Alien Species

Slabs are robotic beings, mostly androids. They are used by individuals of other species, frequently by criminals as basic slave drones for certain things, mostly as hired muscle.


The Slabs are over six feet tall, and often travel in pairs. They have a vague form as to prevent provoking of suspicion, yet their attitude and internal anatomy are very unusual. They always obey the commands of their masters, disrespect other beings, never speak, cough, or sneeze, are never heard breathing, never even feeling pain, and having the same composition all way through. They are quite strong, as one smashed through a door with little effort, ripping it clean off its hinges in the process.


When a Plasmavore named Florence Finnegan arrived in the Royal Hope Hospital on Earth, being pursued by the Judoon, she brought two Slabs with her, both of whom resembled motorcycle couriers dressed all in black, complete with head, body, arms, hands, legs, and feet. However, they never delivered anything and were composed entirely of leather, save for their helmets. Their leathers were taken from two motorcycle couriers, both of whom Florence killed. The two Slabs assisted Florence with the murder of Mr. Stoker by assimilating his blood. One of the two Slabs was then sent by Florence to kill The Doctor and Martha Jones. Martha, luckily, manages it to kill it with an x-ray increased by 5000%. The second Slab was then destroyed by the Judoon's blasters.

In 2008, Slabs were later used by the Uvodni Uvlavad Kudlak to help him capture children for the war of the Uvodni against the Malakh Empire.
