The Prey, along with their predators, were among the many posthuman species genetically-engineered by the Qu from a colony of the Star People.
They were the inhabitants of one of the first worlds colonized by the Star People. Unlike the Predators, the Prey were a herbivorous species with bird-like legs, far less intelligent than their hunters, the latter of whom eventually evolved into the Killer Folk.
The prey were bipeds with long double-jointed legs, pointed ears and elongated faces. Like their ancestors, they were hairless except for their heads, and their arms stuck out forwards with reduced thumbs, possibly used in grasping plants. They seem to have fed on shrubs and understory vegetation, rather than grasses. Alternately the species shown here may be one of several herbivores created by the Qu on this planet.
- All Tomorrows, by C. M. Koseman (2006)