The Mondra Harth is an animal native to Yavaun.
The Mondra Harth is s six-legged gargantuan reptile and one of the most fearsome and deadly of all creatures on Yavaun. A solitary and reclusive creature that can attain a size and height comparable to large buildings, and a weight in excess of 60 or more tons. The Mondra Harth is seen as a symbol among the Shama'Li, as a legendary representation of the ecological fortitude of Yavaun. The creature is feared not just for its impossible size and strength, but also for their speed and cunning. The sharp tail spikes it has can be launched from great distances, and its damaging raking attacks can be inflicted with their four-clawed paws. Mondra Harths have the unnatural ability to regenerate themselves. Due to this both Shama'Li and Obblinox mythology depict the beasts as ones who serve the mystical Original One, or Creator being of Yavaun.
Mondra Harth inhabit ancient sites of power, never straying far from the lair where they were born hence spouting mystical stories and tales sung about them. The cave-lairs of Mondra Harths are vast treasure troves as a result of those foolish enough to attempt to slay such a monster. Items such as weapons and equipment are left behind as a testament to stupidity and add to the beast's great mass of wealth. Mondra Harth's are fairly docile unless provoked but can become quite violent towards others of their species and any other intruder during their three month mating season, which usually occurs in late summer.
- War Wind