The Spotty Bulbear is a mid-sized carnivorous Grub-Dog, and a prominent adversary within many of the discovery logs of Captain Olimar alongside the Red Bulborb on PNF-404. Despite being found a lot by Olimar, it's actually a fairly rare Grub-Dog.
Spotty Bulbears have a similar look to a number of Bulborbs in overall anatomy, but with larger and shortened jaws and shorter eye stalks. It's notable for its black and red backside, and rather prominent lips.
Their eye pupils are actually various between individuals, with pure red-eyed Bulbears being rarer than purple-eyed Bulbears.
Spotty Bulbears have a peculiar form of hunting that differs from other species: rather than hunting animals within a territorial range, Spotty Bulbears have patrol routes they use to hunt down prey in, making hunting more limited in comparison (possibly why they're rarer). These patrol paths are passed down to their juvenile offspring, who learn of these paths as they mature.
Some of the notes do explain of it having a sort of "indefatigability", meaning a seemingly incapability of becoming tired, which seemingly aids in its patrols.