Alien Species

The Sumobet is a creature native to the world of Rye.


The Sumobet dwells deep in the depths of the earth. They are around the size of a human, and possess a pair of covered claws. While it could walk and run and two legs it could also run on all fours for greater speed. It was pale skin and possess a smooth semi circular head dominated with twelve blue eyes. While it possessed sharp fangs the Sumobet was not carnivorous but instead fed only on metal thus flesh was of no interested in it. The creature was and ovarian laying large eggs which it’s put in nest of twisted metal.

Normally they were unknown to other subterranean beings like dwarves, as they lived too deep in the earth to be seen. However humans of the Capital are aware of their existence given their extensive mining equipment and expeditions into the mountains of Demrel. Sumobets may have been responsible for many a disappearances in the mines as they possibly targeted humans in the metallic mining apparatus which they consume. However they are not aggressive beings and only attack when they have to defend themselves and their young.


  • The Dwarves of Demrel (2018)