The Nomai are a race of ancient beings.
While no Nomai has been observed without their spacesuit, they've been described as being very unlike Hearthians in appearance, in that they have fur instead of bare skin, have fragile, land based skeletons, and have only three eyes instead of four, in addition to horns.
They are made extinct by the arrival of a comet in the Hearthian solar system, containing volatile quantities of highly deadly exotic matter, which blanketed the entire system upon rupturing when it reached the point in its new orbit closest to the sun.
Culture and society[]
The Nomai are nomadic in nature, and often travel between galaxies and star systems to better explore the far reaches of the universe. Nomai also live in clans, which often travel from planet to planet within a Nomai Vessel.
Much like the Hearthians (and possibly inspiring them as well), the Nomai have a highly intense curiosity towards scientific discoveries. They even have a festival revolving around it every ten years, when all the clans gather together and share their discoveries between each other.
The Nomai had highly advanced technology far in advance of Humanity. They had gravity manipulation, teleportation, space travel, telekinesis, and at their peak, time travel. The Nomai seemed to be a "perfect" inhabitant of the universe, because they always tried to preserve any life they found, and put that close to their scientific ambition.