Alien Species

Orgaplonians are the native sapient inhabitants of Orgaplon VI.


Orgaplonians are green-skinned bipeds. Their heads consist solely of a brain, or brain-like organ, connected to the body by two stalks. A couple of yellow eyes are visible on the brain. Their feet display noticeable asymmetry, with the left foot being radically different from the right one.

Culture and society[]

Orgaplon VI

The Brainsuck Aliens arrive on Orgaplon VI.

When the Brainsuck Aliens arrived on Orgaplon VI and claimed that they would bring synergy, the Orgaplonians reacted with fear and panic. This might indicate that they've had previous contacts with, or were otherwise already aware of the Brainsuck Aliens' actual agenda.


  • Dilbert, s02e08, "The Merger" (2000)


  • The name of this species is conjectural, based on the name of their homeworld, Orgaplon VI.