Alien Species

The Porcelons are Anthromorphic Toilet-like robots originating from the planet Porcelon.


They are species that resemble toilets Their Position in the Galactic Alliance was almost damaged when booster, not having adequate time to use Star Command's Facilities, accidentally defiled one of the visiting delignates by attempting to use them to relive himself.

They resemble toilets with arms and eyes. Whether they are both robots that have been made from recycled toilets and toiletries, or living aliens with an unfortunate resemblance, remains a mystery.


An interesting event in their intergalactic history occurred when during a rare visit to Capital Planet, one of the visiting dignitaries was mistaken for an extra bathroom by Booster, much to the horror of the rest of his team.


Ironically, despite their appearance, they seem to dislike all tongue-in-cheek references to their psychology, along with all forms of "Toilet humor". It is unknown what their home planet looks like, or which quadrant is located in.
