Alien Species

Moonflowers are a humanoid race of children-like creatures, whose main promise is to care for moons and protect them from an evil force of darkness known as the Big Bad.

Physical Description

A Moonflower is a humanoid creature, they usually comes in the form of Japanese children with different flower-like antennas on top of their heads with a white layer that light up in colour. Moonflowers don't seem to age as they start out as seeds sent to different moons by a floating being named Little Dreamer and plant themselves in the ground. Once born, a Moonflower is given a treasure that will grow into a tree based on the exact emotions they feel.

Female Moonflowers are named with an ending of the word "Zuki" while male Moonflower's name end with "Oshi".

Notable Members

  • Hanazuki
  • Kiazuki
  • Kiyoshi
  • Maroshi
  • Miyumi