Alien Species

The Sequids are an alien species from an unknown world.


Sequids resemble small pink, six limbed starfish with cranial growth on the tops, and also spiked tendrils at the bottom underneath.

Sequids are a parasitic species share one mind, a single consciousness. But they can only be link through the minds of their host. In order to claim a host, the Sequid use their tendrils to try and penetrate their victim's skin to gain access to the nervous system.


The Sequids arrived on Mars hundreds of years ago. Due to a malfunction, their mother ship crashed on Mars's surface, causing all of their hosts to die.

Without their hosts the Sequids were just mindless beasts. And due to the native Martian shapeshifting abilities, the Sequids could not successfully control them. The Martians then enslaved them, and found the Sequids to be easily manipulated, and served as a perfect slave race which they used pain as a motivator to keep them in line.

For centuries the Martians bred the Sequids making them stronger to better serve their masters. To prevent a rebellion of the Sequids, the Martians forbid any Solids, creatures that lack shapeshifting, from landing on Mars. If any Sequid were to bond with a Solids it would mean doom to the Martina race.

By the 21st century that fear came to pass when human astronauts from NASA landed on Mars. Their presence was sensed by the Sequids, and the Martians quickly captured the astronauts and secured them in custody to prevent them from being bonded to a Sequid.

The hero Invincible, a huma-Viltrumite hybrid was sent by the Global Defense Agency to tail the astronauts for their safety. After Invincible landed on Mars, and attacked by Sequids, who found themselves unable to penetrate his skin, the Martians invited the alien into their city, seeing he was no threat of becoming a host to their slaves.

The Martian leader explained the dangers of the Sequids and that the astronauts would be executed for safety reasons. Such an outcome was not accepted by Invincible, who proceeded to break out the astronauts and help them escape.

All three astronauts managed to return to their shuttle and start the return to Earth. However one of them turned out to be an imposter, a Martian who wanted to flee his oppressive society for a new life on Earth.

The real human astronaut, having been left behind, was quickly found by a Sequid and bonded to it. It allowed the Sequids to regain their hive mind ability and coordinate themselves against the Martians, overthrowing them.


Sequids have an insurmountable will to bond with other lifeforms.

But since being enslaved by the Martians, they have been forced to assist in all aspects of life.



  • Invincible Issue 18 (2004)