Romulans are a imperialist sub species of Vulcan who inhabited the planet Romulus in the Romulus System in the Beta Quadrant, they used to be enemies of the United Federation of Planets, by the 31st Century, they had become members of the UFP.
Romulans are barely biologically different from their Vulcan cousins, with even early genetic scans showing Romulan DNA as being Vulcan, Romulans have all the standard Vulcanoid traits, such as copper-based blood, their anatomical features are very similar to their cousins, such as pointed ears and pointed eyebrows, the Romulans from the northern hemisphere of Romulus have a very defined eyebrow ridge where as their southern cousins have more Vulcan-like foreheads, they are not too different to their Vulcan cousins, as interspecies reproduction between Romulans and Vulcans is possible, they are also compatible with Humans and Klingons, though a Romulan/Human or a Romulan/Klingon hybrid would most likely require medical intervention in order to maintain the safety of the child.
Culture and Society[]
Romulans are a militaristic/imperialistic culture, similar to ancient Rome.
During the 4th century, with the departure of the Vulcan gods, an internal crisis began on the planet, where the Vulcans rebelled against each other, generating a civil war lasting many years, around thousands of Vulcans died, with the great wave of violence.
The young Surak returned to an era of peace on Vulcan in the great awakening by being a divine disciple and ordered to create logic and new teachings, indoctrinating the Vulcan people to a new era of peace and harmony, founding the IDIC (Infinite Diversity, Infinite Combination), expanding new horizons in a new evolutionary society.
After 80 years, a remaining group of the old rebellion led by the new leader, S'task, were grouped on the other side of the planet in a pirate colony, to take control of Vulcan again, honoring their dead descendants and starting a new war against Surak's idealism and his logic, trying to segregate a militarist rebel caravan, the powerful IDIC council, ordered a punishment to the group of rebel Vulcans and their leader S'task, to expel everyone from the planet, in three large exile military starships, where the once peace was restored in Vulcan , S'task and his anti-Vulcan rebel caravan set out into deep space in search of founding a new world, (long before the arrival of the Sargons on Vulcan) .
In space exile, in their visits to other worlds, the caravan led by S'task created an outlaw militarism among them, looting and destroying cities, to obtain power and glory, rejecting the customs and Vulcan origin among them, called themselves the Rihannsu.
For 50 years, the Rihannsu (vulcanoids) established contact with worlds, which gave them opportunities for union and partnership, which ended up mixing between them as:
Calder II (Vulcan hybrid with the Chenar species, with two V-lines on the forehead), Dessica II (Vulcan hybrid with the native Garidians species with voluminous forehead and V-type hair fringe), Draken IV (Vulcan hybrid with the Halanan species , with wide nose and thick ears, ancestor of the Romulan Nero), Yadalla Prime (there were some Yadallan hybrids with more pointed eyebrows and ears, without the vulcanoid hair, similar to human hair) and Barradas III, the descendants of Debrune (legitimate Vulcans).
The Rihannsu Debrune was the descendant of the three sons of S'task, he was the supreme commander of one of Vulcan's three exile ships, one of these ships was the "pure blood" of Vulcan, when Debrune died in his colony in Barradas III, the colonizers decided to baptize themselves in his honor as Debrunes.
An incident occurred between two caravans for attempting to betray the Rihannsu ordinance, two groups from the caravan Calder II and Dessica II, were punished to a planet and abandoned, the Rihannsu killed their parents and spared their children, the children began to live in caves, who years later created primitive and resourceless settlements, which they later called Mintakians, founding the planet Mintaka III. At the beginning of the 23rd century, a Federation scientist infiltrated among them, opened a request for the star fleet to study the evolution of the species Mintakian in camouflaged posts on the planet.
The planet Barradas III had a colony of Rihannsu Debrune, which established itself on the planet in a short period of time, but an asteroid fall made the Debrune caravan abandon the Barradas III, who left the planet joining the Rihannsu caravans. The Debrunes were the only ones to have the DNA and appearances reminiscent of the Vulcans, as they did not have a mixing link to other species like the other brothers.
The three ships were too old to be renovated, a pact between the three caravans was formed to go to a nearby planet with life, to honor the ancestor S'task.
The three ships found a star with two twin planets, one of which looked like life. The Rihannsu caravan descended to the planet, definitively populating the planet.
30 years later, a race of alien visitors, who called themselves from the neighboring planet, came into conflict with the Rihannsu, but a bond of union between them, the planets Romulus and Remus, was founded, with the Reman union, providing the Romulans with technology and weapons, the Remans had a direct connection with the Klingon species, who were introduced to the Romulans, initiating a union of technology between them.
After 100 years of union between the Klingons, the Romulans gained the merit of being imperialists, having their own star empire, with the expansion of power and sovereignty, Klingon and Romulan technology developed camouflage technology, which they introduced into their ships, both They had the Stormbirds class, the first Klingon/Romulan ship to gain ground between the two empires.
The union of the Klingon and Romulan empires ended after a disagreement over territorial power, starting a civil war between them, and since then the two empires have become enemies, the Klingon/Romulan Stormbirds, divided between the two empires, and started different ship constructions in design, for the gradual deactivation of the Stormbirds, which disappeared in both empires in 2270.
With the birth of the Federation and the Starfleet, the ships walked into deep space entering the Beta quadrant in the year 2160, at this time, the Romulans had the hidden image of the Federation, a new conflict of civil war arose between the Federation and the Romulan empire that lasted 50 years, which ended at the beginning of the 23rd century. There was a treaty between the Federation and the Romulan empire dividing territories to break an infinite war between them, in a segregation of worlds that was called the Neutral Zone, imposing asteroid walls in the division of territories.
There were many conflicts between the Federation and the Romulan empire for many years, but with the Dominion war, which was a major terrorist threat to all quarters, the Romulans began an alliance with the Federation and the Klingons, to combat the Dominions and even the Borg.
In 2387, the great star of the Romulan system, Neral, was dying and collapsing, there was an internal war to abandon the planet Romulus and Remus, overcrowding even the military ships, of the 30 billion Romulans on the planet, only 800 thousand remained. saved by drifting into space in search of support and help, where the destructive wave of the supernova destroyed the entire Romulan system.
A year later, in 2388, in Captain Jean Luc Picard's last mission on the USS ENTERPRISE NCC 1701-E, together with Captain William Riker's USS TITAN NCC 80102, they created a task force to rescue the homeless Romulans, to transfer all an M-class Federation planet called Vashti, which was a few light years away from the star Neral, with all the characteristics of the late planet Romulus, among the recipients of the planet Vashti was Admiral Saavik, who ordered a support group for Romulan refugees. The Remans, on the other hand, ignored the Federation's help and settled in their large lunar bases, in two systems very far from Remus, still in the Beta quadrant. There was a smaller group of Romulans from the Tal Shiar, who were among the Remans in their bases, among them was Empress Sela.
In 2398, with the arrival of a disorganized Borg cube infected by Admiral Janeway's virus, around 1 million Borg of various species had their collective bond broken, among the Borg was Hugh, the Federation and the Romulans came together to deactivate the Borg cube, and start a scientific cooperative, as a united Borg/Federation/Romulan technology institution, transforming the Borg cube into a BX base, using the individual Borg in a process of alteration between them, so that the two worlds of refugees can have a new life of technological work. Hugh, Narek and Sagi were the main members and representatives of the cooperative, where 7 of 9 also helped with Hugh's work, called director BX, the institution was opened a year later, in 2399.
In 2400, a rebellion by Commodore OH (half Romulan/Human), against the Federation, a spy from the secret service of the extinct Tal Shiar, using troops from Romulan ships to take possession of Doctor Soong's cybernetic network to a hidden planet, the mission of the Commodore was defeated by Captain Riker, leading a huge troop of Federation ships. The Romulans handed Commodore OH over to the Federation for trial, which left conflicts with the Federation behind in the peace pact between them.
80 years later, the Romulans, already established on the planet Vashti, with a new empire, officially named the planet Romulak. This consolidated the destroyed of the Neutral Zone's asteroid wall, which put an end to the Neutral Zone itself, where Federation ships and Romulan ships walked together in both quadrants.