The mouthless aliens are an unnamed sapient species who attempted to abduct a Human who they believed was Earth's leading intellect, who in truth was a notorious liar.
The mouthless aliens are humanoids with smooth, hairless skin, and notably, no visible mouths. Their heads somewhat resemble Renaissance close helmets, with two large, exposed nostrils, two all-black, expressionless eyes, and what appears to be a ridge going from the edges of their eyes in a downwards curve, connecting just below their nose, along with a vertical ridge running between their eyes and across their forehead. Males and females were said to be identical in appearance, although it is unknown if this is only referring to their facial structure. Despite having no mouth, they are able to speak, although this may be an audible form of telepathic speech. It is unknown how they gain sustenance, although they may be able to photosynthesize, absorb energy through their skin, or possibly have a mouth on another part of their body. The frequencies generated by a harmonica are known to be incredibly harmful to this species, although they have no visible ears, at least on their heads.
Culture and society[]
The mouthless aliens are known to gather members from many sapient species who they deem to be the most ideal specimen of the species, such as a very talented tailed Venusian musician. At least some of these specimens are taken without warning and given no choice but to join the mouthless aliens to be studied or for whatever task is requested of them, such as developing energy sources, although it is unknown if this method is always used. The mouthless aliens appeared to have no intention of ever returning a captured individual to their homeworld. Despite their method of essentially kidnapping individuals, they are willing to provide them with various amenities for their comfort, and do not use threats or force unless the individual attempts to use force first. When Frisby tried to initially escape the ship, mouthless aliens blocked him with their hands out, wearing thick gloves, which possibly held hidden weaponry. However, if the individual is able to overpower them, they will allow them to leave and will not attempt to recapture them. In order to assess how valuable their targets are, the mouthless aliens are known to wear disguises of the target's species and observe them closely, although they often are not well-versed in the target's culture. The mouthless aliens have no concept of lies or fiction, only of truth.
The mouthless aliens achieved a highly advanced level of technology, and are developing a form of liquid energy, which prompted them to find a leading intellect among Humans to help with the development. Their spacecraft are shaped like flying saucers, and can cross vast distances of space. They are capable of wearing human disguises, which, while appearing to be ceramic and breaking if struck with sufficient force, clearly have some form of animatronics within them, as they are able to move the mouths on the masks as they speak, despite having no mouths beneath their disguises. While it is possible that they have some sort of hidden weaponry within their gloves, any other forms of weapons they possess are unknown.
At an unknown point in time, the mouthless aliens captured a talented tailed Venusian musician, for unknown reasons. In the 1960s, they approached Earth, seeking Earth's top scientific intellect to assist them in the creation of energy sources. They found a Human named Somerset Frisby, a gas station owner who constantly spins tall tales about himself, claiming to have been a war hero and a marvelous inventor who assisted all the famous captains of industry. The mouthless aliens, not having any concept of lying, believed him, and sent two of their agents, disguised as Humans, to get a closer look at him. They pretend to be two men trying to get gas, and listen to Frisby as he claims to have assisted Henry Ford in the invention of the modern automobile. They hand him a $20 bill, not knowing enough about US currency to give him the right amount, which was only around $5, and then leave. After Frisby closes his station for the night, the mouthless aliens contact him and tell him that he's coming with them, and then abduct him, taking him aboard their ship, explaining that they want his scientific expertise, as they believed his stories and think that he is Earth's leading intellect. When Frisby attempts to tell them that he made it all up, they do not understand him, and when asked what he would like for comfort, Frisby responds by punching one in the face, breaking his disguise. The rest of the aliens then remove their disguises, causing Frisby to faint. When he awakes, he is informed that the ship will take off soon, and that he will soon become accustomed to their appearance as he lives among the other specimens. Frisby attempts to relax with a harmonica, and sees that the music is harmful to the aliens, who begin writhing in pain as he plays. Utilizing the harmonica, he forces his way off the ship, and the mouthless aliens let him go, fleeing Earth. When Frisby arrives at the station, he finds his friends waiting for him, throwing him a surprise birthday party, but they do not believe him when he tries to tell them about his encounter with the mouthless aliens.
- The Twilight Zone, s03e30, "Hocus-Pocus and Frisby" (1962)