Alien Species

The Ophidians were an alien species from the planet Brosain.


The Ophidians resemble amphibious creatures similar to six hundred pounds frogs. They are carnivorous hunters, that live under the sands of Brosain. They avoid the sun and stay underground, beneath the deserts, only emerging to hunt when water comes up. As an adaptation they retain more water in their skin as a natural compensation measure for their planet's climate. Ophidians usually herd their prey into an area.

The bodies of their victims, living or dead, are planted with seeds and used to create nests. Unborn Ophidians swim within the blood of the bodies in these nests to use as food.


The planet Borsain was selected as a candidate for colonization. To prepare the world for terraformation, a penal colony was set up to have the convicts irrigate the water beneath the surface. Unfortunately the colonists encountered the Ophidians would ruthlessly attacked from the depths when the humans tried to set up wells.

Twenty-five years later Trans-Planetary Corp bought the rights to the world and set a colony ship, deeming the world safe. The project was led by Professor Lauren Moore to use a new technology called Cloudburst to introduce rain to the desert planet.

However Lauren's unstable psychotic ex-husband Frank Tusk possessed orders from Trans-Planetary Corp to wipe out the old colonists to make room for the new colonization plans. His men seized control of the project and massacre the entire populace. When the soldiers attempted to open the wells they freed the Ophidians who began to slaughter them. Lauren who was forcibly brought to the surface was rescued by a local name Arkan. The Ophidians were later given free reign of the planet when the Cloudburst created rain, threatening the soldiers and plans for human colonization.

When Frank attempted to bombard the Ophidians using pure firepower from above. When he landed to investigate he was killed by the surviving predators whilst used the opportunity to stowaway, Arkan and Lauren escaped back to the colony ship. After learning that the creatures were susceptible to extreme cold Lauren modified the machine to create a winter climate killing the creatures.


  • Cloudburst (2004)