Alien Species

Reduls are a sapient insectoid species known for invading other planets and abducting creatures to fight as gladiators in their arenas. At some point, they successfully conquered Earth and enslaved humanity.

Their larval stage is known as Yillibeeths.


Reduls are large insectoid bipeds which look like 9 ft tall (~ 2.7 meters) armored grasshoppers, with lobster-like forepincers and antennae. They can walk twice as fast as a Human, and their walking gait has been likened to a Tyrannosaurus'.

Reduls are divided in castes. There are no males, and only the queens are female, the other castes being either neuter or hermaphrodites. Redul queens are rarely seen, as they spend their lives in the underground laying eggs continuously. Reduls are a numerous species and reproduce much faster than Humans.


Before they reach adulthood, Reduls go through a larval stage called a Yillibeeth. These are formidable creatures, large, omnivorous and aquatic. Their armored bodies are divided in about 20 segments, each bearing two legs with razor combs. On both ends of their bodies there are specialized legs that function like buzz saws and can cut through almost anything, including swords. In addition to these, they can also attack with their jaws. On the other hand, Yillibeeths move slowly compared to their adult stage.

Culture and society[]

Reduls enjoy watching gladiatorial games and even participating in them in their Yillibeeth stage. Species known to fight in these games include Humans, Centaurs and Aldebaran Bat-leopards.


  • "In the Arena", by Brain W. Aldiss (1963)