The Omnogrom is a simple predator found commonly throughout the Savannah.
The Omnogrom is a rather peculiar animal. Its body is made up almost 90% in its gaping mouth, filled with Human-like teeth which are capable of crushing most hardened shells. Its weight is supported on four stubby legs, and its eyes are located on each side of its head, giving it a very limited field of vision. Its skin is human-like and highly resilient.
However, it is a fierce predator of the Savanna, characterized by its thick protective skin, small brain, and enormous, powerful jaws lined with teeth capable of breaking almost any carapace or shell. Its only weakness, apart from its extremely modest brain capacity, is its limited field of vision. Having only two simple eyes on opposite sides of its body, and lacking stalks or additional organs capable of visual input, the Omnogrom has two significant blind spots. This, combined with the Omnogroms’s extremely underdeveloped olfactory sense (presumably related to the crudeness if its digestive apparatus), allows some cleverer creatures of the Savanna to trick the Omnogrom into breaking open hard objects for them. However, such tricks can easily prove fatal. The sheer force of the Omnogrom’s crushing jaws is not to be underestimated.
The Omnogrom is the subject of a Trebhum folk tale about how it is better to have honest enemies than dishonest friends.
When an Omnogrom is killed, it drops an Omnogrom pellet, a ball of all the materials an Omnogrom cannot digest. When a Trebhum eats this, it gets the irascible trunk mutation, which does nothing except create a very annoying noise for 5 minutes straight. You can cancel this noise by eating another food which gives you a trunk-based mutation.
Thanks to its limited anatomy, it has a peculiar way of hunting: to attack, it spreads its body outwards to open its gaping jaws. Once it has ran over its prey, it brings its legs inward, and in turn, biting down on whatever's underneath it. The Omnogrom is not the most dangerous predator and sleeps in one position for most of its life, and will growl as a warning when a prey comes near it.
Omnogroms are slow and easily outran, but creatures that are not careful will be one-hitted.
Omnogroms that live in the tundra have adapted blue fur and are called 'Blue Omnogroms'.