Alien Species

The Magog a nomadic parasitoidic mammalian species from an unknown galaxy. They are known to have a connection to the Spirit of the Abyss.


Magog have a fairly Humanoid body plan, with all having two nostrils, two legs, two arms, two eyes, etc, some features of their biology can depend on their host, the leader of the Magog aboard the World Ship seemed to have features similar to a Chichin and several Magog who where birthed from a Hajira shared their host's genetic memory, in other words, Magog biology is complex

The only thing unanimous among the Magog is their means of reproduction, Magog begin life when a member of their species is bitten by another Magog, inserting Magog DNA into the host's bloodstream, the DNA develops in the abdomen of other species as larvae, which can be made dormant with medication as well as removed with a tesseract field, eventually if the larvae aren't removed, they will burst from the host, consuming them shortly there after, Magog mature extremely fast, and reproduce at a similar speed.

Culture and Society[]

Magog are barbarian culture, going from galaxy to galaxy infesting hundreds of worlds, they have only one known species wide religion, which revolves around worship of an entity known as The Spirit of the Abyss.


Magog have an unknown history, with even their place of origin being a mystery. They were first discovered when they attacked the Systems Commonwealth and the Nietzschean Alliance, their origins where mysterious until the High Guard ship Andromeda Ascendant travelled to the galaxy M86 in the Virgo Cluster, by the time they got there, the whole galaxy was but dust and black holes, with the only star being that at the centre of the World Ship, and the Magog killed the entire crew of the starship, and its A.I had its memory erased, the Magog invasion ended with the Treaty of Antares and this was one of the major causes of the Nietzschean Uprising and the fall of the Commonwealth.

At an unknown point, a Magog known as The Enlightened, went to Earth and seeded a holy man with his young, before his death, the holy man taught The Enlightened the ways of Jesus, Muhammed and the Buddha, after the birth of his young and death of the holy man, The Enlightened taught his children the holy figures and later went on to found Wayism, a major religion after the fall.

Near the end of the Long Night, the rescued Andromeda Ascendant with its new crew once again encountered the Magog and the Worldship for the second time and the megastructure was briefly immobilized after the artificial star at its centre was destroyed by a nova bomb, with a new star being slowly formed while the New Systems Commonwealth united and the attack of the aliens from the Pocket Universe.

After the World ship was repaired, it went to the space station Arkology and managed to overpower the forces of the New Commonwealth, until a Celestial Avatar charged into the coalition, killing the Magog leader, creator and the Spirit of the Abyss, the Magog most likely are not extinct as they have many colonies.


  • The galaxy the Magog originate from is not known, but they are known to have colonies in the Milky Way, Andromeda, Triangulum, and Centaurus A galaxies.