Alien Species

The Onteen are a highly religious humanoid species from the planet Aicha, due to their lack of an ambassador on the Babylon 5 station, they fall under the League of Non-Aligned Worlds.


Onteen are similar to Humans, with the most physically notable differences being and their eyebrow ridges, they are dioecies species, with their mode of birth being oviparous, their hatchlings being small enough to be held in the cradled hands of many humanoid species.

Their internal biology has some differences to other species, such as having white blood (similar to some Earth fish and insects), and they have several air bladders, which can be susceptible to an infection which causes an over abundance of fluid in these bladders, until it eventually takes the ailed individual's life.

Culture and Society[]

Onteen have a very religious society, this religion teaches that the Onteen are the 'Children of Time', believing their species are a race chosen by some kind of deity as the purest species, they have a strict rule against puncturing of the body, believing that once someone is pierced, the soul leaves the body, and the body is left to wander the worlds, soulless and empty, it has been seen that after a member of the species was cured of the ailment mentioned in the biology section, a body will be sent on 'The Great Journey' where the body would be killed to allow it to rest this could be performed on any member of the species.
