Management are an alien species that had conquered Earth and later abandoned it after it was deemed unprofitable.
The true appearance of a Management has not been fully disclosed. Even Management's human servants normally have not seen their appearance. Though its highly hinted that Management are sone some sort of insectoid species. Brief snippets of a Management specimen reveal it to have a body composed of tendrils and pincers. These pincers also possess barbs that have an addictive drug that can induce addictive bliss.
Three hundred years ago, Management had arrived on Earth and swiftly conquered the planet and its inhabitants.
After centuries of occupation, Earth had become contaminated with alien fungus brought by Management. Alien organic technology also spread throughout human society become common use. Majority of humans on Earth had also come to accept the rulership of their alien masters.
Though there were those among humanity that still pursued the ideal of freedom against their alien oppressors. A human resistance group known Anthropartisan led by Willian Mann sought to oust Management from Earth through many terrorist actions. Due to this the people in Anthropartisan were seen as traitors.
In order bridge the gap between humans and Management, the aliens created the Hybrid Program. The program selected human mothers to carry and give birth to half-Management children. To be selected was considered a huge honor. However the results of these births were less than perfect, as they produced progeny which looked human, before developing into grotesque creatures due to the duality of their genes. The program was considered a failure and scrapped.
The aliens occupation of Earth ended after the assassination of Management Prince Ha'Tuk. The alien's death was made possible thanks to the efforts of Mann and Marta Gonzales, a Management police officer who provided him inside information on a supply ship The Gallant. Her motivation for betraying her masters, was due to being a former member of the Hybrid Program, allowing her to have a child of her own. But after the program was shut-down due to the poor success, Management gave the order to force Marta to have an abortion, earning her grief and pain that culminated in her siding with the terrorists. The death of the Management Prince, the aliens ultimately led to the aliens' decision to cut their losses and abandon their claim on Earth, deeming humans to be too volatile to control.
Mann then wasted no time to take the reigns of power, and his first act to destroy all traces of Management was the execution of all the Hybrid children to give the masses that supported him what they wanted, scapegoats. This ended in a public execution of the Hybrids with their remains buried in Central Park.
Five years after Management had left, human society had become polarized between those that resisted the aliens and those Management loyalists. In cities like New York, both groups were forced to work with one another in order to maintain society though it did not prevent some conflicts from occurring.
William Mann, former head of the Anthropartisan had become the mayor of New York City, though faced difficulties in maintaining order in city, not just due to internal issues, but also economic and political issues. Since the departure of Management, the alien currency humanity had been mostly dependent on for their economy was now scarce. Trust in the new regime was low as the newly printed Nuevo Dollares were untrusted and regarded as worthless by most human companies, despite it being more safer to carry.
Marta having been made a pariah for being a traitor, worked as an independent detective, was approached Grace Weaver, widow of General Weaver, one of the strongest supporters of Management, with a job to find her missing son, Titus. Having her suspicions, Marta deduced that Titus was a Hybrid, considering the Weaver family's close association with Management. Later having dug the graves of the Hybrids in Central Park, she discovered that the Hybrids that were killed five years ago were actually humans. The detective confronted Mrs. Weaver on this and the widow confessed that Titus was a Hybrid and that she and other families who harbored Hybrids were given a deal by Mann to hide them away from the world, under house arrest, in exchange for one hour of police interaction every month.
Shortly after Marta left the Weaver residence, she was ambushed by goons working for Mann, who confronted her about speaking with the widow. Mann admitted that he made a deal with the families of the Hybrids to keep them safe, and those killed in Central Park were actually Management agitators who refused to bend to the new regime. The deception worked for years, but now all the Hybrids were now missing and needed her help.
As Marta dug deeper into the conspiracy she learned that many drug dealers dealing in Management drugs were being killed. Not only that some members of the resistance who acquired high ranking positions in the city had begun to commit suicide as if under extreme pressure. It soon became apparent that a new drug was being peddled on the streets one that was not of Management make, but actually was derived from the aliens and was used in interrogation. Marta was then attacked by her old partner, Matt Dyson who was the one responsible for kidnapping the Hybrids as he was milking their blood to make the drug.
After she informed Mann of this, he revealed that the city was under dire straits as the ichor which powered the Management building facilities had only a six month supply and that humans were incapable of making more of it. Faced with the pressure, Mann revealed that he was an addict of the Management drug, as in the past while part of the resistance, he was captured and repeatedly subjected to interrogation by the drug. The drug being highly addictive, made him spill everything to the aliens, on the resistance's operations, showing that the aliens had hooks within the human terrorists since the very early days of its formation. Though thanks to Marta, Management's control on Earth was deemed infeasible causing them to leave. After the aliens left Earth, they supply of the drug was gone, so the addicts in the resistance turned to the last source found in the blood of Hybrids, using their house arrests as covers to keep their addiction going.
After Matt Dyson learned of the Hybrids survival, he kidnapped them to exploit their blood to create a new drug for profit and potentially blackmail the mayor and his accomplices. Marta while being treated by an underground doctor was kidnapped by Matt so he could kill her to tie loose ends. Unknown to him, Mann had placed a tracking device on Marta, allowing to bring his private forces to slaughter Dyson's men. Dyson having underestimated Marta was killed by her. Just as Marta was rescuing and freeing the Hybrids, Mann arrived intent on taking the Hybrids to nurse his addiction, disgusting Marta. After a tense fight she managed to kill the mayor to save the Hybrids from being exploited.
The main objective of Management appears to be effective administration of their territory. Their strategies appear to be compose of cold-calculated efforts. And also have little regard to their human servants, seeing them as expendable.
- "Management has many arms which to give and take"
- -Management Scripture
Management appears to encourage their thrall races, such as humanity, to perceive them as inscrutable beings beyond normal comprehension.
This awe of Management has thus left the aliens in a god-like status, with many followers thinking being killed or hurt in the line of duty for Management was a worthwhile dream. Thus martyrdom is seen as a blessing or being in relative proximity to the aliens an honor.
Natives under the control of the aliens, are indoctrinated to believe that their duty is to serve Management, ignoring the erasure of their racial culture and abuse of individual rights.
On Earth there was a cult known as the Order of Saint Carapace, zealots nuns who entomb themselves in mantis-like exoskeletons and believe Management are gods. They act as school teachers to the young, propagating Management propaganda.
Not much is known about the internal workings of Management. Though based on the titles such as Management Prince, it appears they are led by an aristocracy.
Management script resembled cuneiform hieroglyphs. As for Management Tongue, in comparison to English, which Management supporters deemed was starched and airless, was more romantic.
Management technology seemed to be purely organic based, almost composed of some sort of fungus derivative species. Examples of such technology included personal inhalers for elderly that was a living organism attached to their necks, a mold that produce holographic images, and even personal combat gear like gelatinous sheaths. However all this fungus requires to be maintained by a healthy supply of ichor. Said ichor being made through the decomposing animal and human flesh.
Management appeared to value copper, and it was said that they took most of the metal from Earth during their occupation. They posses their own currency called Management scrip and was highly coveted due to its value in the market. Though it was noted to be toxic to humans.
- Paknadel & Trakhanov's Turncoat Issue 1
- Paknadel & Trakhanov's Turncoat Issue 2
- Paknadel & Trakhanov's Turncoat Issue 3
- Paknadel & Trakhanov's Turncoat Issue 4