Smile Cats are a type of extradimensional creature that lives within the dimension known as "Bloomorda".
As the name suggests, smile cats appear as cat-like creatures, but its skin is hairless and pale in coloration. Most of its body comprises of its thick neck and enlarged head, and while it has numerous cat-like features such as paws and pointed ears, it has a human-like face with large, forward-facing eyes and a permanently curved mouth. As evident by its mouth and eyes, its body secretes a blackish liquid.
Most smile cats, on average, stands half the height of a normal human being, but there had been reports of much larger smile cats existing as well - some of which grow several meters tall and dwarfing most earth animals.
Smile cats are found in groups, growing hostile when confronted by a foreign organism but not much evidence in attacking or harming creatures from their home dimension.