Alien Species

OH MY GOD?!??!?![]

WHO WOULD DO SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE D: Look, its questionable to copy other wikis material to begin with. BUT MAKING THE LINKS TO THE OTEHR WIKIS, not cool, now all of these links need to be changed to links for this wiki . . . UUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH ralok (talk) 02:01, March 29, 2013 (UTC)

I definitely prefer information be rewritten as opposed to copypasta'd from other places, though if the user is in a hurry or something, like loading a whole bunch of info in one day, I suppose it's forgivable (though the information should probably state the fact so it can be rewritten later). I know I've spent upwards of five hours rewriting information for articles (which is why you don't see me posting a tremendous amount of new content lately, because my bandwidth at my current location really sucks and isn't trustworthy enough to take that amount of time) I also definitely prefer linking to our own wiki, though obviously I do a lot of external links to original Wikipedia myself and sometimes link to other wikis -- primarily Wookieepedia -- for stuff that I don't see any point of pulling over. I would say all alien characters, species and locations should absolutely be brought over, though, so we can have the most comprehensive list possible. As complete as a list as we can possible get here has always been my lofty dream for ASW. — Somarinoa (talk) 10:03, March 30, 2013 (UTC)