The Metztla are a monstrous species that sees humanoids and other weaker life forms as foodsource and slaves. They have a hive-like society that is orderly and made up of castes. The higher castes have individuality and therefore are able to do what they want as long as it does not pose a threat to the community. The lower castes are drones, workers and soldiers. The queen lays the eggs and manages those in the hive, and is x3 the size of those of her caste, being built into the structure itself.
It's a race with a variety of forms and abilities depending on the caste. They all are psionic and are super strong. The weakest can take x5 as much damage as a late 20th century tank and the strongest can survive a direct hit by a 800 kiloton nuke (though it will be seriously wounded). When it comes to the upper castes, most have either multiple tentacles or prehensile insect-like limbs while the lower caste drones have legs. Upper caste have an average lifespan ranging from 3000-6000 years, while for the lower cast drones its 3400-5600 years. The upper caste range in size from 8-12 ft tall to 20-30 ft tall, and 8 ft long to 50 ft long, while the lower caste drones range from 12-20 ft tall to 20-26 ft tall and 45 ft long to 50 ft long.