The Slime Fungus is an unnamed fungoid life form which was brought to Earth in a meteorite that fell in a small town in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, Utah, in the 1950s.
Identified by the Center's slime scanner simply as "fungus", this organism is made out of a green slime-like substance and has a slow maturation period. It takes about 50 Earth years to begin its reproductive phase, which involves capturing Humans (or, presumably, other mobile species) and keeping them preserved in transparent cocoons inside a cave while replacing them with slime-made replicas.
The replicas behave superficially like the people they're meant to imitate, although they're limited to repeating just one sentence. Their purpose is to function as spore-carriers, providing means to spread the fungus to other locations.
Both the fungus and the spore-carrying replicas are extremely vulnerable to salt, which causes them to dissolve upon contact.
- Martin Mystery, s02e03, "Attack of the Slime People" (2004)