The Shy Dancer Bell is an unspecified alien plant discovered during the Trappist Landing expedition in 2018. Its name derives from it reacting to touch, as if it "dances".
As the name vaguely implies, the Shy Dancer Bell has the anatomic structure similar to that of bell plants; Growing off of cave ceilings with a large opening at the bottom for the plant's main "bell". Scans of the plant reveal a very high concentration of alkaline metals within its outer layer, comparable to calcium and potassium. So much so, that it is sometimes referred to as "Organic Metal".
As they age, they become more volatile and active to contact. glowing a vague purple color as they mature. If a fully mature Shy Dancer Bell is contacted, it releases a form of liquid that grows the "Exploding Feeding Mushrooms", which in turn if they explode, the calcium-rich particles are absorbed by the Shy Dancer Bells presumably for sustenance.