Roswellians are the sapient humanoid inhabitants of the planet Roswell, located within unexplored territories of the galaxy. They closely resemble Greys with the distinction that the Roswellians are a non-spacefaring civilization comparable in social and technological levels to 20th century Earth and have a greener complexion.
As stated above, they resemble the classic Grey alien, only with a greener skin tone. For whatever reason, hair growth seems to be more predominant with female members. They also have small ears.
Culture and society[]
In terms of society, they're on the same technological level as 20th century Humans, as well as wearing the same style clothing.
Notable members[]
- Becky
- Roswellian sheriff
- Floyd
- Roswellian major
First contact with the Roswellians happened by accident, when Buzz Lightyear's ship crash landed on the planet. Buzz and Mira Nova were found unconscious by the Roswellian military forces, which brought them to a secret base and hid the ship's remains (including a damaged XR), secretly replacing it with a meteorological instrument's remains to cover up the extraterrestrials' existence from the population. Booster meanwhile went unnoticed by the military and went to hide in a local city, befriending a small girl and her father the sheriff, who helped him rescue his friends in the base and leave the planet.
Later on, Roswell was invaded and conquered by Emperor Zurg and his minions, who enslaved the population until their defeat by Buzz and Booster, who finally got the trust and respect from the Roswellian authorities. Afterwards, the species became integrated to some level in galactic society; at least able to receive interstellar news channels and travel off-planet.
- While they resemble the numerous Roswell greys sighted on Earth, they're most likely not the same species, as they have a greener color, and don't travel deep-space, and greys don't have visible ears, though they could be closely related.
- Their planet shares its name with a town in New Mexico.