Alien Species

This is an unnamed race of sapient beings from Neptune which figure among the species whose brains (or something analogous at least) can be preserved in special cylinders by the Mi-Go, enabling them to travel through space while their bodies remain behind.

Their physical appearance is unknown, although the words of the being who presented himself as Henry Akeley ("God! if you could see the body this type has on its own planet!") suggest that they look extraordinarily alien.

They may or may not be the same spots of "hellish white fungi" that Randolph Carter saw on Neptune when he passed closed to the planet in his travels through space.


  • "The Whisperer in Darkness", by H. P. Lovecraft (1931)
  • "Through the Gates of the Silver Key", by H. P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price (1934) (possibly)