Rearing Spiders, also known as Giant Cave Spiders, are a non-sapient species of large, communal arachnoids from the forest moon of Endor, which build giant elaborate webs inside caves and dark places.
Unlike Earth arachnids, the Rearing Spiders from Endor have only three pairs of limbs. They also build webs communally and hunt in groups. Their name comes from their way of intimidating and attacking foes by lifting their anterior half into the air to encompass prey with all of their legs, screeching menacingly as they do so. They can be found inhabiting desert caves or scavenging the rotten meat left by a Gorax.
The strings that make up a Rearing Spider's web are strong enough to allow small humanoids such as Ewoks and juvenile Humans to walk on them without breaking; although anyone who tries it is naturally in danger of falling victim to these vicious predators.
- Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984)