Alien Species

The Necromechs were a race of cyborgs from Third Earth in the Thundercats Universe.


A cult that harvested technology that was shunned by the other races of Third Earth. When they were approached by a man to save his ailing family that traditional medicine had no cure they accepted his allegiance, turning him into a cyborg that would be known as the Soul Sever. They then turned their machines to prolong the Soul Sever's family life.

The Soul Sever soon became obsessed with technology, divulging himself in forbidden experiments. He came with a radical idea that if his family's bodies could no longer sustain them they would it not be possible to create new better bodies. The Necromech rejected his proposal, as it would be a perversion of the natural balance between nature and technology. They had tried themselves with disastrous results and refused to do so again. 

The Soul Sever refused their decision, and eliminated his former masters. Taking their technology for his own he used the remains of the Necromechs to create robot slaves.


  • Thundercats Season 1:  The Soul Sever (2011)