Alien Species

The Sloggs are an alien species from the Marvel Universe.


The Sloggs were in a dispute with the Blurzz, when a small group of the avian species crash landed on Sloggo-Prime. The Sloggs offered to help return the Blurzz to their homeworld, but the survivors refused to leave the crash-site. They two races brought their dispute to the Star Chamber before the Magistrati. However Prince Rollo began citing his lineage in the beginning of trial time droned on to the point where the hyper-accelerated avians evolved to the point where their descendants opted to leave the wreck to them.


The Sloggs are a race of humanoid slugs.


Sloggs are chronally-challenged, making them inpet at quick conversation as they tend to drone on.


  • She-Hulk Vol 1 #7 (2004)