Alien Species

The Native Martians, are a tribal species from Mars.

They once owned the land and the Buggalo, but sold it to the Wongs for a gigantic diamond which they assumed was a worthless bead. They tried to steal the Buggalo and get their land back, until they found out they hadn't been screwed over after all and the diamond made them exceptionally wealthy. After this realization, they left to find a new home, dismissing Mars as a dump. The Native Martians often protest that their ancestors' bones aren't treated with respect.


Native Martians are bipedal humanoids, often standing at the same height as an adult human, if not slightly taller. They are generally hairless, and possess dull greyish-green skin of various tones, and three-fingered hands. Martians possess fin-like structures on their heads, which vary in length and number between individuals.

Racial Abilities[]

Members of this species can cause storms by chanting and are able to make the Buggalos fly.

Culture and society[]

Their culture is very similar to how stereotyped Native Americans were seen during the 1800s. Just like the aforementioned Native Americans, a few Native Martians are also known to own and operate casinos in the modern age.

Notable Members[]

  • Singing Wind
  • Cynthia
  • The Crying Martian
  • Peace Pipe Martian
  • Female Martian
  • Martian Archers