Alien Species

The Tarns are a humanoid species who developed an advanced civilization as of the 21st century.


Tarn Egg Development

Tarns are light green skinned with three eyes, one nostril between them, and two pointy ears. Like Humans they have one heart and liver, but unlike them, Tarns have three kidneys. They posses telepathic and telekinetic powers, activated when the third eye on the forehead is opened. Tarns are a very sturdy species, able to survive a broken spine which would paralyze a Human, and the spinal chord is able to regenerate after a while. However, Xyron Fever is extremely deadly to Tarns. They are also oviparous, being able to lay jellied see-through eggs like frogs do, and the embryos cannot survive unless the egg-sacs are in a controlled environment. Interestingly a Tarn egg could be used as a base template to produce a clone of a Creon, as it is said the two species are biologically similar.

Culture and society[]

The Tarns are a highly intelligent race and a quickly adapting race. On Altor they are found to be vital in all aspects of their adopted world and are important to Altor's politics and economics.

When crime is involved, Tarns can be less forthcoming and even shy on the issue.

Tarns are famous for having a large array of psi powers—more specifically the powers of the mind, such as telepathy, psychokinesis, and of course telekinesis. There are other darker and lighter powers of the mind beyond a Tarn's brains that are vestigial, according to Tarn psychic researchers who experiment with these in their special mind-labs. Tarns however wish to develop peaceful sources of energy, to enrich their souls, and drive this energy in a wide array of research such as cooking and music.

In the early days of their development, Tarn mind powers were not always so developed. At the beginning of their civilization, tribes would join together in festivities of peace, after a long spell of warfare among the tribes, and it was only when it was understood that, at heart, the differences between peoples were only cosmetic and at heart, they were all one.

This led to the Tarn to celebrate differences and creativity at these festivities. Organizing concerts in practicing music and mind over matter manipulation in a manner that had not only practicality but artistic qualities. The tradition continued to this day even now that the Tarn are a unified people, and the concerts hold a special significance for not just scientific research and art but to celebrate the evolution and the achievement and aesthetics of their people, reminding them of where we’ve been—and helps to point them to where we are going.

Young Tarns are encouraged by their parents to hone their telekinetic abilities. To practice their powers special psychic puzzles are made for children to prepare them for exams.

A number of them worked for the Demeter City police force on the planet Altor in the Epsilon Eridani system in the year 2040.


The Tarns evolved on the world of Simter in the Mentorn System. Simter was a bleak and poverty stricken world. The need for new worlds to populate their species prompted the Tarns to develop FTL space travel. Around this time, the Creons from Danae that inhabited a neighboring system also developed FTL space travel to also escape their resource poor world. The two species would have first contact on the world of Altor in the Epsilon Eridani system. Rather than fight over the right to colonize the planet, both races decided to cooperate and colonize it together for prosperity.

The period would begin the Great Emigrations as both races left their homeworlds to populate fertile Altor.

The Tarns would be pivotal in making contact with Earth and introducing humanity to the Galactic Council and mentoring them into becoming a spacefaring race.


  • Space Precinct: The Deity Father, by David Bischoff (1995)