Alien Species

The Skodes are an alien race native to the Zooniverse.


Skodes are a humanoid race, of somewhat rotund beings with short legs with green pale skin.


The Skode Supremacy had an antagonist relationship with the Control Lords that rule the Hub of the Zooniverse. After learning of news that the Control Lords sought to use a courier to transfer a vital information from the Hall of Records under escort by Kren Patrol to avoid the League of Tr-Affolos from acquiring it, the Skodes sought to acquire the information from the courier in order to sell it to the League for the reward and make a bid to claim the Hub for themselves.


The Skodes are a militant race though are not very intelligent. They are members of the Skode Supremacy and are always seeking to expand their power. When referring to themselves they seem to use the word Skode in most of their nouns such as:


  • Skodebase: base
  • Skodehelm: helmsman


  • Zooniverse Issue 001 (1986)