Martian Zombies are all that's currently left of the original humanoid inhabitants of Mars, who have been zombified and enslaved by Morg, the Martian Grim Reaper.
Like many other varieties of Zombies, the undead Martians are shambling creatures which form mobs to chase after the living, slowly repeating the word "brains" and nothing else, as that's what they feed on. Their body parts can continue to move around even after their bodies are sliced in two or blasted apart.
The Zombies themselves are preyed by native Martian predators such as Calots and Flesh-Eating Beetles.
- The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, s05e08, "Billy and Mandy vs. the Martians" (2006)
- They are remarkably similiar in appearance to the Martian species Barsoomus invadus, though whether or not they are a zombified version of this species is never mentioned.