Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water)
  • Circa 1,500,000 BC: The Vorlons create an interdimensional gate and make contact with the Thirdspace Aliens for the first time. (Babylon 5)
  • Circa 1,000,000 BC:
    • Giants and Broncosaurs inhabit New Texas. The Prairie People fight fierce battles against the Giants. (BraveStarr)
    • The First Ones leave the galaxy for parts unknown, the Vorlons and Shadows remain behind as shepherds to the younger races (Babylon 5)
  • "Thousands of centuries" in the past, a fusion of organic and artificial life starts to develop, giving rise to what would become known as the Borg Collective. (Star Trek)
  • 950,000 BC: The Hur'rikku emerge from the galactic core region and start expanding their civilization into the galactic rim. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 600,000 BC: The Arretans explore the galaxy and colonize numerous planets, possibly including Vulcan. It's been speculated that the Vulcans (and by extension the Romulans) and also possibly the Mintakans might be their descendants. (Star Trek)
  • 500,000 BC:
    • The Tar-Aiym find a way to contain the Vom in a single planet, sacrificing that world's biosphere to prevent the Vom from consuming the entire galaxy. (Humanx Commonwealth)
    • The Arretans fight among themselves in a conflict of monumental proportions that rips away the atmosphere of their planet. The survivors transfer their minds to spherical receptacles. (Star Trek)
  • 499,000 BC: War between the Tar-Aiym and the Hur'rikku begins, and continues for the next twenty thousand years. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • Circa 497,740 BC: An unknown alien race creates the Vindrizi. (Babylon 5)
  • 483,441 BC: A Tralfamadorian named Salo is elected to represent his people and carry a sealed message to another galaxy. (The Sirens of Titan)
  • 479,000 BC: War between the Tar-Aiym and the Hur'ikku comes to an end with the extinction of both species and several others, as the Tar-Aiym release their plague. The affected area of space becomes known as the Blight: a region devoid of sapient life. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 450,000 BC: After colonizing Nibiru, the Anunnaki colonize Earth in search for exotic minerals. (Ufology)
  • Circa 400,000 BC: A Vinean ship arrives on Southern Europe and colonists build subterranean settlements for themselves. Most remain in suspended animation, however. (Yoko Tsuno)
  • 250,000 BC: A meteorite falls in Alaska containing Parasitic Ice Worms which would remain dormant until being accidentally released in 1993. (The X-Files)
  • 203,117 BC: Salo's ship experiences grave technical difficulties, forcing him to land on Titan. (The Sirens of Titan)
  • 200,000 BC:
    • The Iconian civilization collapses as planet Iconia suffers large-scale orbital bombardment that obliterates all life and leaves the surface in ruins. Some remnants of the Iconians' portal technology remain, possibly allowing some of their race to survive by abandoning their planet to parts unknown. (Stat Trek)
    • A creature is placed inside a chamber on Saturn's moon, Titan, and remains sleeping until being woken up in 1985. (Titan Find)
  • 110,000 BC: The Human-Forerunner war. Ending in the defeat of the ancient Humans and the Forerunners taking the Mantle of responsibility. (Halo)
  • 100,300 BC: The Forerunner - Flood war begins. In order to establish an army immune to the Flood's assimilation, the Forerunners digitise the minds of several of their warrior-servants, as well as numerous Humans, to create the Prometheans. (Halo)
  • 100,000 BC:
    • The Dæmons come to Earth and help Homo sapiens subjugate the Neanderthals. (Doctor Who)
    • With no alternative available to defeating the Flood, The Forerunners fire the Halo arrays, destroying all life in the Galaxy and ending the Forerunner - Flood War. All the species in the Galaxy were preserved on the Ark including Humans which are put back on Earth and are back to a very primitive state. (Halo)
  • The intergalactic emperor Xenu decides to freeze the inhabitants of the 76 planets owned by the Galactic Confederacy as a solution to the planet's overpopulation problem and to prevent being overthrown. He then travels to Earth with the frozen aliens to drop them in a Hawaiian volcano and detonated it with various nuclear bombs. The Thetans from the deceased aliens were then captured by Xenu, brainwashed, and left on Earth where they would later merge with early Humans. (Scientology)
  • 97,368 BC: The remnants of the Forerunners discover that the Xalanyn had survived the activation of the Halos, somehow possessing an immunity to its destructive energies. The Xalanyn were imprisoned on Halo Installation 07, along with their Gasgira allies, and frozen within the Cylixes. (Halo)
  • 97,000 BC: Height of the mysterious Alaspinian civilization. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 75,000 BC: The Alaspinians are extinct by unknown means, speculated to have committed racial suicide. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 68,000 BC: The Protheans achieve space travel and discover the Citadel and Mass Relays, establishing an interstellar empire. (Mass Effect)
  • 59,000 BC: The height of the Gubbage Cone empire, encompassing numerous other species including the Ogrons and the Ice Warriors. (Doctor Who)
  • 50,000 BC: A South African general has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 48,000 BC: The Protheans are exterminated by the Reapers, along with every other space-faring species in the Milky Way galaxy. The remaining Protheans are indoctrinated by the Reapers and transformed into the Collectors to serve them. (Mass Effect)
  • 35,000 BC: Two cavemen in North Texas, Earth are attacked by a long-clawed alien. One of the men is killed while the other becomes infected with the Purity. (The X-Files)
  • Circa 30,000 BC: The Eidelons abduct a group of Humans and accelerate their evolution to give rise to the Sebacean species. (Farscape)
  • Circa 20,000 BC:
    • Two Krynoid pods fall on Antarctica. (Doctor Who)
    • Eternatus arrives to planet Earth in a meteor. (Pokémon)
  • 17,918 BC: The Great Race of Ōban is held, marking the end of the previous Avatar's reign and the beginning of Canaletto's tenure as the new Avatar. (Ōban Star-Racers)
  • Circa 16,000 BC: The Trigannon Sancreda is stranded on Earth, in the region that would become Cornwall. (Doctor Who)
  • 15,000 BC:
    • Cimmerian chieftain Crom-Ya has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
    • Estimated time in which prehistoric civilizations on Egypt were visited by the Martian Thoths. Thousands of years later, the ancient Egyptians would derive their image of the eponymous god from these memories. (Planetary Series).
  • The Great Gazoo is exiled to Earth and befriends local cavemen. (The Flintstones)
  • 14,000 BC: The Turians of Palaven begin to develop civilisation. (Mass Effect)

11th millennium BC[]

  • 10,950 BC: The Ulru-Ujurrians start tunneling in an attempt to alter their planet's orbit. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • Primitive Humans start developing psychic powers due to a natural connection with the Warp. These ancient psykers, known as Shamans, quickly understood the threat posed by the Warp. To ensure mankind's future, they all committed mass suicide, ritualistically fusing their souls into one. This combined soul is reincarnated as an immortal Human psyker who would eventually become the Emperor of Mankind in the far future. (Warhammer 40,000)

10th millennium BC[]

  • Circa 10,000 BC: A meteorite falls to Earth, containing genetic material that would later be used in the creation of an alien predator. (Alien Lockdown)

9th millennium BC[]

  • Circa 8015 BC: The Antareans have an outpost on Earth known as Atlantis, which ends up collapsing due to a cataclysm. Twenty Antareans are left behind and cocoon themselves to wait until their eventual rescue. (Cocoon)

8th millennium BC[]

  • Circa 8000 BC: Dawn of the Thranx civilization on Hivehom. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 7918 BC: The Great Race of Ōban is held, ending Canaletto's tenure and marking the beginning of Satis' tenure as the new Avatar. (Ōban Star-Racers)
  • Circa 7800 BC: The Ralgans evolve to the point of transitioning from a corporeal to a non-corporeal existence. Sadly, the Soul Hunters misinterpret this as the Ralgans dying en masse and attempt to collect their "souls", inadvertently trapping all Ralgans in one of their soul globes. (Babylon 5)
  • Circa 7150 BC: Approximate time of the gradual downfall of the Sororian civilization, to be eventually replaced by the Sororian Ape civilization. (Planet of the Apes)

7th millennium BC[]

  • Circa 6103 BC: A group of Humans from an advanced ancient civilization on Earth accidentally get stranded on Venus as a result of a teleportation accident. They manage a symbiotic coexistence with the Venusian Thotheen by acting as medical doctors to the latter, as the Thotheen at this point had no knowledge of medicine, despite being more advanced than Humans in other sciences. (To Venus in Five Seconds)

6th millennium BC[]

  • 5500 BC: The estimated time when the Gem War between the Crystal Gems of planet Earth, and the Diamond Authority of Homeworld begins. (Steven Universe)

5th millennium BC[]

  • Circa 4800 BC: Estimated time of the creation of the first jumpgates, by an unknown alien race. Also the dawn of the Hyach civilization on Shir-shraba. (Babylon 5)
  • 4500 BC: Estimated time of the ending of the Gem War, when Homeworld is commanded to leave Earth, mainly for the Diamond Authority to use their combined energy to corrupt all Gems remaining on Earth. (Steven Universe)
  • Circa 4100 BC: By Christopher Blair's estimate, the century when Proto-Indo-Europeans were transported to Venus by the Lords of Creation, becoming ancestors of the Cloud Mountain People and other indigenous Venusians. (Lords of Creation)

4th millennium BC[]

  • 3800 BC: Dawn of the Abbai civilization on Abba IV. (Babylon 5)
  • 3500 BC: A Hyperian scout arrives on Earth. (Men in Black)

3rd millennium BC[]

  • Circa 3000 BC:
    • The first neutronium-based life forms evolve on the surface of the neutron star named Dragon's Egg. Over two thousand years later, they would give rise to the intelligent Cheela. (Dragon's Egg)
    • The alien Ankh-Venharis makes contact with the ancient Egyptian civilization on Earth. (Time Walker)
    • "The Darkest Day" occurs in the Galar Region, causing giant Pokémon to appear and nearly destroy the entire region. Eternatus is destroyed by Zacian and Zamazenta. (Pokémon)
  • Circa 2800 BC: Dawn of the Yolu civilization on Pa'ri. (Babylon 5)
  • 2200 BC: The San'Shyuum civil war begins. (Halo)
  • 2100 BC: The San'Shyuum civil war ends. (Halo)
  • The Mondoshawan arrive on Earth in ancient Egypt to hide the four Elemental Stones and the Fifth Element for them to be guarded by a lineage of priests. (The Fifth Element)
  • Circa 2011 BC: An Antarian family consisting of father Klaatu, mother Barada and son Nikto vacation on Earth. Nikto accidentally leaves behind one of his toys. (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

2nd millennium BC[]

  • 1900 BC: The Krogan of Tuchanka enter their nuclear age and destroy their own civilisation in a global conflict. The Krogan are reverted to warring clans. (Mass Effect)
  • 1600 BC: In the Andromeda galaxy, the Jardaan create the Angara and seed them across numerous planets in the Heleus Cluster. (Mass Effect)
  • Circa 1300 BC: Dawn of the Markab civilization on Septis. (Babylon 5)

1st millennium BC[]

  • 938 BC: Beginning of the Sangheili - San'Shyuum war. (Halo)
  • 852 BC: The Sangheili - San'Shyuum war ends resulting in the two species forming the Covenant. (Halo)
  • Circa 800 BC: Dawn of the Drazi civilization on Zhabar. Meanwhile, the Yolu of Pa'ri achieve interstellar spaceflight for the first time. (Babylon 5)
  • 784 BC: The Taming of the Lekgolo occurs where the Lekgolo are incorporated into The Covenant. (Halo)
  • 580 BC: The Asari discover the Citadel. (Mass Effect)
  • 520 BC: The Salarians discover the Citadel and open diplomatic relations with the Asari. (Mass Effect)
  • 500 BC:
    • The Asari and Salarians establish the Citadel Council, a galactic government which represents the interests of every member species to support their authority. (Mass Effect)
    • The Protoss known as Khas discovers the khaydarin crystals and uses them to unite the Protoss via a psionic connection known as the Khala, ending the Aeon of Strife. Meanwhile, Amon and his followers are banished to the Void, but use the Zerg to eradicate the remaining Xel'Naga. (StarCraft)
  • 300 BC: The Volus makes first contact with the Citadel Council and establishes the standard currency of credits throughout Citadel space. However, they are granted an embassy rather than a representative on the Council. Meanwhile, the Turians fight each other in the Unification Wars, ultimately ending in victory for the Turian Hierarchy. (Mass Effect)
  • Circa 200 BC:
    • The Batarians, Elcor, Hanar and Quarians establish contact with the Citadel and are each granted an embassy for their membership. (Mass Effect)
    • An alien armada attempts to invade Earth in Peru, but is deterred by the ancient Peruvians who create the mystic Nazca Lines to trap the invaders underground. (Martin Mystery)
    • Graeco-Bactrian official Theodotides has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Circa 80 BC: Roman citizen Titus Sempronius Blaesus has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Circa 50 BC: War between the Tadsylwiens and the Nagma. (Asterix and the Falling Sky)

1st century[]

  • 1: The Citadel Council makes contact with the Rachni, who are immediately hostile and declare war upon the entire galaxy. (Mass Effect)
  • 33: In Jerusalem, Earth, Brian Cohen falls from a tower but is inadvertently saved by the passing of a starship piloted by aliens. (Monty Python's Life of Brian)
  • 79: The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius destroys Pompeii along with the alien Pyroviles. (Doctor Who)
  • 80: The Salarians uplift the Krogan and enlist them to fight the Rachni on the Citadel's behalf. (Mass Effect)

3rd century[]

  • Before 231: A meteor crashes on Galvan Prime, causing the Omnivoracious to become extinct. Azmuth is born and begins the creation of Ascalon. (Ben 10)
  • 231: Sir George is Born (Ben 10)
  • Circa 243: The entity called Fenric is imprisoned in the Shadow Dimensions, where it will remain trapped for seventeen centuries. (Doctor Who)
  • Circa 261: Dawn of the Brakiri civilization on Brakir, the Grome civilization on Gromahk, and the pak'ma'ra civilization on Pak'ma. (Babylon 5)
  • 300: The Rachni are rendered extinct. The Krogan are granted colonisation rights by the Citadel Council to signify their gratitude. They are later concerned by the Krogan's population boom without Tuchanka's harsh environment to keep them in check. (Mass Effect)

4th century[]

  • Following a period of great war, the Vulcan scholar Surak leads his people into a new age of embracing peace and logic as their core philosophies. Renegades leave the planet and eventually settle on Romulus, giving rise to a new species. Meanwhile, in other parts of the galaxy, the Gamma Quadrant sees the formation of the Dominion while the Delta Quadrant's Vidiians become infected with the phage which would continue to afflict them for the next two millennia. (Star Trek)

7th century[]

  • 700: The Krogan begin annexing territory from the Citadel, beginning the Krogan rebellions. The Turians make first contact with the Citadel Council, accept the Volus as a client species and leads the war effort against the Krogan. (Mass Effect)

8th century[]

  • 710: The Turians defeat the Krogan with the use of a Salarian bioweapon known as the Genophage, a viral agent that sabotaged the Krogan reproductive process. Upon realising their now extremely low birth rates, the Krogan are forced to surrender rather than fight themselves into extinction. The Turians become the de facto military and peacekeeping force of the Citadel. (Mass Effect)
  • 738: Death of Human poet and occultist Abdul Alhazred, author of the Necronomicon. According to some accounts, Alhazred was attacked and devoured by an invisible creature in broad daylight. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 761: The dawn of the Llort civilization on Vartas. (Babylon 5)
  • 790: A princess from the moon is sent to Earth by her people and raised by a bamboo cutter and his wife. (Princess from the Moon)

9th century[]

  • Circa 869: The time of Kahless the Unforgettable, who united his people and founded the modern Klingon Empire. (Star Trek)

12th century[]

  • Florentine monk Bartolomeo Corsi has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • The viking warrior Tarko the Terrible battles superhero Space Ghost after the latter traveled back in time to the viking's era. (Space Stars)
  • 1112: The Yanme'e join the Covenant. (Halo)
  • 1131: Sir George obtains Ascalon from Azmuth. At some point after this year he founds the Forever Knights. (Ben 10)

13th century[]

  • The Minbari and the Centauri both achieve interstellar spaceflight in this century. The Centauri completely exterminate the Xon. The Minbari fight on the Vorlons' side during the First Shadow War. (Babylon 5)
  • 1261: Dawn of the Hurr civilization on Androma. Meanwhile in other parts of the galaxy, the First Shadow War comes to end, and the Hyach of Shir-shraba achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 1292: The Apothicons invade Earth in an attempt to escape the Dark Aether. With the aid of the Keepers, Humanity drives them back. (Call of Duty: Zombies)

14th century[]

  • The Klingons' homeworld of Qo'noS is invaded by the Hur'q, which loot the planet and steal several artifacts, notably the Sword of Kahless. (Star Trek)
  • 1304: The timetravelling Queen Metapha, Rock, Captain Kork and Spucki arrive in medieval England. King William the Last demands Metapha to become his wife, while the others should be burned at the stake if Rock is not able to defeat the Black Knight, a disguised Jens Maul. Rock loses, but the four are able to escape with a trick of Metapha. She demands William to make a photo of her and the "heretics", before they are burned to death. In the moment when William shoots the photo, Metapha presses the button to time travel. After that, William's adviser calls him a witcher which leads to him being burned at the stake by his people. (Bullyparade)
  • 1342: The Kig-Yar join the Covenant. (Halo)
  • 1345: The Wersgorix Empire attempts to conquer Earth but is defeated and ultimately subdued thanks to the efforts of Sir Roger, Baron de Tourneville and his allies, including several species which had been previously conquered by the Wersgorix. (The High Crusade)
  • Circa 1368: Approximate time in which the civilization on planet Kataan dies out, as their star goes nova. (Star Trek)
  • Circa 1400: The Drazi achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)

15th century[]

  • 1442: The Hyach completely exterminate the Hyach-do. (Babylon 5)
  • Circa 1460: The Abbai achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 1500: A splinter faction of Protoss reject the Khala and sever themselves from it, becoming the Nerazim. They are banished from Aiur and branded heretics, seeking sanctuary on the planet Shakuras. (StarCraft)

16th century[]

  • Circa 1571: Bajoran explorers build lightships powered by solar sails and make first contact with the ancient Cardassians. (Star Trek)
  • 1584: Birth of future commander and talk show host Ned. (Earth to Ned)
  • The Chaos Gods Tzeentch, Nurgle and Khorne manifest within the Warp. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 1600: The Citadel Council receive reports on sightings of the Collectors, but dismiss them as rumours. In the Andromeda galaxy, the Jardaan create the Remnants to terraform barren planets. (Mass Effect)

17th century[]

  • An Englishman named James Woodville and a Frenchman named Pierre-Louis Montmagny both have their minds temporarily swapped with the minds of Yithian researchers. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 1630: The Doctor visits the Det-Sen Monastery in Tibet and becomes acquainted with the local High Lama, Padmasambhava, who would later be possessed by the Great Intelligence. (Doctor Who)

18th century[]

  • 1719: A Yautja hunter lands on Earth in the North American plains in search of prey, and is itself tracked by Comanche hunter Naru, who manages to outsmart and kill the alien. (Prey, 2022)
  • 1757: Future Melmacian ambassador Gordon Shumway is born on Melmac. (ALF)
  • 1758: Varn becomes Guardian of the Great Machine on Epsilon III. (Babylon 5)
  • 1759: The Markab achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 1767: The species known as Lorkans settle on the planet named Lorka VII. (Babylon 5)
  • 1790s: Approximate time in which Tiabo moves to the uninhabited planet Gamma VI and becomes a hermit. (Lost in Space)
  • Circa 1800: The Thranx develop space flight technology. (Humanx Commonwealth)

19th century[]

  • 1840: Enoch Wallace is born on Earth. (Way Station)
  • 1850: The Quarians create the Geth to serve them. (Mass Effect)
  • 1856: The Venusians leave Nikola Tesla on his adoptive parents' doorstep in Yugoslavia. (Real)
  • 1866: Human soldier John Carter is mysteriously transported to Mars, a.k.a. Barsoom, where he becomes a revered military leader and lives there for the next decade before being transported back to Earth in 1876, in equally inexplicable circumstances. (A Princess of Mars)
  • Circa 1868: Dominar Rygel XVI of the Hynerian Empire has the throne usurped by his cousin Bishan and ends up as a prisoner of the Peacekeepers. (Farscape)
  • 1873:
    • A Caste ship arrives on Earth and tries to take over the planet, unsuccessfully. (Cowboys & Aliens)
    • The Geth start to gradually develop sentience. (Mass Effect)
  • Late 19th century: Queen Metapha, Rock, Captain Kork and Spucki arrive in the Wild West town Groom Lake City. After their time machine is destroyed by a train, they steal Jens Maul's time machine and travel to the year 2004. Maul follows them after he has repaired their time machine. (Bullyparade)
  • 1876: Alonzo P. Tucker from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, is abducted by Talurians and kept in suspended animation. (Lost in Space)
  • 1882: The Color Out of Space falls to Earth in a meteorite in Arkham, Massachusetts. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 1883: An alien leader from the planet Aristos and his minions are present on Earth, operating secretly in Sudan during the Battle of Khartoum, and planning to destroy the planet, beginning with the city of London, as part of the alien's campaign for galactic conquest. (The Time Tunnel)
  • 1886: John Carter seemingly dies on Earth, but is actually transported back to Barsoom. (A Princess of Mars)
  • 1888: A Londoner named Sebastian is contacted by the Vorlons and brought into their service. (Babylon 5)
  • 1889:
    • Time-traveler Magnus Greel operates in London, masquerading as the Chinese god Weng-Chiang and killing several young women to extract their life energy in an attempt to heal himself. (Doctor Who)
    • Atlantean princess Nadia meets Captain Nemo. (Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water)
  • 1890: Nadia finds out about her alien heritage. (Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water)
  • 1892: An American city is invaded by aliens intending to mine for uranium. (High Plains Invaders)
  • 1893:
    • Earth detective Sherlock Holmes falls through a temporal gate and is transported to the year 2249. (BraveStarr)
    • A group of time-traveling Devidians travel to Earth and feed upon Humans by draining them of their neural energy. The Devidians create a portal between 19th century Earth and 24th century Devidia II in a cave just outside San Francisco. (Star Trek)
  • The Geth achieve sapience. Fearing an uprising, the Quarians start destroying them. The Geth retaliate and drive the Quarians from their homeworld Rannoch and their colonies. After what the Geth call the Morning War, they isolated themselves from the rest of the galaxy. As punishment for creating the Geth, the Citadel Council revokes the Quarians membership and outlaws artificial intelligence. The Quarians are reduced to nomads residing in a flotilla of starships. (Mass Effect)
  • 1899: Earth is invaded by the Martians, which harvest Human blood for consumption. The invaders are later exterminated by pathogenic bacteria. (The War of the Worlds)
  • 1900: Human adventurer Lord Redgrave explores the solar system with his wife Lilla and assistant Mr. Murgatroyd in their experimental private space vessel, the Astronef. (A Honeymoon in Space)

20th century[]

  • 1901: Earth inventor Cavor and associate Bedford successfully travel to the moon where they discover the Selenites. (The First Men in the Moon)
    • According to one account of these events, it's possible that the Selenites were destroyed and the moon rendered airless as a result of Cavor's sacrifice to prevent a Selenite invasion of Earth. (The First Men in the Moon, 2010 film)
  • 1906: Prof. Saxton's expedition to Manchuria retrieves the frozen mummified body of an anthropoid, which is actually the host of a mysterious alien entity. (Horror Express)
  • 1908:
    • French engineer Robert Darvel travels to and becomes lost on Mars, where he helps the natives to revolt against their Erloor masters. (Le Prisonnier de la planète Mars)
    • The Tunguska event occurs, a 12-megaton explosion of unknown origin close to the Tunguska River in Russia, opening a time rift that connects this year to 22,000 AD and allows some Charrl to pass through and lay eggs inside Humans (Doctor Who). Different accounts suggest this to be the arrival point of multiple species, including the Chimera (Resistance), the Blisk (Destroy All Humans!), the Ceph (Crysis), or an Element 115 meteorite sent by the Apothicons (Call of Duty: Zombies).
    • American economist Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee has his mind swapped with a Yithian's for the next five years. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 1912: Professor Paul Langford uncovers Earth's Stargate in Giza, Egypt. His daughter keeps an amulet also found on the dig-site. The amulet was inscribed with the Eye of Ra. (Stargate)
  • 1914: The Mondoshawan come to Egypt to retrieve the Fifth Element, promising to return in 300 years. (The Fifth Element)
  • 1921: The Geth begin construction of a megastructure in order to house and process every Geth AI in existence, maximising their processing capacity and ensuring they would never be isolated from each other. (Mass Effect)
  • 1922: The Challenger expedition makes contact with Prin explorers whose spaceship has crashed in the plateau. (The Lost World, TV series)
  • 1925: A series of sea tremors cause parts of the sunken city of R'lyeh to emerge. Gustaf Johansen and his men have a brief yet unfortunate encounter with Cthulhu. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 1927: The Chimera launch their invasion of Earth, starting with Russia, and converting Humans into half-Chimera hybrids to serve in their armies. (Resistance)
  • Circa 1930: The Vree achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 1935: The death of centuries-old Human High Lama Padmasambhava, having been freed from the influence of the Great Intelligence. (Doctor Who)
  • 1938: A group of Red Lectroids escape the 8th Dimension and land in Grovers Mill, New Jersey, then hypnotising Orson Wells to say it was an invasion of Martians, then making him say it was all a hoax. (The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the 8th Dimension)
  • 1939 to 1945: World War II takes place on Earth and is recorded by atmospheric probes of the alien Qarashteel, who find the conflict exciting to watch. (The Draco Tavern)
    • Meteorites containing Element 115 are discovered, leading to the establishment of Group 935, Division 9 and Broken Arrow during World War II to harness it for weaponization. The meteorites were sent by the Apothicons to corrupt the Human race, much like how the Apothicons themselves were corrupted. Humans corrupted by the element are made into mindless Zombies. (Call of Duty: Zombies)
  • 1947: A spaceship crashes in Roswell, USA. The identity of the alien(s) aboard differs according to several accounts.
    • One account suggests that they were Colonists. (The X-Files)
    • One account suggests that they were Ferengi. (Star Trek)
    • One account suggests that they were Harvesters. (Independence Day)
    • One account suggests that they were Nedenah. (Doctor Who)
    • One account suggests that they were Interdimensional Beings. (Indiana Jones)
    • One account suggests that it was a Decapodian. (Futurama)
    • One account suggests that they were Oasians. (Roswell High)
    • One account says it was one member of a Grey-like species who was actually meant to crash there as a punishment for cheating on the leader of said species, but the individual believed he had been sent there to decide the fate of Earth itself. (American Dad)
    • A grey like individual is believed in one account to have survived the crash and either during or after the event lost their memory. They now travel the world to visit places the Grey's have allegedly been to while reading tabloids and other possible leads on learning the truth about themselves and their people (LEGO)
    • In two accounts it was time-travelers from the future when Humans had made contact with their species, and in three accounts of the event which took place at Roswell, the extraterrestrials and their spacecraft were sent to Area 51.
  • 1949: The Chimera expand out of Russia and invade Europe, spreading and conquering as far as the United Kingdom in a matter of weeks. (Resistance)
  • 1951:
    • Planet X approaches Earth and an alien agent is sent to prepare the ground for an invasion, which is fortunately prevented. (The Man from Planet X)
    • The United States intervenes in the Chimera's occupation of the UK. With their combined forces, the Chimera are driven out of the UK with the destruction of their tower in London. This victory, as well as new knowledge about the Chimera and their dependence on a hive mind, enables effective Human resistance against them throughout Europe. (Resistance)
  • 1952: E.B.E-1, the last survivor of the crash-landing at Roswell, died of an unknown illness. (Real)
  • 1953:
    • The government of Syldavia sends a successful expedition to explore the moon. (The Adventures of Tintin)
    • The Chimera, adapting to compensate for their losses in Europe, modify their leadership structure and conquer Canada, Africa and South America before invading the United States, decimating their forces within a month. A desperate strike by SRPA successfully assassinates the Chimera leader, Daedalus, and destroys their fleet with a fission bomb, but inadvertently causes a power surge through the Chimera tower network. This results in the opening of a wormhole between Earth and the Chimera homeworld. (Resistance)
    • A UFO crashed in Arizona, the crash had one casualty, one of the survivors was taken to the Los Alamos air force base in Texas, and the other ET retrieved from the wreckage (who was referred to as J-Rod) was taken to Area 51, Nevada. (Real)
  • 1956: The giant asteroid nicknamed "Planet R" comes very close to destroying Earth, but the planet is saved by the intervention of the benevolent alien Pairans, who warn Humans of the danger and help Dr. Eisuke Matsuda develop a Urium bomb powerful enough to obliterate the threat. (Warning from Space)
  • 1957: The Chimera completely conquers Earth, eradicating 90% of the Human race in the process. Using the wormhole to their homeworld, the Chimera attempted to terraform the planet in preparation for the original Pure Chimera to reclaim it. Thanks to the efforts of a lone Human veteran, the wormhole is closed and the Chimera lose their mental connection to the Pure Chimera. Thrown into disarray, and with Earth's climate returning to normal, the Chimera are easily exterminated by the remaining Humans, who reclaim Earth from them. (Resistance)
  • 1958:
    • A Furon crash-lands on Earth in search of pure Furon DNA to maintain the cloning processes their species had become dependent on to maintain their population. Afterwards, his successor, Cryptosporidium-137, arrives on Earth and begins harvesting Human brains to acquire the Furon DNA contained in the brain-stem, supposedly left over from sexual relations between ancient Humans and Furons during the latter's war with the Blisk. Eventually, Cryptosporidium assumes a Human persona and is elected president of the United States of America, securing the Furon Empire's influence on Earth. (Destroy All Humans!)
    • Prof. Jameson comes up with the plan to preserve his body after death by launching it into space and leaving it to orbit the Earth for the next millions of years. (Professor Jameson)
  • 1959: A group of time-traveling Navarino tourists disguised as Humans accidentally land on Wales instead of Disneyland as intended. Among them is also Delta, the last Chimeron queen, fleeing from the hostile Bannermen and trying to protect her egg. On Earth, the egg hatches and the Chimeron princess grows up and manages to use her sonokinetic abilities to defeat the Bannermen. (Doctor Who)
  • 1961:
    • Yuri Gagarin becomes the first Human to enter space, aboard the Vostok 1.
    • A group of Baltians arrive on Earth and are greeted by agents of at-the-time poorly-funded and discredited government agency known as the Men in Black. Earth is established as a politically-neutral territory and the MiB is tasked with helping alien refugees from numerous species to live clandestinely on Earth and prevent Human citizens from finding out about it. (Men in Black)
  • 1962:
    • Earth is invaded by the Zudjari, who are countered by an early form of XCOM. One of their agents is possessed by an Ethereal, who sympathises with humanity and aids in driving back the invasion. (XCOM)
    • The Cave Master leads a Wergu tribe to displace and massacre the Cloud Mountain People (Nesbergu), in response to the approaching contamination brought by the Humans of Earth. (Lords of Creation)
    • June 14: Soviet probes on the surface of Venus record proof of complex and almost entirely Earthlike forms of life, confirming the presence of Human life as well when they catch sight of a fight between the Wergu and refugees of the Cloud Mountain people. (Lords of Creation)
  • 1964:
    • An intelligent Black Cloud arrives in the Sol System and makes contact with a group of Humans. (The Black Cloud)
    • The great Martian scientist Knut goes missing on Earth and is forced to live incognito among Humans for the next 30 years. (My Favorite Martian, 1999)
  • 1966: Hundreds of Humans are abducted by the alien Chameleons, who intend to use them as genetic donors to cure the Chameleons' own degenerative condition. (Doctor Who)
  • 1967:
    • Following a devastating global war, Earth receives the first broadcast messages from Barsoom. (The Moon Maid)
    • The Old Woman of the Oak Forest places a curse on the Oni Mr. Invader's daughter Lum as a form of revenge for not being invited to the party to celebrate the girl's birth. However, the Old Woman cancels the curse after finding out that it was a mistake and she had indeed been invited. (Urusei Yatsura)
  • 1969:
    • Astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first man on the moon.
    • The Furon mothership orbiting Earth is destroyed by the Russians, ending their brain-harvesting operations. Cryptosporidium discovers that Russia is under the control of the Blisk, the Furon's ancient enemy and former denizens of Mars. The Blisk were intent on xenoforming Earth into an irradiated ocean planet and claiming the planet for themselves. Due to the Furons' need for the DNA in Human brains to maintain their cloning, Cryptosporidium halted this plan and drove the Blisk to extinction. (Destroy All Humans!)
  • 1970s: Generally believed to be the time during which the Doctor was in exile on Earth and operated as UNIT's scientific adviser. However, there is some conflicting evidence that these events might have taken place in the 1980s instead. (Doctor Who)
  • 1973: A mission to Mars to rescue a lost explorer inadvertently blasts off back to Earth with a hostile Martian creature aboard. (It! The Terror from Beyond Space)
  • 1974: The ill-fated Apollo 18 moon mission encounters the "rock aliens". (Apollo 18)
  • 1975:
    • While loading provisions for a spaceship, two NASA maintenance workers named Barney and Junior accidentally launch themselves to space when Junior mistakenly presses the "launch" button instead of the "lunch" button. The duo go on to meet and travel with the alien Honk and live many adventures while trying to return to Earth. (Far Out Space Nuts)
    • The Mercury Men try to use a gravity generator to pull the moon into the Earth. (The Mercury Men)
  • 1977: Human astronaut Marcus Aurelius Belt is possessed by a mysterious space entity. (The X-Files)
  • 1978:  July 4th, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 12 year old David Scott Freeman goes through the woods to pick up his 8 year old younger brother. (Flight of the Navigator)
  • 1979:
    • Admiral Carfax leads the first successful expedition to explore Venus. ("The Immeasurable Horror")
    • Cryptosporidium-139 Opens a casino after giving up on his mission to harvest Human brains. After he is hunted by Furon cyborgs known as Nexosporidiums, he discovers that they were created and sustained with the use of synthetic Furon DNA. Realising that he had been stranded on Earth for 20 years for no good reason, Cryptosporidium returns to the Furon homeworld to confront their Emperor, only to accidentally kill him. Orthopox-14 assumes the throne of Furon Emperor. (Destroy All Humans!)
  • 1980:
    • The starship Selenite crashes on the asteroid Phocea. Human astronaut Edmond Beverly remains trapped inside the vessel and is worshiped as a god by two generations of the short-lived native Phoceans. ("Master of the Asteroid")
    • The Drell are saved from extinction by the Hanar after their planet's ecosystem is destroyed by overpopulation and excessive industrialisation. The Drell become vassals of the Hanar and are granted sanctuary on their homeworld. (Mass Effect)
  • 1981:
    • The Traken Union is destroyed in an entropy wave, along with the entire galaxy where it was located and several others. The Trakenite species is almost extinct, with the only known survivor being Princess Nyssa. (Doctor Who)
    • Crewmembers of the Seaview are abducted by Centaurs and taken to their outpost on Venus. (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea)
    • Manned EastBloc ships land on Venus for the first time. (Lords of Creation)
  • 1982:
    • Jimmy Hapgood departs to space in his ship, the Traveling Man, but loses his way and spends the next years wandering from planet to planet. (Lost in Space)
    • Arrival of the first manned American spaceships on Venus. Alongside their counterpart missions, they confirm that Venusian wildlife is mostly identical to its Earth counterparts, confounding evolutionary biologists for the rest of the decade. (Lords of Creation)
  • 1985: Planet Melmac is destroyed. Approximately one year later, Melmacian survivor Gordon Shumway crash-lands on Earth and lives clandestinely among Humans. (ALF)
  • 1986:
    • Earth's twin planet Mondas starts draining energy from Earth. A research base in Antarctica is invaded by the Mondasian Cybermen, but eventually, the energy draining results in the destruction of Mondas. (Doctor Who)
    • David Scott Freeman wakes up to discover 8 year have passed. (Flight of the Navigator)
    • The Harvesters abduct a former US fighter pilot and experiment on him, little did they know that this abductee would be their downfall. (Independence Day)
    • The explosion of a nuclear facility near the North Pole results in the polar caps melting and the flooding of several cities on Earth, including New York. It is the beginning of Earth's dark ages, which will last until the dawn of the 24th century. (Valérian and Laureline)
  • 1988:
    • Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan meet with 27th century time traveler Rufus, who'd been sent on a mission to ensure that the duo would get good grades in a history test and prevent history from being altered. (Bill & Ted)
    • The EastBloc secretly ships a viral warhead to Venus on board the Riga, with the intention to frame American colonists for a plague on the indigenous city of Kartahown. The Cave Master psychically sabotages them to crash inside of its sphere of influence, plotting to destroy both colonies with it. The pilot, Franziskus Binkis, is the only crew member who survives the crash and Wergu raid on the site, becoming its possessed figurehead over the Neanderthals. Cosmograd and Jamestown launch the airship Vepaja to rescue the Riga crew, a mission that is similarly complicated by the Cave Master's influence and Venusian wildlife. With the surviving Cloud Mountain People, they negotiate for the survival of the colonists. The freed Franziskus and his wife Jadviga, a member of the Vepaja, are both teleported to the courts of Mars. Marc Vitrac sires a child with Teesa, the priestess-princess of the Cloud Mountain People. (Lords of Creation)
  • 1990:
    • Gordon Shumway is captured by the Alien Task Force and kept in captivity for a few years, but is eventually freed and becomes an ambassador to Earth. (ALF)
    • The remaining members of the Vepaja crew return to Jamestown beside Teesa, revealing definite proof that Venusians are perfectly human, and of alien involvement in the prehistory of the solar system. (Lords of Creation)
  • 1991: After foiling the plans of villainous time-traveler Chuck De Nomolos, the Wyld Stallyns (consisting of Bill S. Preston, Ted Logan, Death, Station, and Bill and Ted's robot replicas) perform in and win the San Dimas Battle of the Bands. (Bill & Ted)
  • 1994: Ben Tennyson and his cousin, Gwen, are presumably born December 27th, 1994. (Ben 10)
  • 1995: The alien creature known as SpaceGodzilla, created as a result of some of Godzilla's cells being exposed to radiation from a black hole, heads towards Earth and battles its parent monster. (Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla)
  • 1996:
    • The first Human-Harvester war takes place, resulting in the destruction of most major cities on Earth and the entire Harvester fleet. (Independence Day)
    • Beginning of the war between the Ilanics and the Scorvians. (Farscape)
    • A Human time-traveler from the 16th Century goes to 1996 London and takes two Human companions before meting a Time Lord named Ulysses and giving birth to a hybrid known as The Doctor. (Doctor Who)
  • 1997:
    • The launch of the Earth spaceship Jupiter 2, crewed by the Robinson family plus Major Don West, clandestine saboteur Dr. Zachary Smith and a B9 class robot. Due to the sabotage performed by Dr. Smith, the ship is accidentally tossed out of its intended course to Alpha Centauri and the crew becomes irremediably lost in space, wandering from planet to planet over the next years and meeting several civilizations. (Lost in Space)
    • The Phoenix Lights are sighted, making news in the USA, most believe it was either the Greys or the Andromedans. (Real)
    • A group of people are abducted by a Grey-like alien species. (Night Skies)
  • 1999:
    • The Martians return to Earth in their next wave 100 years after the initial invasion and build a wormhole between Earth and Mars. After Humans discover radio interference from Mars, an Earth squadron makes an initial raid on the red planet. The Martians retaliate by attacking London and Paris. The Martian Mothership is taken down by injecting pathogenic bacteria into the ship's control brain, disabling the tripods. Humans discover more radio interference, suspecting a third wave on invasion. Other accounts put this event as early as 1901 or as late as 2008. (War of the Worlds)
    • According to some accounts, this is when the first Human expeditions land on Mars and make contact with a native telepathic race, which is eventually decimated by chickenpox. Other accounts place these events in 2030 instead. (The Martian Chronicles)
    • The Spectators plant the Vangers computer game on Earth so that psychically potent individuals may participate in their plan to free the Lost Chain of Worlds from its Infernal masters. (Vangers)
    • The Kilaaks invade Earth and assume control of the daikaiju of Monsterland, using them to attack humanity. (Destroy All Monsters)
    • Due to an accident involving nuclear waste, the Earth's moon is hurled out of orbit and into deep space, bringing with it the Human research base Moonbase Alpha and its crew. (Space: 1999)
    • The Great Gonzo successfully contacts his people. The aliens choose K. Edgar Singer as their ambassador. (Muppets from Space)
    • Astronaut John Crichton accidentally goes through a wormhole to the other side of the galaxy and makes contact with a number of alien species. (Farscape)
  • 2000:
    • Lt. Marlena Glenn's spacecraft goes off course. She later crash lands on Eternia. (Masters of the Universe)
    • Cryogenic capsules are used in early deep space flights. (Blake's 7)

21st century[]

  • 2001: A crew of 5 astronauts are sent on board the Discovery One to Jupiter, which, unknown to them, houses an alien artifact known as the Monolith, which speeds up the evolutionary process. The ship's AI, HAL 9000, kills all but one of the crew. The survivor, Dave Bowman, ends up ascending to a higher form of existence thanks to the influence of the Monolith. (2001: A Space Odyssey)
  • 2002: A Daggra in a small spacecraft lands on Earth and dies in the possession of the ruthless triad leader Mizoguchi, this event is prevented by the aid of a time traveler from the year 2084. (The Returner)
  • 2003:
    • A Resonance Cascade is triggered at the Black Mesa Research Facility, resulting in a number of extradimensional organisms from the borderworld Xen to crossover into Earth. Theoretical physicist Gordon Freeman travels to Xen and kills the Nihilanth, halting the invasion and freeing the Vortigaunts from slavery. Freeman is placed into stasis by the G-Man until his 'services' are required again. (Half-Life)
    • Corporal Adrian Shepard of the HECU prevents Race X from invading Earth during the Black Mesa incident. He is abducted by the G-Man and placed into stasis immediately afterwards and Black Mesa is destroyed in a nuclear detonation.
  • 2004:
    • July 22: First contact between humankind and extraterrestrials because of the crash of H2O2's UFO. (Later erased from history by Rock, Queen Metapha, Captain Kork and Spucki) (Bullyparade)
    • July 22: First contact between humankind and extraterrestrials because Spucki had to much weight to travel back to the future. He is found by US agents and interrogated in Area 51. He tells his timetravel story and proves that he is from the future with the help of a thermometer with a vibrating alarm. The next 300 years, Spucki, who survives because his species, the Vulkanettes, are relatives of the Galapagos tortoises, spends time with shaping the world after his ideas, including colouring all vehicles and building in pink. (alternate timeline) (Bullyparade)
    • Captain Archer and T'pol travel back to Detroit to stop Loomis assisting the Xindi. (Star Trek)
    • The Peacekeeper/Scarran War takes place. (Farscape)
  • 2005:
    • Ben Tennyson discovers the Omnitrix (Ben 10)
    • The Nestene Conciousness awakens beneath the city of London and unleashes a horde of Autons, but is destroyed by the Doctor. (Doctor Who)
  • 2006:
    • The Slitheen crime family flees Raxicoricofallapatorius and arrives on Earth. They infiltrate the UK government and attempt to destroy Earth with humanity's own nuclear weapons to sell the planet's remains as starship fuel. This plot is thwarted by the Doctor, who arranges for a missile to be launched at no. 10 Downing Street, destroying the Slitheen. The sole survivor attempts to destroy Earth again later with the use of the space/time rift beneath Cardiff city. Again, this plan is thwarted and exposure to the time vortex within the Doctor's TARDIS reverts the last Slitheen to an egg. The Doctor returns the egg to Raxicoricofallapatorius, where the last Slitheen is allowed a second chance at life. (Doctor Who)
    • The Sycorax invade Earth during Christmas, but are forced to retreat after the Doctor bested their leader in a sword duel. Despite the Doctor allowing them to leave in peace, the Humans destroyed the Sycorax ship with a ground-to-orbit weapon. (Doctor Who)
    • The end of a ground war between the surviving Harvesters and the National Republic of Umbutu. (Independence Day)
    • The asteroid belt is colonized by Humans. (Known Space)
  • 2007:
    • Cybermen of Earth origin are created in an alternate universe. They later cross the Void through a breach of unknown origin and invade another Earth. Their invasion is interrupted by the discovery of the breach's source; a void ship carrying four Daleks known as the Cult of Skaro. Tasked with ensuring the survival of the Dalek species, they opened the Genesis Ark, releasing millions of Daleks taken prisoner by the Time Lords. The war between the Daleks and the Cybermen was brief, as the Doctor was able to open the breach and banish both species to the Void. (Doctor Who)
    • The Empress of the Racnoss arrives at Earth and attempts to use synthetic huon particles developed by Torchwood to activate the Racnoss ship at the centre of the Earth, awakening her young in the process. As a result of the Doctor's intervention, the Racnoss buried within the Earth are drowned and the Empress is killed when the British army destroys her ship. (Doctor Who)
  • 2008:
    • Clover emerges from the Atlantic Ocean on Earth and wreaks havoc in New York City. (Cloverfield)
    • The Spirits open the passage between Earth and Fostral. (Vangers)
    • Two factions of Cybertronians, the Autobots and Decepticons, arrive on Earth in search of the Allspark, an artifact capable of converting technology into new Cybertronians. Recognising the hostility of the Decepticons, the Humans allied with the Autobots and fought with them, but the Allspark was destroyed. Now unable to restore their homeworld Cybertron, the Autobots are granted asylum on Earth. (Transformers)
    • In one possible (but unlikely) timeline, the Earth is devastated by the Death Wraiths in this year. (Doctor Who)
    • Harold Saxon, prime minister of Great Britain, introduces humanity to an alien race known as the Toclafane. He then reveals himself to be the Master, a renegade Time Lord, before unleashing the Toclafane to conquer Earth, removing one tenth of the global population. A year later, Martha Jones used his telepathic satellite network to rejuvenate the aged Doctor and his paradox machine was disabled. The Toclafane were sent back to the end of the universe where they came from, and time was reversed back to the previous year, undoing the Master's reign. The Master himself was then shot and died after refusing to regenerate. (Doctor Who)
    • The Adipose use Earth as a breeding ground to replace their homeworld after it was stolen by the Daleks to be used as a component of their reality bomb. Using cellular modification devices disguised as diet pills, they convert fat from overweight Humans into Adipose infants. When the Shadow Proclamation are alerted to their activities, the Adipose abandon this effort, recovering the young they had already produced. (Doctor Who)
    • Earth is displaced to the Medusa Cascade by the Daleks in order to power their Reality Bomb, a superweapon designed to eradicate all non-Dalek life in the multiverse. Through the efforts of the Doctor and his allies, the Reality Bomb and the Dalek armada is destroyed and Earth, along with the other 26 stolen planets, are returned to their original space and time. (Doctor Who)
  • 2009:
    • Dome Day: A race of extra-dimensional beings known as the Leatherheads creates a massive dome over the small and quiet town of Chester's Mill, Maine for their own morbid curiosity. In one week, the Dome vanishes after a Human persuades them to set them free. (Under the Dome)
    • The Decepticons attempt to destroy the star of Earth's solar system to acquire an immense load of Energon. They fail to do so thanks to the Autobots' intervention. (Transformers)
  • 2011: The Decepticons attempt to teleport Cybertron into Earth's solar system using a space bridge, subjugating humanity as a slave workforce to rebuild their homeworld. Once again, the Autobots prevent this and destroy the Decepticons' leadership, seemingly ending their civil war. (Transformers)
  • 2012: The Chitauri invade New York through a portal. They were defeated by the newly established Avengers when Iron Man flew a nuke into their mothership. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • 2013:
    • The Precursors invade the Universe from their universe (the Anteverse) through a breach in the pacific ocean and send Kaiju to attack Earth. Humanity counters through the creation of massive robotic war machines known as Jaegers. (Pacific Rim)
    • Malekith and his army of Dark Elves invade Asgard and kill Frigga. Malekith then tries to use the Reality Stone to plunge the Universe into darkness but was killed by Thor before he could. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • 2014:
    • A rogue Kree warlord called Ronan invades Xandar with the Power Stone but is defeated by the Guardians of the Galaxy. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • 2015:
    • The Ethereals launch an invasion of Earth, using other conquered species such as Sectoids, Mutons, Chryssalids and modified Vipers to fight on their behalf. Humanity responds with the complete activation of the XCOM project, an organisation made up of Earth's best soldiers, scientists and engineers, in order to counter the invasion. After months of conflict, Earth is conquered and XCOM are forced underground. (XCOM)
    • A mysterious alien race known as Mimics invade Earth. (Edge of Tomorrow)
  • 2016:
    • The second Human-Harvester War takes place. (Independence Day)
    • An inter-dimensional being called Dormammu invades our universe from the Dark Dimension and tries to consume Earth but is defeated by Doctor Strange using the Time Stone. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • A race of bio-mechanical aliens in massive living ships invade Earth. (Cloverfield)
  • 2017:
    • Peter Quill (a.k.a. Star Lord) encounters his biological father Ego the Living Planet who planned to use Peter's celestial DNA with his powers to start "The Expansion", where he terraforms various planets he has visited in his lifetime. Ego was killed by Peter and the Guardians of the Galaxy before he could succeed. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • Yondu Udonta sacrifices himself to save Peter's life. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • Death of Odin Borson, former King of Asgard. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • Hela the Goddess of death takes over Asgard and Loki starts Ragnarok, resurrecting Surtur and destroying Asgard and Hela. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • Thor Odinson becomes the new King of Asgard. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • The Monks invade Earth and alter the memories of humanity to make it seem as if they've guided humanity's civilization from the very beginning as a means to put Earth under a totalitarian form of control. It was until the Doctor and his companions Bill Potts and Nardole restored the memories of the Human populace did the Monks leave to avoid violent protest from humanity. (Doctor Who)
  • 2018:
    • The Dax Symbiont is born on the planet Trill. (Star Trek)
    • Thanos destroys Knowhere, Xandar and Thor's ship, kills his adopted daughter Gamora and Loki and obtains all six Infinity Stones to complete his Infinity Gauntlet and wipes out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
    • The first Chirpsithra liner visits the Earth in Siberia. (The Draco Tavern)
    • The plans are laid for Luna Colony (Babylon 5)
  • 2020: Conflict between the United States and North Korea on Lingshan island awakens the dormant Ceph, resulting in the decimation of both armies. Prophet, an American soldier adorned in a prototype nanosuit made from reverse-engineered Ceph technology, returns to Lingshan to learn more about the Ceph. (Crysis)
  • The Seven Hour War takes place at some point in the 2020s. The Combine invade Earth through Xen and subjugate the Human populace in a matter of seven hours, resulting in them gaining complete control of the planet while various other Xen creatures begin to thrive in areas not under Combine control. The G-Man awakens Gordon Freeman from stasis on Earth while it is under Combine control. A week later, Freeman leads a resistance movement of Humans and Vortigaunts in rebellion against the Combine. (Half-Life)
  • 2022:
    • A Viewer is spotted in Agua Dulce, California hunting horses and unsuspecting civilians for six months around Jupiter's Claim and Haywood Ranch after Ricky "Jupe" Park attempted to tame it to be used for his attraction: the Star Lasso Experience. On the day of the event, the Viewer ate Jupe along with the 40 visitors and employees that were there at the time. It was later killed by Emerald Haywood after being tricked into digesting Jupe's mascot balloon in Jupiter's Claim.
  • 2023:
    • The Ceph attack New York City, unleashing a viral spore which breaks down the Human population into biomass for later harvesting. Alcatraz, a US marine, adorns Prophet's nanosuit after his demise and sabotages the spores inside the Ceph litho-ship, eradicating every Ceph in the city. Alcatraz's mind is assimilated by Prophet's consciousness still contained within the nanosuit. (Crysis)
    • The Avengers kill Thanos, but discover the Infinity Stones had been destroyed. They travel to alternate timelines to recover the stones and revive the 50% of the universe erased by Thanos. As an unintended consequence of their success, an alternate version of Thanos invades Earth again, but he and his army are destroyed by the Avengers and an army made up of every group victimised by Thanos, including the Wakandans, the Ravager space pirates, the Nova Corps and the Asgardians among others. (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • 2024:
    • The Kaiju are defeated and the breach between the two universes in sealed by an atomic bomb. (Pacific Rim)
    • The Bell Riots take place in San Francisco's Sanctuary District. (Star Trek)
  • 2026:
    • The Earth vessel Barsoom lands on Luna and discovers the U-ga, Va-ga and Kalkar civilizations there. (The Moon Maid)
    • The Earth is in the middle of an energy crisis and plans on using the newly built particle accelerator to provide limitless energy. However, the machine is too dangerous to operate on Earth without possibly causing total destruction on the planet, so they put the particle accelerator on the Shepard Cloverfield space station and have it be activated in Earth's orbit. (Cloverfield)
  • 2028: The Shepard Cloverfield station accidentally transports into a parallel universe after an accident involving the activation of the particle accelerator on board. (Cloverfield)
  • 2030: According to some accounts, this is when the first Human expeditions land on Mars and make contact with a native telepathic race, which is eventually decimated by chickenpox. Other accounts place these events in 1999 instead. (The Martian Chronicles)
  • 2035: XCOM is reactivated by Human freedom fighters in opposition to the ADVENT Coalition. During their civil war, XCOM discovers that the Ethereals all suffered a rapid physical degeneration, their bodies unable to cope with their immense psionic ability. The discovered truth behind the invasion and occupation is due to the Ethereals using the genetic material of each species they conquered in the past (Sectoids, Mutons, Chryssalids, Vipers, etc.) in order to find a cure. Due to Humans meeting the criteria of suitable physical form and psionic potential, the Ethereals sought to process Humankind to create new bodies for themselves. XCOM halted this endeavour and destroyed the Ethereals, causing the gradual collapse of ADVENT and liberation of humanity. (XCOM)
  • 2040: Freed from Ethereal control but stranded on Earth, many aliens leftover from the Ethereals' armies are allowed sanctuary on Earth, sharing a tenuous co-existence with Humans. XCOM assumes a peacekeeping role over the reclaimed Earth and establishes Chimera Squad to demonstrate recruitment of aliens into their ranks to serve alongside Humans. (XCOM)
  • 2047: Presumed to be the time in which the Wanderer K-47 is launched from Earth. (Blake's 7)
  • 2050:
    • A Human expedition to the neutron star known as Dragon's Egg makes contact with the native Cheela. (Dragon's Egg)
    • Mars is colonized by a private industry from Earth known as Ultor Corporation. (Red Faction)
  • 2054; Mars is colonized by humans from Earth with the help of the first contact with H2-O2's species 50 years earlier. (Later erased from history by Rock, Queen Metapha, Captain Kork and Spucki) (Bullyparade)
  • 2057: The Crogs launch a devastating attack against Earth, but retreat after the Avatar invites humanity to participate in the next Great Race of Ōban. For the next 25 years, a galaxy-wide truce is held to allow all species to properly prepare themselves for the race. (Ōban Star-Racers)
  • 2059: On Mars, Bowie Base One is exploded by a nuclear warhead, though the Doctor saves three of the team there. (Doctor Who)
  • 2060: Young's expedition to Uranus takes place. (Planetary Series)
  • 2063: Human inventor Zefram Cochrane invents the warp drive, resulting in the official first contact between Humans and Vulcans. (Star Trek)
  • 2067: Ultor chief scientist Axel Capek and his science team make an excursion into an ancient shaft on Mars and discover the Plague. Axel Capek remains the only survivor of the excursion. (Red Faction)
  • 2069: Humans establish a colony settlement on Earth's moon known as Armstrong outpost. (Mass Effect)
  • 2075: Ultor Miners start an uprising under the name Red Faction against the Ultor Corporation, starting the First Martian Revolution, with the help of the Earth Defence Force, the Ultor Corporation is toppled and the EDF establish their own rule on Mars. (Red Faction)
  • 2076:
    • A group of Dokarians invade and attempt to conquer an undersea city on Earth. (Jabberjaw)
    • Humans and Dolphins make first contact with the Waldahudin. (Starplex)
  • 2077: The Ib species makes first contact with Humans, Dolphins and Waldahudin. The Commonwealth of Planets is formed by an alliance of these four races. (Starplex)
  • 2079:
    • Human colonists arrive on the planet Aldebaran-4. (The Worlds of Aldebaran)
    • A Wanderer class Sleeper ship designated K-47 goes missing near 61 Cygni. (Blake's 7)
  • At some point during this time period the Humans and the Kzinti had four wars, all of which the Kzinti lost. (Star Trek)
  • 2080: A Red Faction incarnation on Earth begins a civil war against the Commonwealth, a Government on Earth, starting the Commonwealth Civil War. The Civil War ends with the Red Faction victorious. The Civil War leads to multiple rebellions starting on Earth, weakening the Earth Defence Force to a point where multinational corporations take over the EDF and get an interest in Martian resources. (Red Faction)
  • 2080 to 2084: Earth undergoes World War III, leading to the formation of a new government, the Earth Alliance. (Babylon 5)
  • 2082: The Great Race of Ōban takes place. (Ōban Star-Racers)
  • 2084: After 82 years of war, humanity finally falls to the Daggra. A portal to the beginning of the war is activated to save the Human race. (The Returner)
  • 2090s: Successful Human colonization of the moon. (Forbidden Planet)
  • 2096: The Union Aerospace Corporation establishes a colony on Mars. (DOOM)
  • 2097: First contact between Humans and Bandersnatchi on Jinx. (Known Space)
  • 2100:
    • Approximate time of first contact between the Thranx and the AAnn. (Humanx Commonwealth)
    • The United Galactic Organization consists of an alliance between Humans, Martians and Venusians. In that year, the isolationist Saturnians also become members of the UGO, and the Organization makes contact with their first extrasolar species. (Space Patrol)
    • The Gaea expedition to Uranus discovers the first native life forms on the planet. (Planetary Series)

22nd century[]

  • Some Humans leave the Earth to colonize other planets. Billions of years later, some of their descendants would give rise to a completely different species. (Man After Man)
  • 2103: Humans establish a permanent colony on Mars. (Mass Effect)
  • 2108: First contact is made between Human explorers and the Cryspo outside of a passage from Necross. The slow intelligence of the Cryspo is content with exploring the linked worlds until it discovers the nutritional value of Humans, initiating a war that leads to both Earth and Cry disconnecting from the chain, with the stranded beings left to mutate under the influence of Human bioweapons. The four surviving groups of mutants organize into the different bios of Lostie. (Vangers)
  • 2109: First contact between the Narn and the Centauri, and the beginning of the First Centauri Occupation of Narn, which would last for over a hundred years and not end until 2231. (Babylon 5)
  • 2111: The Brakiri achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 2117: The Battle of Mariner Valley begins on Mars between the Earth Defence Force and the Marauders. The Battle results in Marauder victory, however, the Marauder-EDF War remains a stalemate afterwards. (Red Faction)
  • 2122: The crew of the USCSS Nostromo lands on the satellite LV-426 and encounters Xenomorph eggs. A crewman named Kane is infected, and the chestburster that emerges from his body grows to adult size quickly and starts preying on the crew. Eventually, the Nostromo is destroyed and the Xenomorph is killed, leaving Ellen Ripley the sole survivor. (Alien)
  • 2123: The Earth colony ship SS Mariposa is launched. Colonists would eventually settle on two planets, Bringloid V and Mariposa. However, both colonies would lose contact with Earth and remain isolated until 2365. (Star Trek)
  • 2125:
    • The Citadel Council discovers the Yahg, but quarantines their planet after their diplomats are killed. The enigmatic crimelord known as the Shadow Broker abducts a Yahg for study, but is killed by said Yahg. Due to the anonymity of the Shadow Broker's identity, the Yahg easily impersonates them and takes control of their organisation. (Mass Effect)
    • The Red Faction miners rebel against the Earth Defence Force, starting the Second Martian Revolution. During the revolution, the Red Faction and the Marauders form an alliance against the EDF, which results in the Red Faction and Marauder victory. (Red Faction)
    • A Human named Jack Brennan consumes the roots of the tree-of-life plant and transforms into a Protector. (Known Space)
  • 2127: Samur Maykr, Seraphim of the Maykrs, infiltrates the UAC under the guise of a Human cyborg known as Samuel Hayden. He rises through the organisation's structure and becomes CEO, intent on preparing Humankind for inevitable conflict with the Demons. (DOOM)
  • 2143: Humans develop teleportation technology and discover Hell. They begin to send expeditions through to recover samples, artifacts and even Demon specimens. (DOOM)
  • 2145: UAC expeditions in Hell discover the Doom Slayer, held in stasis within a demonic sarcophagus. (DOOM)
  • 2148: Humans discover Prothean ruins on Mars, including an archive which leads them to the Mass Relay network. (Mass Effect)
  • 2149:
    • The nations of Earth cede space-based military and exploration authority to the Systems Alliance. (Mass Effect)
    • A group of corrupted Human cultists sabotage the UAC's Hell portal and specimen containment systems, enabling the Demons to invade Mars. The Doom Slayer is awakened and single-handedly halts the invasion by closing the portal and effectively slaughtering every Demon involved in the invasion, including the Spiderdemon Mastermind responsible. The Slayer also frees the Elemental Wraiths bound to the Well and halts the UAC's production of Argent Energy. However, Samur Maykr relieves him of the Crucible, a Demonic artifact with which Argent Energy could be synthesised, and banishes the Slayer to an unknown location. (DOOM)
  • 2150:
    • First contact between Humans and Kortan Dahük aboard the space station Alpha. (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets)
    • The E.D.S. Hydra falls to the Martian surface, resulting in the remains of Earth Defense Faction, the White Faction arriving on Mars, starting the White Faction Crisis. (Red Faction)
  • 2150s: The Daleks invade Earth and occupy the planet for about a decade until being defeated by the Doctor and his companions. The exact date in which the invaders arrive varies according to different accounts, being either 2150 (Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.) or 2157 (Doctor Who).
  • 2151:
    • The launch of the Earth Starfleet's first warp-five-capable ship, the Enterprise NX-01, under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. In that year, the ship would go on to make first contact with numerous species, such as the Suliban, Axanar, Xyrillians and Wraiths. (Star Trek)
    • An industrial accident at Singapore International Spaceport exposes hundreds of Humans to Element Zero. 30% of children born after this incident suffer from cancerous growths, but Humans also discover biotic abilities as a result. (Mass Effect)
  • 2153: Over 7 million people are killed when the Earth is attacked by an experimental weaponized Xindi probe. (Star Trek)
  • 2155: The Systems Alliance establishes its headquarters, Arcturus station. (Mass Effect)
  • 2156:
    • The Earth-Romulan war takes place between this year and 2160. (Star Trek)
    • Humans achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 2157: Humans establish contact with the Turians and enter the First Contact War over their unrestrained activation of dormant Mass Relays. After the Turians annex the Human colony of Shanxi, the Citadel Council intervenes, brokering peace between the two species and introducing humanity to the Citadel. Meanwhile, Jack Harper and Saren Arterius thwart a plot by Saren's brother Desolas to 'ascend' the Turians with his discovery of Reaper technology, transforming organic lifeforms into biomechanical creatures known as husks. Afterwards, under the moniker of the Illusive Man, Harper establishes the organisation Cerberus to secure Human dominance over all other species. (Mass Effect)
  • 2160: In recognition of the Alliance's actions during the First Contact War, as well as Earth's international squabbling over a response to the Turians, the Systems Alliance becomes the central government of the Human race. (Mass Effect)
  • 2161:
    • The formation of the United Federation of Planets, founded by an alliance between Humans, Vulcans, Tellarites and Andorians. (Star Trek)
    • The Llort achieve interstellar spaceflight, Earth's Psi Corps is also founded. (Babylon 5)
  • 2163:
    • The Demons invade Earth, killing billions and corrupting much of the planet. The Doom Slayer arrives aboard an Argenta ship, the Fortress of Doom. The Slayer fights the Demons and turns the tide in Humanity's favour, particularly by killing the Deag Priests who commanded the hordes. Determined to sacrifice Earth for Urdak's continued prosperity, the Khan Maykr declares she would awaken the Icon of Sin and unleash it on Earth. In retaliation, the Slayer infiltrates Urdak and releases the Icon from Maykr control, breaking the dimensional seal between Urdak and the rest of creation. The Demons invade Urdak, their pact with the Maykrs broken, and the Slayer kills the Khan Maykr before returning to Earth and killing the Icon of Sin, saving Humanity and damning the Maykrs in the process. (DOOM)
    • The Batarians discover the remains of a dead Reaper, which they name the Leviathan of Dis. (Mass Effect)
  • 2165: The Humans are granted an embassy on the Citadel. (Mass Effect)
  • 2168: The Federation starship Horizon lands on Sigma Iota II and makes first contact with the native Iotians, inadvertently leaving behind a book called Chicago Mobs of the Twenties, which would go on to become the central point of their culture during the next century. (Star Trek)
  • 2170:
    • The Batarians attack the Human colony of Mindoir. (Mass Effect)
    • The Terraformer on Mars gets destroyed during the Battle of the Terraformer, rendering the Martian surface uninhabitable and forcing the Martian colonists underground. (Red Faction)
  • 2171: In protest of the Citadel Council's support of the Humans, the Batarians withdraw their membership with the Citadel and become a rogue state, launching a campaign of terrorist attacks against Human interests. (Mass Effect)
  • 2175: A seal keeping the Plague in hibernation has been opened, starting Plague Armageddon, a conflict between the colonists and the Plague. The conflict resulted in colonist victory and the Terraformer being repaired by the colonists, rendering the surface uninhabitable to the Plague. (Red Faction)
  • 2176: The Skyllian Blitz breaks out, a war between the Humans and Batarians. Despite receiving support from numerous pirates and mercenaries, the Batarians are defeated. Meanwhile, an extragalactic colonisation effort known as the Andromeda initiative is established. (Mass Effect)
  • 2179: The colony Hadley's Hope on LV-426 is overtaken by Xenomorphs. A unit of Colonial Marines is sent to fight the infestation and the surviving members are forced to flee before the colony is destroyed by the damaged atmospheric processing station. (Aliens)
  • 2183: Humans and Turians collaborate on the development of a starship combining their technologies. This ship is named the SSV-Normandy. Later, the Human colony of Eden Prime is attacked by the Geth, under the command of the rogue Turian, Saren Arterius. Commander Shepherd of the Human navy is issued command of the Normandy and leads a multi-species team in pursuit of Saren. Eventually, they discover that Saren and the Geth were enthralled by a Reaper known as Sovereign, posing as Saren's starship, and were aiding in its plot to summon the Reapers back to the Milky Way galaxy and begin the cycle of extinction again. Shepherd is successful in killing Saren and destroying Sovereign, but acknowledges that the imminent Reaper threat. A month later, Shepherd is killed by the Collectors, who also destroy the Normandy. (Mass Effect)
  • 2184: The Collectors begin a campaign of attacking and abducting Human colonists. (Mass Effect)
  • 2185: Commander Shepherd is resurrected by Cerberus and forced to work with them in order to eliminate the Collector threat. After assembling another multi-species team, Shepherd discovers the Collectors to be former Protheans under Reaper control, and that the abducted Humans are being processed into biomatter for the construction of a new Reaper. Shepherd and team destroy the Reaper and the Collectors before severing ties with Cerberus. Meanwhile, the position of Shadow Broker is taken over by the Asari archaelogist, Liara T'soni. Additionally, the Andromeda initiative begins, launching Ark ships carrying Humans, Asari, Turians and Krogan towards the Andromeda Galaxy. (Mass Effect)
  • 2186:
    • The Hurr and the pak'ma'ra both achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
    • The Bahak system is destroyed by the Systems Alliance, resulting in the deaths of thousands of Batarians. This act was in response to the discovery of the Reapers' imminent return to the Milky Way galaxy, and was done in order to delay them. (Mass Effect)
    • The Reapers arrive in the Milky Way Galaxy and conquer the Batarian and Human homeworlds of Khar'shan and Earth respectively, processing their populations or converting them into Husks to serve as foot-soldiers. Additionally, the Illusive Man had become indoctrinated by the Reapers, rendering the Human supremacists of Cerberus unwitting allies to them under the belief that they can control the Reapers and secure Human dominance of the galaxy. (Mass Effect)
    • Commander Shepherd discovers Prothean plans on Mars for a weapon known as the Crucible, which could potentially destroy the Reapers. Shepherd and the crew of the SR2-Normandy are tasked with securing the support of as many galactic civilisations and factions as possible in constructing the crucible and destroying the Reapers. The Human, Turian and Asari governments pledge their support to this effort. (Mass Effect)
    • To secure the Turians' support, Shepherd needed to enlist the aid of the Krogan in defending Palaven from the Reapers. The Krogan agree, but only on the condition that the Genophage is cured and the Krogan are allowed to breed again as they had done before the Krogan Rebellions. The Salarians largely oppose this demand and offers their support for the Crucible if the cure is sabotaged. Depending on the timeline, Shepherd may have cured the Genophage, with the aid of a sympathetic Salarian's sacrifice, securing the support of the Krogan and the Turians. Alternatively, if Shepherd did not cure the Genophage, the Krogan would have been fooled for a time before discovering the truth, by which point, the Salarians would have already pledged their aid. (Mass Effect)
    • To bolster their forces, the Reapers effectively revive the Rachni race, either by abducting and imprisoning the last Rachni Queen, or cloning one from scratch. Either way, the Rachni offspring are converted into Husks known as Ravagers. Depending on Shepherd's actions, the Rachni Queen is either killed, rendering the species extinct again, or freed, allowing the Rachni a second chance to co-operate and co-exist with the galaxy. (Mass Effect)
    • An indoctrinated Hanar attempts to expose the Hanar homeworld to the Reapers, but is discovered by Citadel agents, who bring Shepherd into the investigation. Depending on Shepherd's actions, the indoctrinated Hanar is killed and the plot thwarted, securing the support of the Hanar and Drell for the war effort. (Mass Effect)
    • The Quarians declare war on the Geth, intent on reclaiming their homeworld Rannoch by force. Desperate to escape their extinction, the Geth accepted an alliance with the Reapers, gaining substantial upgrades but also becoming enthralled by the Reapers. Shepherd is tasked with intervening and securing the Quarians' support for the Crucible. Depending on his actions, either the Geth are eradicated and the Quarians reclaim Rannoch, or the Geth are freed from Reaper control and exterminate the Quarians before pledging their support for the Crucible. Alternatively, Shepherd may convince the Quarians and Geth of the pointlessness of their conflict and broker peace between the two races. In this scenario, both Quarians and Geth join the galaxy against the Reapers. (Mass Effect)
    • Balak, the last surviving member of the Batarian military leadership orchestrates a series of sabotages aimed at Human refugees on the Citadel as retribution for the destruction of the Bahak system. He is either killed by Shepherd or convinced to lead the Batarians to support the war effort against the Reapers. (Mass Effect)
    • The Leviathans are discovered by Human researchers, and attempt to conceal themselves again by enthralling them to destroy as much evidence as possible of their existence. Both Shepherd and the Reapers follow the trail and locate the Leviathans. The Leviathans tell Shepherd the origins of the Reapers, and although they initially saw no reason to risk themselves for 'lesser lifeforms', they acknowledged that their creations would find them soon, and so agree to fight the Reapers and reclaim their domain. (Mass Effect)
    • A Prothean VI is discovered on the Asari homeworld Thessia, shortly before it falls to the Reapers. Cerberus is dissolved when the Alliance raids their central headquarters and the Crucible is completed. However, Shepherd discovers that it was designed to attach to the Citadel in order to activate, and that the Reapers had taken the Citadel, bringing it into Earth's orbit for safekeeping. The Normandy leads an armada of all the races and factions united against the Reapers and forced their way to Earth through the Reapers' blockade. Using a mass relay in London, Shepherd is teleported into the Citadel and meets the Catalyst AI, which gives Shepherd three choices on what the Crucible would do. It could destroy the Reapers but also destroy every AI in the galaxy. It could reprogramme the Reapers to a new purpose, or secure peace with the Reapers by synthesing all life in the galaxy into new biomechanical forms. Whatever Shepherd's choice, the Reaper war ended here. (Mass Effect)
  • 2191: The Grome achieve interstellar spaceflight. (Babylon 5)
  • 2197: The Venusians start to xenoform the Earth from distance. ("The Metamorphosis of Earth")
  • Circa 2200: An off-course Human colony ship arrives on Midworld. The colonists' descendants adapt to their new world, giving rise to a race of arboreal Humans with short stature and prehensile toes. (Humanx Commonwealth)

23rd century[]

  • First contact between Humans and Yma. (Expedition)
  • Having already colonized other worlds of the Sol System, humanity discovers the Hyper Drive, allowing it to explore deep space. The spaceship Bellerophon crashes on Altair IV. Survivors Dr. Edward Morbius and his daughter Altaira remain stranded on the planet where Morbius begins to study the technology of the long-extinct Krell race. (Forbidden Planet)
  • In the 2200s, the Decapodians arrive on Earth, resulting in the extinction of anchovies, also notably, in 2206, scientists increased the speed of light, somehow. (Futurama)
  • 2214: Evil heads toward Earth to destroy it, but is defeated by the combination of the four elemental stones and the Fifth Element. A new moon is formed orbiting Earth. (The Fifth Element)
  • 2230:
    • Future ambassador Spock is born on the planet Vulcan. (Star Trek)
    • The beginning of the Dilgar War, which would last for two years and result in the destruction of entire planets and extinction of entire species, including the Dilgar themselves. (Babylon 5)
  • 2231: Following the event known as "the last Rainforest War", Humans and Yma sign the Yma/Human Accord of 2231, which allows the Yma full control of Earth's ecological management. (Expedition)
  • 2235: The Starfleet ship USS Kelvin houses the pregnant wife of First Officer George Kirk while on patrol in the Federation-Klingon border, in a different series of events, the ship encountered a Romulan mining ship from 2387, the following battle resulted in the death of George Kirk, and the creation of a new timeline. (Star Trek)
  • 2236: The Federation ship SS Columba crash-lands on Talos IV. Sole survivor Vina is found and kept in captivity by the native Talosians. (Star Trek)
  • 2245 to 2248: The Earth-Minbari War takes place with over 250,000 casualties. (Babylon 5)
  • 2249: Sherlock Holmes arrives in the 23rd century. Marshal BraveStarr of New Texas enlists the detective's help to locate a missing alien child. (BraveStarr)
  • 2250: The Argolins' homeworld of Argolis is completely devastated and the species rendered almost extinct by a huge nuclear attack by the Foamasi, putting an end to the brief Argolin-Foamasi War. (Doctor Who)
  • 2258: The Ru Ha'rus become extinct. A Minbari named Draal assumes the position of Guardian of the Great Machine. (Babylon 5)
  • 2259:
    • The Narn-Centauri War takes place, leading to the Second Centauri Occupation of Narn. Meanwhile, the Markabs are exterminated by the Drafa Plague. (Babylon 5)
    • 40,000 Human convicts are shipped through space to the Koprulu Sector, but contact is lost with Earth. The ships carrying these involuntary colonists crashland on the planets Tarsonis, Umoja and Moria. Three rival factions are established by each colony. (StarCraft)
  • 2260: The Shadows return to major power in the galaxy, making deals with many major galactic powers, around this time, Earth Alliance president, William Morgan Clark, declared martial law, Mars colony refused enforce these laws, resulting in EarthGov performing bombings across the planet, in response, the colonies of Orion 7, Proxima 3, and eventually, the Earth Alliance station Babylon 5, declared independence. (Babylon 5)
  • 2261: The Second Shadow War ends and the First Ones leave the galaxy. Also on that year, our realm is briefly invaded by the Thirdspace Aliens. (Babylon 5)
  • 2262: Human telepath Lyta Alexander successfully disrupts the Hive Mind Bacteria's control over its planet. (Babylon 5)
  • 2265 to 2270: The Federation starship USS Enterprise goes on a five-year mission of exploration under the command of Captain James T. Kirk. The last of the Salt Vampires is killed. First contact is made with alien species such as the Gorn Hegemony and the silicon-based Horta, among others. (Star Trek)
  • 2287: Vulcan renegade and Spock's half-brother Sybok hijacks the USS Enterprise-A and manages to travel beyond the Great Barrier to the galactic core where he lands on the planet he identifies as the mythical Sha Ka Ree. (Star Trek)
  • 2293: Signing of the Khitomer Accords, establishing peace between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. (Star Trek)

24th century[]

  • 2304: Earth is attacked and conquered by the fleet of the Mars regulator and his son and right-hand Jens Maul. Most of Earth's forces are destroyed and the senators are imprisoned in the washroom. However, Queen Metapha, Rock and two members of the Surprise, Captain Kork and Spucki, are able to escape via a time machine. While Jens Maul goes after them with another time machine, Schrotty, a friend of Kork and Spucki and also a member of the Surprise, is interrogated by the Martians and later killed with a pan because of not cooperating. (Later erased from history by Rock, Queen Metapha, Captain Kork and Spucki) (Bullyparade)
  • 2304: Kork, Rock and Queen Metapha get back to the future. They are awaited by the senators and Schrotty, who were saved from the Martians because of their time travel. Also, Spucki, who survived through his species' longevity, greets them. Schrotty, Kork and Spucki later are the victors of the Miss Waikiki contest. Unfortunately, Jens Maul survived his fight with Rock in 2004 and also traveled back to the future, still trying to conquer Earth for his father (who probably was erased from history). (alternate timeline) (Bullyparade)
  • 2314: Spacetime travel is discovered, allowing Earth to recover from its dark ages and forming the foundation of what would eventually become known as the Terran Empire. (Valérian and Laureline)
  • 2319 to 2369: The Cardassians occupy Bajor. (Star Trek)
  • 2320: Whales and dolphins are given the ocean planet Cachalot to live unperturbed by Humans. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2321: Ktynga, a.k.a. Norby's Comet approaches Earth for the first time. The Fire Vampires consume thousands of Humans around the world and absorb their knowledge. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 2338: The Omicron Theta colony is annihilated by the Crystalline Entity. (Star Trek)
  • 2339: Fthaggua, lord of the Fire Vampires, is defeated thanks to the efforts of Gustav Norby. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 2341: Jack Brennan departs from the Sol System. (Known Space)
  • "24½th century": After staying frozen for about 350 years, Earth hero Duck Dodgers returns to life and becomes a captain of the Galactic Protectorate. A number of conflicts take place involving the imperial Martians. (Duck Dodgers)
  • 2356: The decades long Talaxian/Haakonian war comes to an end when the Haakonians use a metreon cascade on the Talaxian colony moon Rinax, killing all 300,000 inhabitants, and resulting in the fear driven surrender of the Talaxian government. (Star Trek)
  • 2358 to 2366: The first bi-species expedition undertook by Humans and Yma to explore the newly-discovered planet Darwin IV. (Expedition)
  • 2360: First contact between Humans and Pitar. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2365: Humans and Thranx join forces in a war against the Pitar, following the massacre perpetrated by the Pitar in the Human colony of Treetrunk. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2367: The First Man-Kzin War begins. (Known Space)
  • 2368: The Humanx-Pitar war ends with the extinction of the Pitar species. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2373 to 2375: The Dominion War takes place between the Gamma Quadrant's Dominion (i.e. Changelings and their servant races such as Vortas and Jem'Hadar) allied with the Cardassians and Breen against an alliance of Alpha Quadrant powers led by the United Federation of Planets, the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire. The war results in the loss of millions of lives, the obliteration of Cardassia Prime and the (temporary) sealing of the wormhole that linked the Alpha and Gamma quadrants. (Star Trek)
  • 2385: As the Romulan sun is about to explode, Jean-Luc Picard convinces the Federation to commence work on an evacuation fleet, to be built on Starfleet's Utopia Planitia installations on Mars. Following a devastating attack by synthetic androids, the project is discontinued and the Federation refuses to assist the Romulans, leading Picard to resign from Starfleet. Research on synthetic life is banned in the Federation. (Star Trek)
  • 2387: The Romulan star goes supernova, in an attempt to prevent any major damage to Romulus or it's people, Ambassador Spock uses Red Matter to create a black hole to suck up the supernova, this results in a Romulan vessel being sucked into the past, and the creation of a new timeline. (Star Trek)
  • 2399: A Romulan fleet arrives on planet Coppelius, intending to eradicate the androids. An android activates a beam to contact the "Uber-Synths" in an attempt to save her race, but Jean-Luc Picard convinces her otherwise. The Romulans retreat when faced with a Starfleet armada intent on defending Coppelius. (Star Trek)
  • 2400: The Humanx Commonwealth is created, consisting of the amalgamation of Humans and Thranx into a single "Humanx" nation. (Humanx Commonwealth)

25th century[]

  • 2420: The First Man-Kzin War ends. (Known Space)
  • 2471: Human colonists leave Earth to settle on the planet Uxarieus. (Doctor Who)
  • 2480: The Korven invade Earth. (Doctor Who)
  • 2485: The Human colonies of the Koprulu Sector fight each other throughout the Guild Wars. (StarCraft)
  • 2489: The Guild Wars end, the victor being the Tarsonis Confederacy. (StarCraft)
  • 2491: The Tarsonis Confederacy bombards the planet Korhal in response to the colony there declaring independence. Arcturus Mengsk establishes the Sons of Korhal rebel faction. Their first victory over the Confederacy includes the destruction of the Ghost programme, the Confederate's experiments and conscription of psionic Humans, and the recruitment of Sarah Kerrigan. (StarCraft)
  • 2492: The Jiralhanae are inducted into the Covenant. (Halo)
  • 2493: Earth starship UK-201, headed for the planet Astra, crash-lands on Dido instead. Murderous passenger Bennett kills the other survivors, except for Vicki Pallister, and puts the blame on the natives. (Doctor Who)
  • 2499: The Zerg invade the Human colonies of Chau Sara and Mar Sara. The Protoss intervene and purge both planets of all life. The Sons of Korhal recruit former Confederate marshall James Raynor and incite an open rebellion on Antiga Prime, acquiring psionic emitters designed by the Confederacy to control the Zerg. (StarCraft)
  • 2500:
    • Prof. Antelle's expedition leaves Earth, headed for the Betelgeuse System. (Planet of the Apes)
    • The Sons of Korhal attack Tarsonis, using psionic emitters to summon the Zerg to the planet. Despite Protoss intervention, the Sons of Korhal interfere and enable the Zerg to decimate the planet, slaughtering millions of Humans and effectively collapsing the Confederacy. The Sons of Korhal withdraw from Tarsonis, abandoning many of their forces, including Sarah Kerrigan, to the Zerg and forcefully seize power over all Human factions in the Koprulu Sector. Arcturus Mengsk declares the establishment of the Terran Dominion and himself its first emperor. James Raynor, disgusted by the dictatorship he unwittingly helped to create, establishes his own rebel faction known as Raynor's Raiders. (StarCraft)
    • Sarah Kerrigan is captured by the Zerg and transformed into a Human-Zerg hybrid known as the Queen of Blades. The Zerg invade the Protoss homeworld of Aiur. A brief civil-war breaks out between the Protoss when the Neraziim Protoss and Raynor's Raiders offer their support, only to be met with violent refusal from the Protoss Conclave. In defiance of the Conclave, Executor Tassadar of the Protoss military defends their allies and sacrifices himself to destroy the Zerg Overmind. The Zerg are immediately divided, but Protoss civilisation is left in ruins. (StarCraft)
    • The Zerg divide into two rival factions, one led by the Cerebrates intent on resurrecting the Overmind, and Kerrigan who sought to rule the Swarm herself. Meanwhile, the remaining Protoss are granted sanctuary on Shakuras and Humans of the United Earth Directorate invade the Koprulu Sector in order to enslave the Zerg as bioweapons and regain control of their lost colonies. Kerrigan manipulates the Protoss, Dominion and Raynor's Raiders into destroying the Cerebrates and granting her control of the Zerg before utterly destroying the UED fleet, driving them back to Earth and forcing the Dominion and Protoss to retreat and rebuild. (StarCraft)

26th century[]

  • 2502: Artanis is declared Hierarch of the new Protoss Daelaam. (StarCraft)
  • 2504:
    • Zeratul, prelate of the Neraziim Protoss, learns about Amon, the fallen Xel'Naga. He also foresees a future where the Queen of Blades is killed, allowing Amon to assume direct control of the Zerg and destroy the entire galaxy with an army of Protoss-Zerg hybrids. He desperately passes this information on to James Raynor. (StarCraft)
    • The Zerg launch a full-scale invasion of the Koprulu Sector in search of a Xel'Naga artifact known as the Keystone. Raynor's Raiders engage in open warfare against the Terran Dominion, the Zerg and the Tal'darim, a faction of Protoss descended from those removed from Aiur by Amon millennia earlier. The Raiders acquire the Keystone, form a tense alliance with the Dominion and lead an invasion of the planet Char. The battle ends with the Keystone reverting the Queen of Blades back to Human form with no memory past the fall of Tarsonis. Rather than allow the Dominion to execute Sarah Kerrigan, she is removed from Char and taken into custody. Without their queen, the Zerg broods turn on each other. The keystone is stolen by a Xel'Naga loyal to Amon. (StarCraft)
  • 2505:
    • James Raynor is captured by the Dominion, who fake his death in the hope of ending his rebellion. Enraged, Kerrigan returns to the Zerg and reunifies them under her control once again, becoming obsessed with revenge on Arcturus Mengsk. During this time, she is lead by Zeratul to the the Zerg homeworld Zerus, where she is mutated into the Queen of Blades again, albeit with her mind and personality intact this time. She later learns about Amon and rescues Raynor from the Dominion before launching an invasion of Korhal. With the Zerg broods under her command, as well as support from Raynor's Raiders, Kerrigan kills Emperor Mengsk and departs from Korhal to fight Amon. In her absence, Arcturus' son Valerian becomes the new emperor of the Dominion, restructuring it into a more just and benevolent government. Raynor's Raiders are integrated into the Dominion military and the Keystone is recovered. (StarCraft)
    • The Fourth Man-Kzin War ends. (Known Space)
  • 2506:
    • Amon begins the End War against the galaxy, unleashing his army of Zerg-Protoss hybrids, who in turn dominate their own armies of enthralled Humans and Zerg. Just as the Protoss began their reclamation of Aiur, Amon corrupts the Khala and seizes control of almost the entire Protoss species. Zeratul is killed in the process of freeing Artanis from Amon's control by disconnecting him from the Khala. Artanis severs as many Protoss as he could from the Khala and flees Aiur with his limited forces aboard an Arkship, the Spear of Adun. (StarCraft)
    • Moebius Corps, an army of Humans dominated by Amon's Hybrids, invade Korhal in pursuit of the Keystone. The Protoss intervene and aid the Humans in fending them off, and are given the Keystone for their efforts. (StarCraft)
    • Due to having no prior connection to the Khala, the Neraziim Protoss join Artanis' war effort, but are faced with limited numbers after having to destroy Shakuras to greatly diminish Amon's Zerg. (StarCraft)
    • The Keystone leads the Protoss to Ulnar, a colossal Xel'Naga space station. Forming an alliance with Kerrigan, Artanis discovers Amon's involvement in uplifting the Protoss and Zerg was for the purpose of abolishing the Endless Cycle and that the rest of the Xel'Naga were all dead. Knowing that their 'gods' would not aid them, the Protoss secure the support of the Tal'darim and the Purifiers. (StarCraft)
    • The unified Protoss factions return to Aiur, intent on using the Keystone to remove Amon from the Khala. Fighting through hordes of corrupted Protoss and Zerg, they destroy Amon's host body and activate the Keystone to imprison his essence. Now freed from Amon's control, the Khalai Protoss severed their mental connections and destroyed the Khala, banishing Amon back to the Void. The Protoss are now free to rebuild their homeworld and empire. (StarCraft)
  • 2508: Recognising that Amon could eventually return, an alliance of Protoss, Humans and Zerg ventured into the Void to destroy him. They encounter a surviving Xel'Naga called Ouros, who insists on their aid in continuing the infinite cycle. Accepting this, Kerrigan absorbs Ouros' essence and becomes a Xel'Naga, demonstrating her new power by destroying Amon. The Humans of the Dominion enter a golden age of peace and prosperity, establishing an alliance with the Protoss Daelaam. With Kerrigan gone, Broodmother Zagara takes her place as queen of the Zerg. (StarCraft)
  • 2511:
    • Emperor Valerian and Hierarch Artanis engage in peacetalks with Overqueen Zagara in the hope of securing peaceful relations between Humans, Protoss and Zerg. (StarCraft)
    • The Project Orion relaunched as the SPARTAN-II Program, held at the military fortress world Reach. These candidates were far more successful. (Halo)
  • 2518: Death of Australian physicist Nevil Kingston-Brown, who once had his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 2525: The Human-Covenant war begins. (Halo)
  • 2534: The United Nations Space Command (UNSC), the militarised government of the Human race, deploys the Colony ship-turned warship Spirit of Fire against the Covenant on the Human colonies of Harvest and Arcadia. The Spirit of Fire pursues the Covenant to Etran Harbourage, an artificial planet built by the Forerunners but infested by the Flood, where they discovered a dormant fleet of Forerunner warships. The Spirit of Fire sacrifices its slipspace drive to destroy the planet and the fleet, but becomes adrift in space, cut off from the UNSC. (Halo)
  • 2540: The Daleks, allied with the rogue Time Lord known as the Master, attempt to instigate a second war between Earth and Draconia. (Doctor Who)
  • 2549: Several Jiralhanae, led by Atriox, rebel against the Covenant and became a group of pirates known as the Banished. (Halo)
  • 2552:
    • The Fall of Reach: The Human planet 'Reach' is glassed by the Covenant during the Human-Covenant war. One of the biggest losses to the UNSC and humanity in the war. (Halo)
    • A Spartan, John-117, otherwise known as Masterchief, detonates the Pillar of Autumn's fusion reactor destroying Installation 04 (one of the Halo Rings), as well as an entire Covenant fleet and a major Flood outbreak. (Halo)
    • The Battle of Installation 05: A major battle between the UNSC, The Covenant and The Flood. The Prophet of Regret is assassinated by the Masterchief and the Arbiter kills Tartarus preventing him from activating the Halo Array. (Halo)
    • The Battle of Earth: One of the largest and most important battles fought between the Covenant and Humanity. The battle ended when the Prophet of Truth went through the portal to the 'Ark', an extragalactic Forerunner superstructure where the Halos were originally built. In order to stop the Flood from infecting all of Earth the UNSC allowed the Separatists to glass East Africa. (Halo)
  • 2553: The Human Covenant ends with the defeat of the Covenant and The Flood and victory for the UNSC and Covenant separatists. The Banished take advantage of the resulting power vacuum and begin to consolidate their power and resources through absorbtion of Covenant remnant factions and their resources. (Halo)
  • 2557: The Forerunner Ur-Didact is awakened within the artificial planet Requiem. He reclaims control of the Prometheans and his Composer weapon. He successfully converts a city's worth of Humans into Prometheans before Spartan 117, the Master Chief, defeated him and destroyed the Composer with a nuclear explosive. (Halo)
  • 2558: Cortana, a Human-made AI presumed terminated after the defeat of Ur-Didact, resurfaced within the Forerunner network known as the Domain. Allied with the Forerunner AI known as Warden Eternal, she assumed command of the Prometheans and began to systematically reactivate massive Forerunner robots known as Guardians, scattered and dormant across the galaxy. Spartan 117, along with three other Spartans, investigates against orders, prompting a manhunt from four other Spartans. As all the Guardians were reactivated and summoned to the planet Genesis, causing immense destruction in their wake, countless AIs pledged their allegiance to Cortana in response to her claims that the Domain could cure rampancy, a condition considered by AIs to be something akin to death by insanity due to accumulating too much experience and information. This alliance of AIs, now identified as the Created, declare themselves inheritors of the Mantle of Responsibility and enforce an imperial peace on the galaxy, collapsing the UNSC in the process. (Halo)
  • 2559: The Spirit of Fire resurfaces in orbit above the Ark, which had been occupied by the Banished. The two forces engaged in brutal guerilla warfare for several months, which included the destruction of the Banished capital ship, the Enduring Conviction, the creation and deployment of a new Halo (Installation 09, which was intercepted by the Created), the destruction of an uncovered Forerunner ship and even a resurgent outbreak of the Flood. (Halo)
  • 2560: The Created destroy the Jiralhanae homeworld, Doisac. In retaliation, the Banished seize control of Halo Installation 07 but are halted when Cortana destroys a considerable portion of the ring, along with herself. The Banished are denied control of the ring, and the Created are effectively disbanded. The Banished also release a Xalanyn known as the Harbinger from her Cylix, but she and the Banished leadership were eliminated by the Master Chief. (Halo)
  • 2575: Humans settle on Cachalot, intending to coexist peacefully with the reallocated whales. The CunsnuC begin development of a mind control polyp, which would take centuries to complete. (Humanx Commonwealth)

27th century[]

  • At this point in their history, the Galyari are nomads and travel within the multi-species complex of space vessels known as "the Clutch". (Doctor Who)
  • 2646: The Puppeteers start their migration, leaving the galaxy behind to escape the explosion of the galactic core. (Known Space)
  • 2688: Earth exists in a peaceful utopia. A man named Rufus travels back in time to ensure that the past would not be altered by seeing that Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan pass their history class and continue with their music projects. (Bill & Ted)
  • 2691: Chuck De Nomolos steals a time machine and sends evil robot replicas of Bill and Ted back in time to replace the originals and prevent them from creating the foundations of 27th century society. (Bill & Ted)

28th century[]

  • 2720: At this time, the capital of the Terran Empire is the Earth city of Galaxity, which employs spatio-temporal agents to patrol and protect all of spacetime, including missions to prevent temporal alterations and neutralize threats to the timeline. (Valérian and Laureline)

29th century[]

  • 2830: First contact between Humans and Trinocs. (Known Space)
  • 2850:
    • An expedition to the Ringworld is led by the Puppeteer Nessus, taking along two Humans and a Kzin. (Known Space)
    • The Antelle expedition arrives on the planet Soror and makes contact with the intelligent Sororian Apes, who mistake the explorers for unintelligent Sororians. (Planet of the Apes)
  • 2898: Founding of the Meliorare Society; a criminal organization of Human geneticists bent on augmenting their species. (Humanx Commonwealth)

30th century[]

  • Estimated time in which the Human space station Nerva Beacon is built. Also, this century marks the fall of the Earth Empire. (Doctor Who)
  • 2915: First contact between Humans and Tran on planet Tran-ky-ky. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2930: The Meliorare Society disbands, but continues to operate secretly. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2933: Philip "Flinx" Lynx is born on Earth. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2950: Flinx meets the Ulru-Ujurrians and teaches them the "Game of Civilization", leading to the Ujurrians' quick technological development. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2953: Flinx, Clarity Held and the Thranx Sowelmanu make first contact with the Sumacrea in Longtunnel. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2955: The Vom is reawakened but fortunately destroyed on Repler III. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • 2981: The time of the Herculoids on planet Quasar, and the superhero Space Ghost. (Space Stars)
  • 2983: The sacred tradition of Claw-Plach is created on Decapod X. (Futurama)
  • 2986: The Vervoid species is destroyed by the Doctor in order to save the passengers of the Hyperion III. He would later face trial for this genocide. (Doctor Who)
  • 3000:
    • Humanity begins to colonize the Endless Galaxy. (Endless Space)
    • After enduring centuries of agony, the CunsnuC use their mind control polyps to instigate whales to destroy Human settlements on Cachalot. Their plan fails as the CunsnuC are discovered and destroyed by the Humans. (Humanx Commonwealth)

4th millennium[]

  • 3028: Earth is destroyed by the Drej. (Titan A.E.)
  • 3057: The Shelks launch a devastating attack against humanity and conquer Earth, ruling as the supreme masters of the planet for the next two thousand years. (Tumithak)
  • 3069: Most of the galaxy's dilithium ignites in a mysterious event known only as "the Burn". Countless starships are destroyed and the United Federation of Planets is severely crippled. Without dilithium, the capacity to travel to distant star systems is limited and several worlds become isolated. (Star Trek)
  • 3108: The Lost Chain of Worlds is either destroyed or saved by a single Vanger in cooperation with higher powers. (Vangers)
  • 3200: Ulysse Mérou returns to Earth, only to find that it too has been taken over by Evolved Apes. (Planet of the Apes)
  • 4000: The Daleks use the planet Kembel as a base of operations in their plan to conquer the solar system. Ultimately, the whole planet falls victim to the device known as the Time Destructor. (Doctor Who)

5th millennium[]

  • 4864: The Systems Commonwealth faces the first attacks from Nietzschean forces intent on overthrowing the Commonwealth and replacing it with a Nietzschean Empire. The Commonwealth Civil War begins. The Andromeda Ascendant and her captain, Dylan Hunt, are caught in the event horizon of a black hole and frozen in time for the next three centuries. (Andromeda)
  • 4866:  The Battle of Witchhead takes place at the eponymous nebula, marking the end of the Commonwealth Civil War with the annihilation of both fleets. The Magog, in numbers never seen or imagined before, seize the opportunity to invade and ravage countless worlds. The Systems Commonwealth falls completely and the Long Night begins, creating an era of barbarism and chaos in which much of the galaxies' advanced technology is lost. (Andromeda)
  • 5000:
    • The year of the Great Breakout, as a new wave of Human frontiersmen leave the Sol System to colonize the galaxy. Meanwhile, the Earth is undergoing another ice age. The Supreme Alliance of Eastern States is subdued by the Filipino Army at the Battle of Reykjavik. Minister of Justice Magnus Greel, a.k.a. "the Butcher of Brisbane", is hunted as a war criminal and escapes back in time to the 19th century in an ill-fated time-travel experiment that leaves him disfigured. (Doctor Who)
    • The cruel empire of Tsan-Chan is formed on Earth. (Cthulhu Mythos)

Distant future[]

  • 51st century: A philosopher named Yiang-Li, from the empire of Tsan-Chan, has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • 5167: The crew of the Eureka Maru retrieves the Andromeda Ascendant from the singularity. Having been frozen in time for the past three centuries, Dylan Hunt vows to restore the Systems Commonwealth. (Andromeda)
  • 5976: A young scientist named Caroline Martin is sentenced to exile in space for refusing to share the results of her research with the government, who planned to weaponize it. Unbeknownst to all, she manages to put herself in suspended animation and remains in that state for the next 972 years. (Cosmic Engineers)
  • 6087: Solar flares render the Earth uninhabitable for Humans. The Nerva Beacon space station is used as an "ark" to house millions of Humans in suspended animation for the next ten thousand years, during which time the Earth remains empty. (Doctor Who)
  • Circa 6700: Estimated time of the fall of the World State and beginning of the Earth's First Dark Age, that would last for the next hundred thousand years, until the rise of the Patagonian civilization. (Last and First Men)
  • 6948: A second universe approaches our own in a collision course, which will destroy both if not averted. The Engineers contact the minds of several races and summon scientists to try to come up with a solution. One is eventually found by Caroline Martin of Earth, who had recently been awakened from her suspended animation. (Cosmic Engineers)
  • 8433: The Canopians use time travel technology to abduct Humans from several time periods and extract their memories, in order to learn more about the species. (The Time Tunnel)
  • 14,950: The Ulru-Ujurrians finish their tunneling project and their world is successfully relocated to a closer orbit around its sun. (Humanx Commonwealth)
  • Circa 15,000: The Human race reaches its pinnacle of technological advancement, a period later considered the Dark Age of Technology. The Emperor contacts the Chaos Gods and learns the secrets of warpcraft needed to create the Primarchs. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 16,000: Human sorcerer Nug-Soth has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • Circa 16,087: The Nerva Beacon population wakes up and recolonizes Earth. (Doctor Who)
  • Circa 21,000: At this point, after millennia of abandonment, the Earth's biosphere has been radically altered by the continuing presence of Godzilla and other mutations. The planet is inhabited by the sapient Houtua. (Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters)
  • Circa 22,000:
    • The Earth is a dying world, named Antýkhon by the Charrl, who try to colonize it. (Doctor Who)
    • Humans develop a recessive connection to the Warp, resulting in many becoming Psykers or Navigators. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 22,646: Estimated time in which the explosion of the galactic core will reach Known Space and make it uninhabitable. (Known Space)
  • Circa 23,000: Human-made robots known as the Men of Iron rebel against Humanity, but were destroyed in relatively short order. After this conflict, development of Artificial Intelligence became strictly banned and rebranded as Abominable intelligence. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Circa 25,000: The Milky-way Galaxy is overwhelmed with immense Warp Storms. Human colonies become isolated from one another and from Earth, regressing to primitive feudal or tribal societies or falling prey to Orks or Daemons. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Circa 28,000: Earth is reduced to a blasted wasteland as Humankind regresses into barbaric savages. The Emperor finally reveals himself and claims control the planet with his army of genetically enhanced superhumans known as Thunder Warriors. He unites the Humans of Earth as the new Imperium of Man and renames Earth as Terra. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 30,750: The Eldar, having reduced themselves to decadent hedonists, inadvertently create the fourth Chaos God, Slaanesh, manifested from their obsessive pleasure-seeking and intense connection to the Warp. Slaanesh destroys the Eldar Empire and slaughters their gods, driving the Eldar to near extinction. The relatively few who survived either fled on the Craftworlds in recognition of what their civilisation was becoming, or became the Drukhari. A massive Warp-rift known as the Eye of Terror manifests where the Eldar homeworlds once were and scatters the Warp Storms, making space-travel possible once again. Meanwhile, the Emperor clones 21 sons known as the Primarchs, but they are abducted by the Chaos Gods and scattered throughout the galaxy. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 30,780: The Emperor, using the DNA of the Primarchs, creates the geneseed with his he would create a superior form of his Thunder Warriors known as Space Marines. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 30,792: The Emperor begins the Great Crusade, a galactic-scale campaign to reclaim Humanity's lost colonies, locate the Primarchs and dominate the galaxy. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 30,967: The Primarch Lorgar embarks on a pilgrimage into the Eye of Terror, where he and the Space Marines of the Word Bearers legion are corrupted by the ruinous powers of Chaos. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 31,000: Humans and Orks go to war in what would become known as the Ullanor Crusade. The Imperium of Man emerges the victor, destroying the galaxy's largest Ork empire, and the Primarch Horus Rupercal is declared Warmaster of the Imperium, commander of all Human military forces. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 31,004: Warmaster Horus is corrupted by the Word Bearers. His brother Primarch, Magnus, attempts to telepathically warn the Emperor back on Terra, only to inadvertently destroy his webway project, denying Humans access to the Webway network and maintaining their dependence on the Warp for space-travel. The Space Wolves legion attempt to apprehend Magnus, but are tricked by Horus into burning his homeworld, Prospero. Magnus is forced to beseech the Chaos God Tzeentch for aid and he and the Thousand Sons legion are corrupted. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 31,006: The corrupted Primarchs purge their legions of loyalist Space Marines in what would become known as the Drop-site Massacre on Isstvan III, ensuring that all Space Marines belonging to the traitor legions were corrupted. The World Eaters, Death Guard, Night Lords, Iron Warriors and Emperor's Children legions join the ranks of the traitors, along with half of the Imperium's military. The Primarch Ferrus Manus is killed. The Imperium of Man enters a galactic-scale civil war known as the Horus Heresy. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 31,011: The battle of Pluto takes place, between the Imperial Fists legion and the Alpha Legion. The Imperium wins and the Primarch Alpharius is presumed dead, although this was never confirmed. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 31,014: The Horus Heresy ends with the Siege of Terra. Horus and his corrupted forces invade Terra for 55 days before confronting the Emperor aboard his flagship, the Vengeful Spirit. The Primarch Sanguinius is killed, but the Emperor successfully defeats and utterly obliterates Horus. The Emperor is mortally wounded and permanently confined to the Golden Throne, where he would remain to power the Astronomicon beacon and maintain the Warp-rift created by the crippled Webway portal. The remainder of the traitor legions retreat to the Eye of Terror and become the Chaos Space Marines, while the Sons of Horus legion is reorganised into the Black Legion. The Primarch Roboute Guilliman creates the Codex Astartes, declaring that all loyalist Space Marine legions would be divided into smaller, independent chapters. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 31,781: The Black Legion launch the first black crusade, claiming the Daemonic sword, Drach'nyen. The Imperium secure a pyrrhic victory on Cadia. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Circa 32,000: The Adeptus Ministorum becomes the mandatory state religion of the Imperium of Man, proclaiming the Emperor a god. Adrubadael Vect becomes the de facto leader of the Dark Eldar. The remaining loyalist Primarchs die or disappear. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 32,544: A hyper-evolved Ork known as the Beast unites the Orks to wage war against the rest of the galaxy, converting entire moons into warships. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 32,546: The Beast is killed by Human forces led by Lord Commander Maximus Thane. After billions of lives lost and entire worlds destroyed, the War of the Beast is concluded. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 32,597: The Black Legion's 2nd Black Crusade ends in failure at Cadia. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 32,909: The Black Legion launches their 3rd Black Crusade, sacrificing a Daemon Prince as a diversion from their true objective. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 34.001: The Black Legion launches their 4th Black Crusade, destroying the Citadel of Kromarch. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • 34,401: The Black Templar chapter of Space Marines kill an extremely powerful alien Psyker known as Cacodominus. The resulting psychic scream kills a billion Astropaths and disrupts the Imperium's Astronomicon, leaving millions of starships and sub-sectors cut off from the Imperium. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • Circa 106,700: Rise of the Patagonian civilization on Earth, which would last for the next 15 thousand years. (Last and First Men)
  • Circa 121,700: Estimated time in which an unprecedented global catastrophe renders the First Man species almost completely extinct, with the sole exception of 35 survivors in the North Pole. It is the beginning of the Second Dark Age that would last for over ten million years until the establishment of the Second Man species. (Last and First Men)
  • 802,701: At this point the Earth is inhabited by two species descended from Humans: the childlike Eloi and the subterranean Morlocks. (The Time Machine)
  • Circa 1,000,000: The last remnants of the weak, radiation-dependent Daleks are destroyed on Skaro, allowing the Thals to inherit the planet again. (Doctor Who)
  • Circa 2,000,000: The Earth is relocated to a different location several light-years away by the Time Lords. At this time, the Earth is known by the name Ravolox. The infamous intergalactic rogue Sabalom Glitz lives in this era. (Doctor Who)
  • 5,000,000: A race of highly modified nomadic descendants of mankind invade Earth and xenoform it to suit their new physiological needs. Years later, they leave, having devastated the planet's ecology and being ready to depart to a new world again. The deep sea Aquatics are now the only intelligence left on Earth. (Man After Man)
  • Circa 10,371,700: Estimated time in which the descendants of the First Men give place to a new species of Second Men, with modified skulls and cardiac system suited to support their abnormally large brains. (Last and First Men)
  • Circa 10,471,700: Estimated time of the beginning of the series of cyclic Martian invasions and resulting plagues that would continue for the next hundred thousand years and severely weaken the development of the Second Men civilization on Earth. (Last and First Men)
  • Circa 10,521,700: The Martians occupy half the Earth for the next three hundred thousand years. (Last and First Men)
  • Circa 10,821,700: Estimated time of the last war between the Second Men and the Martian invaders, ending with the development of a bio-weapon that annihilates the Martians and reduces the surviving Second Men to a stagnated society of passive agrarians for the next thirty million years, to be known as the Earth's Third Dark Age. (Last and First Men)
  • Circa 40,000,000: Prof. Jameson's body is found by the Zoromes, who salvage his brain and build a mechanical body for him, thus converting him into a Zorome. (Professor Jameson)
  • Billions of years in the future, the Galactic Empire leaves the galaxy. The Earth is almost deserted, with only two inhabited cities left: the underground Diaspar and the pastoral Lys. The Giant Polyp and its companion robot still wait for the return of the Old Ones. (The City and the Stars)
  • 5,000,000,000 (5.5/Apple/26): The sun expands in the Sol System and the Earth is destroyed, the destruction and commemoration of the planet is held at a space station called "Platform One" where various species and famous aliens as well as the Doctor celebrate the final days of Earth by hearing stories of the last Human, Cassandra O'Brien.Δ17, and observing the planet's destruction. However, Cassandra uses robotic spiders and androids disguised as a visiting group of aliens to sabotage the sun filters and force field of the station and hold it for ransom. Her plan fails after The Doctor exposes it and supposedly kills her due to lack of moisturization. (Doctor Who)
  • 100,000,000,000,000: The end of the Universe where the galaxies have faded away after the death of multiple stars, all species in the known Universe are either extinct or endangered and the majority of planets are dead and uninhabitable. The inhabitants of Malcassairo (including the last Humans) flew to the planet Utopia (a planet believed to be the last habitable planet in the universe) to escape extinction and dying at the hands of the Futurekind. However, the Master turns the people of Utopia (including the previous inhabitants of Malcassario) into the Toclafane and used them to invade Earth in the 21st Century. (Doctor Who)

Undated events[]

  • "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away", the Rebel Alliance successfully destroys the Galactic Empire's Death Star. (Star Wars)
  • The pocket universe known as the Land of the Lost is believed to have been created by the ancient Altrusians. The presence of numerous prehistoric reptiles suggests this may have been in the Mesozoic, but nothing is known for certain. (Land of the Lost)
  • The Yaddithian civilization flourishes in the ancient past, in a quintuple star system located in an unfathomably distant galaxies. By the time mankind evolves on Earth, the planet Yaddith has been dead for millennia, its landscape in ruins and the underground dominated by the Dholes. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • At some point between 1725 and 650 BC, a 14th Dynasty Egyptian named Khephnes has his mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. While inhabiting the Yithian's body, Khephnes meets Nathaniel Peaslee and tells him "the hideous secret of Nyarlathotep". (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • At some point in the past, the Rutans had successfully conquered the entire Milky Way, but over the next centuries their enemies, the Sontarans have taken the upper hand in the millennial Rutan-Sontaran War. The exact time span of this conflict is uncertain, but it's known for certain that the war was already happening in the 12th century, and would still be happening in the 20th century. (Doctor Who)
  • At some point in the 3rd millennium (2001 to 3000), Humans terraform Mars and discover the Warp. (Warhammer 40,000)
  • At some point in the future, the Tharil Empire, centered around the Gateway, occupies both regular space and E-Space. Humans are enslaved at first, but later manage to fight back and enslave the Tharils as a result, using the Tharils' temporal abilities to employ them as navigators. (Doctor Who)
  • In the "57th segment of time", Humans and Monoids leave the Earth in "the Ark", fearing the planet was about to be destroyed by the sun's expansion. They then undertake a 700 years voyage to settle on Refusis II, where they discover the non-corporeal Refusians. This is certainly a distant future, as the "1st segment of time" alone is stated to encompass everything from the Trojan War to the Dalek Wars. (Doctor Who)
  • In the "star year" 3732, the man-made planetoid Space Academy is founded. This is a distant future, as Humans have been a spacefaring civilization for over fifteen centuries. (Space Academy)
  • In the distant future, after the Human race is extinct and the Flying Polyps are no longer present anywhere on Earth, a coleopterous species becomes the next dominant intelligence on the planet immediately following mankind. However, their bodies are hijacked by the Yithians, who continue to inhabit them until the planet starts to freeze. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • "Incalculable epochs" in the future, a Venusian being has its mind temporarily swapped with a Yithian's. (Cthulhu Mythos)
  • As the Earth dies out, an arachnid species remains as the planet's last native intelligence. (Cthulhu Mythos)