Alien Species

The Strellans were a civilization from the planet Strella located in the sixth quadrant of the galaxy.


The Strellans were a humanoid race possessing traits of yellow hair and blue eyes.


The Strellan's homeworld was among the planets destroyed by the Hilax Group using a planet destroying tactic in their war for supremacy against the Federation of Free-Trade Planets. In the aftermath the surviving Strellans joined the Federation's ranks in the Salviar Fleet to enact revenge on the Hilgax Group. A few others were enslaved by the Hilax Group. Members of the Group, such as the Dargoon, exploited the skilled Strellans to serve in maintenance and repairs that their clumsy bodies could not do.


The Strellans were known by other star-faring civilizations to be a craftsmen. Though their society was a backward culture in many ways, most of the Strellans were farmers and food-processors. But the Strellans were renown for breeding fine craftsmen in metal and jewelry.


  • Beanstalk by John Rackham