Alien Species

This unnamed species is a race of four-armed humanoids that resemble a crude imitation of a human; plastic and fake. A member of this species was a female who called herself "Rosa, the messenger of the seventh planet", was sighted in an Italian town.


Roza's species resembles Earth's humans but has smooth, heart-shaped purple hair and four arms with fingerless hands with the exception of their thumbs which they resemble mittens or Boxing Gloves. They have fully black eyes, lacking their iris and pupils similar to the Grey Aliens.

The Reproduction of Roza's Species could be giving birth to a newborn baby (female only). However, they are omnivorous (Can Also eat Seagrapes and Seaweed) although they have teeth and tongues as well. Their tongues are presumably long because they have a strong sense of tastes. It is impossible that their species don't have their noses.
