Alien Species
Universe Star Wars
Homeworld Jatee (natural)
Butler's Cove (adopted)
Average Height 1.75 - 2.5 meters
Diet Carnivore (presumed)
Sapience Level Sapient

The Ssither were a reptiloid race native to the planet Jatee (Demophon III), though they had also adopted Butler's Cove as a makeshift homeworld, after their homeworld was destroyed by their local star going supernova.

The Ssither had the body of a snake with a scaled, humanoid torso. They resembled cobras with arms, and had a limited form of telepathy that they use to communicate with each other. They were a simple species whose past was marked with bloody warfare. Much of the New Republic's information regarding the Ssither had been investigated and reported by Doctor Soron Hegerty.
